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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Ixi Day Special

The Ixi Lancer, A Brave Warrior
by precious_katuch14

The Ixi Lancer, a brave warrior,
A loyal fighter, a strong adventurer,
Defender of the weak, standing tall,
An Ixi who protects all.

His armour glints in the sunlight
As he fights for what is right.
His fur is green as grass,
And he exudes poise and class.

He charges into battle
His faithful lance rattles,
His hooves loudly thunder,
Rending the ground asunder.

He rears up with a determined grin,
And thrusts his lance for a win.
Swift, nimble and ever brave,
Always ready for a rescue or save.

Hardworking each and every day,
Driving the forces of evil away,
Truly, an upstanding heroic Ixi
A role model for all to see.

The Ixi Lancer, a brave warrior,
A loyal fighter, a strong adventurer,
Come rest your weary hooves, I say,
And enjoy this glorious Ixi Day!

Sophie the Swamp Witch
by _polonius_

Deep in the forests of the Haunted Woods
There lives an Ixi who is often misunderstood
She can often be quite daunting
While others find her to be a little haunting

Can you guess the Ixi who I am naming?
This poetry writing can be quite draining
Another clue you can receive
Her name is Sophie I do believe
The Swamps her ideal place for her to be self-sufficient
She's the best Ixi in all of Neopia - there is simply no other opposition

For Science!
by parody_ham

Alone in his lab this Ixi toils
As his flask of Slothite boils.
Creating new compounds as he sees fit,
Discovering molecules sure to emit

Colours aplenty in beakers and tubes
Some of them even stay stable in cubes!
Titration of too many compounds to count 
Be cautious! They explode in any amount.

You offer your service to him as an aide
An interning chemist, experience paid
Is what he claims brashly as he ushers you in
Within the strange lab you scurry with a grin

Some molecules are a tad volatile.
Caution is needed, create them in a while.
Lest you explode his favourite vial,
And hear the mad ramblings of the chemist you rial.

When you ask why in lab he toils away 
He answers this question without delay,
“For SCIENCE, of course!” he declares with a shout,
“The best reason there is without any doubt.”

The Puzzling Sinsi
by trubiekatie

It just happens to be Ixi Day today;
Across Neopia, many are here to play.
A challenging puzzle-based game,
 Where no level is exactly the same.

This game is run by a famous Ixi,
Neopia’s beloved brown deer, Sinsi.
Multiple piercings adorn her ears,
While her difficult game leaves us in tears.

We try switching the symbols to match,
It may sound easy, there’s a catch:
You have to use shapes to make a change,
And these shapes come pre-arranged. 

I’m truly stumped, trying to switch,
How do I know which one is which?
The swords become helmets, back again,
This game is becoming a real pain.

I want to progress to the next level,
I swear, this task is made by the devil!
I can’t help myself – this game is too fun,
Even when the prizes are none!

Tarla's Shop of Mystery
by starishblue

"Welcome to my Shop of Mystery
Where great experiences await!
There's no telling what you'll unravel
If you would care to try your fate."

Tucked away in Terror Mountain
With untold treasures inside
Lies a warehouse with gems curated
From travels far and wide

She carefully fills each bag with
A prized possession, no less
With homogenous packaging, one can only
Take their wildest guess!

With many keen to try their luck
Crowds gather from sunrise
After all, what could possibly triumph
Unlocking a little surprise?

You open the Mystery Bag to find
A... Ketchup Caramel Squid Delight?
The Ixi shrugs and shakes her head
"Well, at least it was fun... right?"

The Grey Ixi
by truebrony

As I strolled along the lush fields of Meridell,
I saw lots of Ixis looking happy and swell.
Darigan, Plushie, Glowing, Maraquan,
But there’s one special Ixi that caught my attention.

Alone by herself in a far-off corner,
The Grey Ixi sat with no friends before her.
Oh lovely Grey Ixi, why so forlorn?
Why do you look so tired and worn?

She sighed and gestured to all of the others,
and I noticed these Ixis all had owners!
But nobody liked her sad, grey fur,
And no one had ever adopted her.

No wonder she looked so lost and saddened,
I just couldn’t leave her there, abandoned!
So I strolled up to her and said with a grin,
“Would you like a warm home to stay in?”

Her heartbroken frown turned into a smile,
As she jumped up and down with a brand new style!
Oh lovely Grey Ixi, I’m glad you’re my friend,
Now we have lots of time to spend!

Go adopt an Ixi!
by reconcilation

Ixis, Ixis, all hail from Meridell,
All who love nothing more to sing, and prance,
however, don't make the mistake of getting one to dance,
lest your feet be trodden on, I fortell!

The Ixis are clever and sharp of wit,
playing games like poker, chemistry and shape-shifter,
They are the best, they'll show you whose swifter,
At games they'll make anyone forfeit!

