Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 122,607,461 Issue: 247 | 7th day of Swimming, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

The crowd is roaring, and the next Yooyu is Fire! Zo slams on his wings, passes to Dirx, and SCORES AT THE BUZZER! HAUNTED WOODS WINS!!!!

Are They Really Bland?

This fish is blue, with a few darker blue and white stripes along its body, some brown fins, two big bulgy eyes, a long thin line of a mouth, and, as you can probably expect from my horrendously boring description of the creature, is known as the Blandfish. The blandfish is the most boring, drab, dreary, dull, insipid, lackluster, spiritless, unanimated, uninspired, vapid, wearisome underwater creature ever to swim in the waters of Neopia. Or... is it?

Guide for Manly Men

All of the following things do not contain one manly thing about them: the color pink, Usuki dolls, shades of purple, the Rainbow Pool, faerie magic, Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop… And that’s nothing. Believe or not, Neopia is overrun mainly by femininity, which makes it increasingly difficult for a mega manly man pet to survive. The effect that females have had upon Neopia is overwhelming and opens up so many questions. Why are all the faeries...

Secrets of the Slots

Ever feel swindled at the slot machines? Watching them spin, were you certain those reels were going to fall in line, but some hidden force made them land less favorably? Well, do you want to know what that something is? I'm sure you do, and so did I, so I went undercover to find out. Just a short time ago, Neopia was in an uproar with the discovery of Altador. I took advantage of this rare turn of events to dig into the world of slots...

Other Stories
"One Night at Midnight" by puppy200010
He should be out now, doing other things, like, for example, his nightly hour of Deadly Dice, but strangely, he wasn't in the mood for those predetermined plans. No, he was in the mood for something much different. He was in the mood for... for... neo tacos. He drooled at the thought. But no. Tonight he would do something different...

"Some Assembly Required" by trisshamster
"We're bored!!! We've played with all our toys!!! We're bored!!! We want something to do!!!" Now, I am a very patient person, but when one has been pestered like this for two and a half hours on end, one's patience does wear thin. I was at the end of my wits when the doorbell rang. "Ooh! Ooh! I wanna get it! I wanna get it!"

"Transmogrification" by valkyriemaiden
I turned round quickly at the voice and found myself beak-to-nose with a striking- even beautiful- mutant Korbat. At first I started in fright- I had never seen one of these creatures before. But her eyes were large, gleaming and kind and I knew at once that she would not harm me. I greeted her in the formal Tyrannian style and she laughed...

Music is the Key

This week's issue is brought to you by: Rink Runner
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