A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 180,588,809 Issue: 410 | 18th day of Gathering, Y11
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

If you are a chocolate fan or addict, DO NOT consider a chocolate pet. The temptation will be too much to resist. You will never be able to live with yourself if in a moment of weakness you eat your own pet.

Slorgs in Space

Point and shoot. Groups of three or more of the same colour will disintegrate. You receive bonus points for taking out multiple groups of slorgs in a row. The rainbow power-up turns into the colour of slorg it hits, and the slow-down power-up will slow the slorgs if you shoot it. To proceed to the next level, disintegrate all of the slorgs before they reach the exit...

The Chocolatier

What about rarities of 99? They are so immensely rare – that they are hardly ever seen on the Neopian Market! Truly these are the sweetest and most delicious? Of course, they are sweet... but they are not the best. There is one last rarity left for us to explore! Rarity 100 chocolates! The last rarity to stock in ANY Neopian shop! Prized by gourmets...

The Chocolate Ball: Tasty Treat or Grand Event?

Making my way to the front desk of the famed Chocolate Factory in the Neopian Bazaar, I was greeted by a friendly Kiko with a bandaged head, blue top hat, cute little beard, and a cane which I strongly suspected to be made out of chocolate. As I entered the castle-like doors of the shop, the shopkeeper turned my way and said, "Welcome to the Chocolate Factory!"

Other Stories
"The Trouble with Trillian" by feng_ling1
"Aw, don't be like that, Carol Elizabeth," Lianne said, seeing Trillian shoot a fearful glance at her. "She's a new addition to the family! She's got to be welcomed." Athena and Mei crowded around Trillian, fussing over their newest sister, bombarding her with questions about her life in the pound...

"Magic Lessons" by mckinleybooksfan
"I'd better go and give my sister a few warnings," Esmerelda said as she quickly turned to follow her sister up to the Peophin's room. "Simple Spells has a few misleadingly named enchantments. If we really don't want the house to burn down, I should probably warn..."

"Fireworks in Shenkuu" by honshusan
I kept up this lie for so long, I can't remember when it started. The guilt pains me. I didn't know how I could ever make up for it. I suppose I should go into more detail. Yeah, this would probably make more sense that way. So, this awful, terrible, horrible thing I've done...

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Great stories!


Underdogs: Part Four
He wiggled his paws experimentally, planted his feet on the ground, and tried to stand. He collapsed in a heap. "Never did understand the fuss about legs," he muttered...

Art by nut862

by nut862


The Clouds Never Lie
"It's not looking good today, Maile," Azalea whispered. "Better than usual, but it's not worth getting our hopes up."

by tanyawebber


The Flowers
"So, let me get this straight. We're crashing the Faerie Queen’s party?"

by newmoon653


This house is falling apart!

by ivie_outrage


James Nexis - Betrayal: Part Ten
How could this have happened? It had been going smoothly- almost too smoothly...

by punctuation_ninja

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