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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Hunting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 113 > Editorial


What is with the Neocam and the ducks are you guys playing or serious? - Twalker55
Hehe... you should know by now, we are rarely totally serious :)

How come in the game Test Your Strength the strength of your pet doesn't matter? Eg - I have a pet that is titanic strangth and one that is average strength and the one with average strength did better. - Jyman263
There is a certain element of randomness in the test your strength game. Maybe your strongest pet was having an off day. I'm sure it will do better next time.

I was reading back news for the fun of it and i noticed that during the TCG tournament, someone had thier deck built by "the king of the potato people".. could that possibly be from RED DWARF?? (best show ever ever ever!!) - Firetruckbabe
Haha... maybe :)

I visited the Tombola and the Tiki Tack Man looks weird...who is that? - Starryeve_angel21
Wierd? He looks perfectly fine to me!

At the end of the plot, is there a battle? I neeeeeed to battle to test out my "1337" battling skillz:) - Aeril_imladrad
I'm afraid there will be no battle this time, not everything is solved by fighting you know...

Are you changing the Angelpuss to Angelpi or what? - Girlsrulez24
Not at all. Angelpi is the plural of Angelpuss. One Angelpuss, two Angelpi etc.

Is it considered cheating if neofriends help you on the faerie quest? - Zestyorc808
Not at all, its just being a little bit creative.

Hehe, I saw on your lookup, Donna, that your the Root Canal Champion! Hehehehe....can I play that game too? - Mistress_lavender
Ooh ick, you REALLY don't want to do that...

You know those background sketches of neopets you make, well I was wondering if you can make some faeries sketches? - Million_gink
Yes, as soon as we are done with all the different species we will start on Faeries.

What do you mean by the mystery is over and the island is back to normal (mostly)? - Madie4penguinz
The mystery has been solved, the Shaman was defeated and the nice Moltenore is back where it belongs. Slowly the people of Mystery Island are going back to their daily routines.

I was wondering, what does a mutant paint brush look like? It's not in the complete list. - Tapioka279
There isn't a mutant paint brush. Your pet can only be mutated if it drinks a transmogrification potion.

If you paint your pet with the baby paintbrush, does that mean it can only eat babyfood? - Tinyniel
Oooh no, it can still eat all its favourite foods. The paintbrush is just a new look, it doesn't actually turn your pet into a baby. Otherwise it would forget all that cool stuff that it has learnt so far.

What was the solution to the mystery island mystery? - Sandra5620
Bah, I'm not telling, you just have to figure it out for yourself.

The description for Neoflakes Cakes says 'Small bars of cake made out of melted chocolate and Neoflakes' what ARE neoflakes? - Luna_may_black
Its a type of cereal made from flakes of corn.

Why does Adam have WAY more NP than Donna? - Theskyfaeries
Because Adam is a meanie :)

Does the Glass negg have any effect on your neopet? - Cancan48
Contrary to what you may think the glass negg does nothing to your neopet when they eat it, it is just a rather pretty thing to let your pet chomp into.

I have heard of the "red codestones" and may I ask what they are? - Luckyangelstar21
Sure you can, they are codestones but they are red. More will be revealed soon...

I've heard 'Ghoti' is pronounced 'fish'. How so? - Carlemb
I am afraid someone has been pulling your leg. It is pronounced Go-tee.

Can Coltzan's Shrine still give out one million neopoints? - Angelic_pheonix
Yes, if you are very fortunate.

When will the Neopets B*Stylin Button Designer be in stores? It looks like fun! - Spongeluver112
I think it comes out this month actually. Ok so it has a bit of a silly name but it is actually a lot of fun to play around with. You can create any design of badge you like and they really do look like professional badges you would buy in a shop.

How is the gormball made? Is it a water balloon or something? And why is it called Gormball? - Neopepsi101
Yes its a water balloon, only because it is from the space station its a rather high tech water balloon with a built in timer. As for the name, who knows, it is a Grundo thing, Grundos always have silly names...

I was looking around and I meandered over to Adam's userlookup. I like to battledome so I checked his one player record and it turns out that he LOST to Punchbag Bob. How is this possible if Bob doesnt attack? - The_butchershop
Adam is completely awful in the battledome :) Hehe, sometimes Punchbag Bob's evil twin Sid steps into the battledome. Unlike his nice brother, Sid doesn't take kindly to people who keep hitting him again and again.

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Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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