Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 194,561,505 Issue: 775 | 31st day of Running, Y19
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Some of the visitors looked like they could certainly hold their own against the darker forces of Neopia, but others seemed scarcely to know what to do with the weapons they carried. Kids, the lupe thought, chuckling to himself softly. Not that he judged them. Once upon a time he too had been one of those starry-eyed young hopefuls, with high aspirations and not a lick of common sense to back them up.

Defenders of Neopia

The long awaited Defenders of Neopia: Series 3 has finally arrived (as I’m sure we’re all aware)! As promised, Series 3 is going to do things different from the first two series. Instead of being told who the antagonist is and finding the location to be challenged by them, Series 3’s missions play out like a mini-plot. You’re told of a situation going on and tasked to investigate it, following clues and your intuition to discover who’s responsible, defeat them, and resolving the problem. But why explain when I can show!

Ready For April Fools

The best thing is that at the end of the day, everyone has fun no matter whether you are an experienced player, or someone who is new to Neopets. Neopians just wanna have some fun. So, what do you think is going to happen this year? It’s certainly very unpredictable. I have no doubt that TNT’s minds are working at full speed right now to give us the most fun (and also the most deceiving) April Fools prank ever. Since we cannot actually guess what to expect, I’ll tell you the coolest pranks that happened in previous years so you can keep your eyes wide open when the time comes.

Advice Column

Are you an eager reader of the editorial and wish Country Queen could answer 200 questions a week? So am I! But she's very, very busy so I thought I'd jump in to help take on a bit of that load, so I'm here to dish out some of the best advice. I've rummaged through the Neoboards trying to find the most needy Neopians so that I can help them solve all their problems! They've written directly to me with some issues and I have published them all here so maybe you can take something away from it too! Without further ado, here's my advice!

Other Stories
"To Be a Defender" by miu1109
This is Neopia Central, the bustling hub of activity in Neopia, housing a wide variety of shops. This is where tens of thousands of Neopians would frequent daily, where the population of natives are dwarfed by the sheer number of visitors. Picture the streets of Neopia Central. Warm, golden rays of sunlight caressing the skin of your body. The heavenly waft of freshly prepared food. The buzz of lively chatters. A brilliant rainbow stretches from the Central of the pool to the horizon. It is Neopian Central in daytime, the one that everyone would think of and says, yes, that’s the Neopian Central I remember. Now, imagine— The sun sinks into the midnight blue of the sky. The last of Neopians heading back home, taking with them the latest gossips and the last sounds of life. Above, the silver moon-sliver wanes. Picture the streets of Neopia Central without the embrace of everything warm and lively. Tendrils of the night wrap around every possible corner, swallowing the land, transforming it into something else entirely. This is the Neopian Central that not many Neopians will notice.

"Stealing the Show" by cephalioupod
Next to the profile, stern yellow eyes glowered from within the shadowy depths of a hood. A pair of long, sleek blue ears perched high atop the head seemed to blow in the wind. A few locks of black hair peeked out from under the hood almost teasingly, hinting at a dashing windswept style - perhaps a Unitail. The chiselled blue face was cut dramatically by a scar beneath the right eye, and tipped by a black nose that fans and magazines described as "perfectly boopable". Asha pressed a button and Kanrik's swoonworthy profile vanished from the screen. Her standard Junior Defender communicator was left to display the time again, like an ordinary wristwatch. The athletic Xweetok struck a triumphant pose just like Judge Hog's - she had practised for hours in front of her mirror. "Keep your sticky hands to yourself, Kanrik, or you might just find a pocketful of Justice!" A few passers-by raised their eyebrows at her. "That's because he picks pockets!" Asha called after them, holding her heroically raised fist a little higher. "So if he does, he'll get what he deserves - justice - retribution - it's a one-liner! It's like I carry justice around with me..."

"The Shadow Man's Game" by sindria_trace
The moon sat high and bright in the sky the fateful night Ahlia the Aisha wandered upon the carnival. She hadn’t been intending on traveling there, far from it actually. Ahlia had been looking for her beloved brother Sam as she always did on nights like this. It was 3 years ago that same night, with the shining moon high in the sky that he disappeared into The Haunted Woods. It all happened so fast, they were playing on the outer edge of the imposing forest trying to soak up the last few minutes of the warm sunset before their mother was sure to call them for dinner. Sam threw the ball they were playing with just a little too far and it was swept away into the darkness of the forest. They gave each other a brief terror-stricken glance before he assured her that it would be fine. Ahlia weakly smiled back her brother and saw him for the last time. No one thought that Sam could still be out there. They said if he had not made it out of those woods within the first few hours then he never would. Ahlia however never gave up hope, she was certain that she could find him and with each trek into the crumbling forest she felt she was getting closer.

Stand With Those That Defend Our Great Lands

This week's issue is brought to you by: Defenders of Neopia
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