That does not mean that the Ixis lack grace,
They are intent on keeping their coats clean,
Their hooves neat and tidy -- each pristine,
In Ixis these traits are common-place!

The Ixis are playful pets and are happy,
Take in mind, their virtues I espouse,
They would make a fantastic companion in your house,
So go and adopt an Ixi, go on, be snappy!

Sinsi the Shapeshifting Ixi
by miraday

The art of shapeshifting is one of a kind:
The Ixi’s hooves move at first clandestine
Then shift their own confines without mind
To complete Sinsi’s puzzle as if predestined.

With senses too sharp to count potatoes,
Sinsi set out to devise a game of rotations:
Mental, physical and psychological, I suppose,
Biding future pieces with a timed patience.

Her pierced ears mimic her piercing vision:
She sees where a shape two places ahead
Will turn an armoured hand into a sword within
The rigidity of nine spaces— it’s a process.

One that begins with a single tile followed by
An L-shaped trickster. Sinsi giggles thinking
Of the intelligent Neopets who will be stymied
By the misplaced arranging of shapes baffling.

A block comes along with an unusual pike,
A three-pronged tile rears its face to phase
The amateur puzzlers and strategists alike—
The would-be shapeshifters within this game.

When the tiles are misaligned, Sinsi declares,
“It’s over, but nice try! Let me try this time.”
In a blur, she shows the trick to the unaware
Before resetting the tiles and smiling wide.

Few Ixis are as brilliant as the renowned Sinsi,
Who shifts shapes as a game foreseen.
So on a day honouring the timeless Ixis…
We commend Sinsi, the shapeshifting queen.

Eventide Ixi
by acaesha

Spots on my face?
They're constellations
Don't dare to count
They come in millions
One twinkles on my cheek
To match my eyes
Fire chases my tail
But my steps are light
Watch me pass by
A trail on the dirt
A piece of the sky
Visiting earth
My horns may be short
But they reach far
You can't bother me
Head lost in the stars
Twilight follows when I move
Clouds cover my shoulders
Sunsets on my hooves
I am the universe

The Magical Ixi
by lemonbearie

On green hills that lay east to Meridell,
There sat a little town.
And, as though by a magic spell,
Stretching woods covered all around.
At the foot of the hills, sunflowers grew,
Near the stone and brick houses.
Under the clear, cloudless sky blue,
Neopets rushed by, and the streets were crowded.
And across the far golden countryside,
Grew many fields of wheat;
With hard work, they were able to provide.
From the farms, the livestocks’ bleats,

Could be heard, a far, far, way.
In the schoolhouse, the students learned,
And after school, they longed to play.
Until dusk, when to home they returned.
But on one particular afternoon,
A little Bori felt sad as she went out the door.
For she wished her classmates’ taunts would stop soon.
She tried to ignore them, as she raced to the shore,
Of the daisy creek, not far into the forest.
It was her favourite place, to sit and think,
While perched on branches, birds chorused.
“Why must they be mean?” she thought, as a bird flew to drink.
“Surely I’ve never done them any wrong.”
“So why do they,”
“-For the end of their remarks, I long!”
“-Taunt me this way?”

And so, saddened by what she had heard,
The little Bori walked closer, to take a look,
At the drinking blue bird.
But as she walked closer to the edge of the brook...

She fell and slipped…
Into the rushing clear stream waters.
Suddenly, a tall ixi appeared, and around her, its magic gripped.
Rising from the river waves, it had caught her.
As the Bori slowly opened her eyes,
She saw the magical creature stare at her.
“Thank you for saving me,” she cries,
“Without your help, drowning I were!

The mighty ixi, with its horns perched high,
Looked at the Bori, and made sure she was alright,
And disappeared behind the trees, smiling as a goodbye.
The Bori, amazed by the Ixi’s sight,

Remembered a folktale she had once heard.
About a protector of the town,
Who, along the hills, protected the herds.
And protected everyone, like the Bori, who was about to drown.
At first, everyone believed its tale,
But over the passing years,
Not many believed in it, and the story grew stale.
The Bori, though, unlike her peers,

Still put faith in the magical being.
She sat there, while the sun began to set,
How wondrous was her Ixi seeing.
And, with determination, up she had get,
To tread the path to her home.
Quite early the next day,
She brought food out to where the Ixi had roam.
And for weeks, she sat there, by the bay.

With the Ixi inspiring her to be righteous and brave,
She decided to tell the teacher about her classmates.
And from then on, no more mean remarks they gave.

And by the creek, she always did wait,

But she never saw the magical Ixi again.

Though some may say,
That the stories are foolish play,
The little Bori knows that the tale is true.
And that the Ixi really does roam and protect…

By the peaceful green hills, where the sunflowers grew.

Total Poetry Pages : 2755

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