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Swordsmaster Talek
Now you can draw Swordsmaster Talek head of the Maraquan army with this step-by-step guide!

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Now begin finishing off some of the things we have started. Draw curved lines on his head to finish off the spikes and also drawk another curved line up from the sword base to finish off the blade of his swords. Now we need to finished his arms and hands by adding some definition to the arms and adding claws to his hands. Now give him a face.

Your next step is going to be to give him some armour, and to also make his swords look like they are chipped. Once you have done that draw curved lines to connect the spikes on his head.

Now to make his armour look more impressive you need to update the handles of his swords so that they have some extra lines. After you do that draw three curved lines on his belly, this will be part of his armour. Now you need to give him a tounge and also nostrils. After you do that add a couple of lines to his helmet to make it look more interesting.

Next give him eyebrows. After you do that draw some long curvy lines from his upper lip. These will become his mustache. After you do that give his swords handles and put a couple of chips in his armour.