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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Beware, Young Cylara!
By Anjie

Young Cybunny, heed my call,
Take heed, it's not too late!
Your actions from this very point
Shall help decide your fate.

Beyond the station's metal walls,
A force waits in the night.
He's longed for aeons to return
And show us vengeful might!

Sweet Cylara, be aware!
It's courage that you'll need
As you wander the station's halls,
Brave Gorix in the lead!

Garoo commanders wander by,
Make haste and don't be seen!
Shield yourself behind each door
And hide in rooms between.

A strange computer does await,
Its puzzles will confound.
Can send you crazy as you think,
Without a single sound.

Your parents and the mystery scout
Are trapped and held by force,
By villains who have seized control,
Without shame or remorse.

With that Grundo as your guide,
You must stay brave and true!
Neopia and all its folk
Shall all depend on you.

By _Razcalz_

Here on Terror Mountain's summit
Lies Neopia's most frustrating game.
Down those slopes the Darblat will plummet;
With snow you must hit him -- ready your aim!

Snow cannon set into the ice
Waiting on the mountain high,
Then out of nowhere, at eleven seconds precise,
The Darblat comes sliding by!

You let off a cannonful of snow,
Looks like you've been caught unawares
Too slow!
The Petpet tumbles merrily on, ignores your glare.

He stops at the bottom of the hill,
A big raspberry that rascal of a Petpet blows.
You vow to stay until
You manage to splat him on the nose.

You reload your cannon,
Determined for another shot.
In less than the time it takes to peel a banana,
The Darblat comes streaking again, ready or not!

Without thinking, you
Fire away with all your might.
SPLAT! Right on cue!
With snow the Petpet is covered -- a comical sight!

Nothing yields more satisfaction
Than giving that Petpet a nice snow splat.
Up for some fun, a bit of action?
Step forward to the challenge of the Darblat!

Adventuring Heroes
By Mystarrie

His enemies descended into the dust as Rohane
Thundered boldly through the Meridell plains.
A thundering swipe, a flash of silver
And the nefarious Ramtor was slain.

He was thrust into the icy caves,
As the wizard Mipsy cast powerful spells.
They ascended the snow-capped mountains --
There Scuzzy ignominiously fell.

In the sweltering heat of the vast desert,
They wandered through ancient sands.
Talinia pierced the ruthless Anubits.
He was defeated at their hands.

The Haunted Woods were dark and infested but
Velm vanquished the enemies in the war.
The malicious faeries shrank into the shadows
And they conquered the evil Esophagor.

In Faerieland's feathery clouds, the group
Together valiantly crushed their deadly foes.
Terask, the mastermind of malevolence,
Was overthrown by the adventuring heroes.

Lament for the Crevasse to Tyrannia
By Schefflera

Oh, once upon a time
In a cave full of rime,
We shivered -- then, shocked by a tremor,
We saw the ice shift,
And we crept through the rift
To a land hot enough to cook dinner.

Of jungle and rock
We tried to take stock,
But mostly we stood around staring.
Then natives arrived
And politely contrived
We should play the games they felt like sharing.

With many a grunt
And examples abundant,
At length we got some comprehension.
They told us of wheels
And other such thrills --
All sorts of attractions to mention.

It's true that it stank --
Yes, it really was rank!
But warm and bizarre and exotic.
With omelette free
And concerts to see,
Exploring just made us ecstatic.

Oh, where is it now?
Well, they've closed it somehow,
And it's no more our holiday hotspot.
O Tyrannia fair,
With your fetid warm air...
We'll miss you, and keep warm with hopscotch.

The Lunar Temple
By Tanikagillam

The old Gnorbu peered at me,
Wondering what business I had with he.
He tugged his long white beard,
And I'll admit he looked a little weird.

"Why are you in Shenkuu?
What do you intend to do?
Games we have none,
Nothing here is fun!"

"Surely there is something to do,
Nothing is eye-catching, that's true,
But there must be a game of some sort,
Anything as a time escort.

For I came upon this little town,
Whilst doing my paper round.
I thought I'd have a quick look,
But no games, pets, or even one book?!

I must admit, it's quite a let-down,
For I was expecting something from this town.
Is there not anything I might try?"
I asked the Gnorbu with a sigh.

"Hmm... I guess there might,
It's quite hard, is that all right?
Well, step this way, Miss.
And have a look at this."
I follow the Gnorbu into a tall room,
With pictures on the wall of Neopia's moon.
A lunar temple, of course it must be,
I wonder what the Gnorbu wants me to see.

He gabbles his challenge, I accept with a smile,
Thinking of the answer all the while.
"Which one is facing right,
To give the moon its angled light?"

"That one!" I cry, pointing to his book,
As he moves closer to get a better look.
"Why, you're right! Didn't think you knew..."
And with that he hobbled to.

Out the temple, into Shenkuu,
Off to tell the town of his new game to do.
I wave at the old Gnorbu as I leave his town,
And I know that at last, he won't be feeling down.

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