The Scorchio
Despite looking quite complicated, anyone can draw a Scorchio, as long as you start off
simply. Follow these steps, and you will soon be drawing Scorchios with ease.
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printable version.
Next add two arms like so. Draw a small circle for your Scorchio's hands. Don't worry
if your picture is becoming confusing, very soon you can erase all the guidelines and it
will start to fall into place.
One of the last things you add are the Scorchio's wings. The easiest way to explain these
is just to copy the shape shown in the picture. Once you have added the wings, draw a dip
in the middle of your Scorchio's nose, like so. Lastly add two little points on the left
side of your Scorchio's mouth.
Now erase all the guidelines and you should be left with something like this.
Draw spikes along the top of your Scorchio's tail and add toes and claws to its feet.
The right leg needs to be made a little less round, so draw a line from the leg to the
body and back to the toes, like so.