Though this Gelert thief deceived Hannah, he eventually regained her trust by helping to cure the Usul after she was cursed. Kanrik is now the leader of the Thieves Guild, due to his defeat of the evil Galem Darkhand. Now you can draw your very own portrait of this brave (if somewhat underhanded) Gelert!
Click here for a printable version.
Your drawing is almost complete! Add some finishing touches, such as a pattern on his tunic, a buckle on his belt, and a patch on his belt-pouch, to give your drawing extra character. Finally, fill in Kanrik's nose and pupils, along with making a few shadows around his hood.
It's now time to give your drawing some colour. You can use anything you'd like, from crayons to paints!
Give your picture a bit of added depth by including plenty of shading and texture. You should now have your very own portrait of Kanrik, leader of the Thieves Guild!