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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Which Turdle Cometh...
By chubby216

The race is on, come see them run
Five Turdles scamper at the sound of the gun
All yellow in color with a spotted shell
They each have a downfall that's not so swell
Number One is called Stinky with last minute feats
His antics will keep you on the edge of your seat
Poopy is Number Two with a gleam in his eye
Every trick there is he's likely to try
Here's Number Three, Stinky's his name
Only his smell precedes him in this silly game
Squelchy comes in at a slow Number Four
Watch him carefully kids, he'll stick to the floor
Number Five, though he answers to Nutty
You'll have to call loudly
while he sleeps in the putty
So, here you go folks,
which contestant will plummeth
Now you must decide which turdle will cometh?

The Haunted Woods of Neopia
By chrishankhah

Many a pet has traversed this world,
With many an owner to guide -
To mountain peeks; through desert sands...
They travel side-by-side.

But there is a place of lost despair,
Of hopeless, utter dark...
A place of dead - or undead, so -
Where few should dare embark...

The Haunted Woods of Neopia
Is a land of long lost souls,
And decaying, walking bodies, dead...
From their disrupted gravened holes.

But few the brave adventurers go,
To explore the Scary Cave...
Or dare creep through the Haunted House,
Where none's soul can be saved.

Seeking quests from an old sorceress
They climb the dark Witch's Tower -
Not realising that they soon will find
The true extent of her power.

Or they may seek the Korbat's Lab,
Or play Kauvara's Potion Game...
Or with their pets, a game of Fetch! -
If they can return the way they came.

Alas, I cannot tell you all -
For you must venture there, your own...
If you seek more knowledge of the Haunted Woods,
You may fill in what's unknown...

For after all, mysterious deaths...
Are yours to solve for the 'Tree'...
And many more poems and stories await-
If you find them, you may see.

Now take my dare, and venture off...
For the Haunted Forest awaits...
And fear not what may haunt you there,
For there are worse, and darker fates.

By sarpedon7

My pet is a scratchcard addict,
He buys them all the time.
I try to tell him he's sick,
but then he starts to cry.
"I cannot help but scratch away!"
He pleads and begs and whines,
"Please buy me more right now, today!
I promise, I'll be fine!"

Of course I relent and visit
that greedy Wocky's hut,
He must have a giant pit,
Where he keeps the loot he's got.
Race to Riches, Faeries Fortune, Oh!
My pet has done them all,
Peaks O Plenty, Terror Trove,
He always has a ball.

One day I will drag my pet
down to therapy.
Maybe he'll wise up and get
rid of his disease.
It doesn't seem too likely though,
because I'm just like he is.
Although I'm running short on dough,
Those scratchcards I can't miss!

A Day at the Turdle Races
By silver_wolf_rider

My pets and I were sitting
all the long, long day.
Let me tell you, it was boring
So I sat up and said, "Hey!"

"We've seen the Poogle Races,
We've spun until we've dropped.
And that ol' Wheel of Exitment
just ain't exiting enough."

Let's try something different
With flash and fame and style
Let's head down to Meridell
and watch the Turdles race awile."

The track was round and dusty,
The Turdles ready to race
And I looked at each one of them
to see what bet I should place.

Stinky's Turdle number one,
And he's the fastest guy.
And even if he's way behind,
You'll see him fly right by.

Number two is Poopy.
The most cunning of the lot.
Though he might be seen cheating,
Or maybe he will not.

Stinky, number three.
He isn't very clean.
But of one thing I'm sure
His smell is very mean.

Number four is Squelchy,
A sticky little dude.
And I think sticking to the floor
Is not a winning attitude.

Last is Five, that's Nutty.
He is what he's named.
He could be fast and racey.
Or sleepy and dead-brained.

So I put my bet on Poopy.
He really makes me grin.
I hope I'll still be smiling
When little Poopy wins.

So woosh! Ka-zam!
They're off! Hooray!
I wonder who will win today!?!
The dust has cleared, the race is won!

But now that all the shouting's done
I have one question,
only one.
Who has won?

Is it Poopy?
Huzza! It is!
Good for you, pal!
I bet on you,
and now I'm rich!

One thing's for sure,
I'm telling you,
I'd get to the races
And bet on number two!

Our Little World
By sammie2242

Fly fly little Scorchio,
Fly beyond this world of air,
The softest cloud the whitest dove,
Upon the wind of Faerieland,
Past Meridell and Maraqua,
Leave this open world of air,
Escape the Snowager and the wars,
And fly someplace.

Fly fly little Scorchio,
Your endless search has begun,
Take your sweet happiness,
And cross the ocean and end up on,
Mystery Island's shore,
There are friends there for evermore,
But hold this memory bitter sweet until we meet.

Fly fly to another shore,
Don't waste another breath you're far and near,
Your heart is pure your wings are free,
Don't worry about the Haunted Woods,
Fly some more to the Lost Desert,
See this world on the hands of time,
The moon will rise the sun will set
but you don't forget.

Fly fly little Scorchio,
Fly where only Faeries sing,
Terror Mountain's to the right,
Tyrannia`s in the light,
But you want a place to fly for the night,
Krawk Island's too far now,
So you head to the Virtupets Space Station,
You see there your family
you've been searching for,
Now you're filled with happiness,
You take your family to neopia and live there.
Forever more.

Total Poetry Pages : 2757

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