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Gallery Spotlight

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- Today's Gallery Spotlight -

Gallery Name: PetParts
Owner: WitherN2Root
Description: The theme is Neopet and Human Body Parts. Yeah, it's evil. Hope you like it.

The Gallery:

Pink EvilWhit says 'Welcome!'

Hiyola. My main account is WitherN2root. This is my gallery of Neopet and Human Body Parts (and one Petpet Part... Poor Blunas.)
Special Thank Yous to (for their generosity):

Whitter81 (Jar of Eyeballs, Eye Candy)
Kmatias (Chocolate Aisha Ears)
Crazy_kitten88 (Chocolate Cybunny Paw)
Blueevolution (Caramel Acara On A Stick)
Freakyogre (Intestines and Marinara)
Calipunkmonkey (Stick-O-Mynci)
_Ayako_ (Aisha Ears)
Allicat990 (Eyeball)
Suze123 (Super Lupurus Tooth)
Pixie_diana (Chocolate Moehog Head)

Paregoric (Tongue with Veggies, Tonguewich)
Schweetheart35 (Acara Rainbow Lollypop, Mashed Eye Potato)
Signingup32/Signy0_x (Luscious Lips, False Finger Nail, Eyeball Fungus, Toe Nail Soup, Heartatoe, Spine Cone, Fake Teeth, Eyeball Sushi, Eyeball Pie)
Shoumagic (Caramel Moehog Hoof)
Forsakenfantasy (Brain Cheese)
Allicat990 (Strawberry Cream Cybunny Paw, Eyeballberry)
Kelandra (Hairy Tash)
Amberduthie (Ocularimplant)
Schar69 (Bluna Burger)
Rosethorne (Mighty Grarrl Burger)

When I decide to stop being such a cheapskate, I'll probably have the these items here, too. In the meantime, you can just pretend ;P:

Meerca Pie

Quiggle Pie

Our Famous Krawk Pie

Wing of Korbat

An eyeball is a special delicacy for those pets strong enough to stomach them.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

These can be used as part of a magic spell or fed to your pet as a delicacy (if your pet can handle them).
Jar of Eyeballs
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Prime beef tongue on a bed of wilted lettuce.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Italian pasta and succulent fresh eyeballs.
Pasta And Eyes
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Crispy finger shaped banana rice cakes.
Finger Crisps
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A very healthy vegetable to get the ole blood pumping. Its like nothing else!
Vein Cabbage
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This extra eye helps you respond faster to attacks and fend off your enemy more successfully.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Strike fear into your enemy with these scary looking gnashers.
Fake Teeth
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Looks like somebody went too near the toffee apple machine...
Eye Candy
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

I dont think the Grundo who became this meal did it willingly...
Grundo Stix
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Mum!  Mum!  My meal keeps staring at me!  It is freaking me out.
Mashed Eye Potato
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Blow one too many raspberries and this is what happens...
Tongue with Veggies
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A Blumaroo here, a Blumaroo there, with just a touch of olive to round out a gourmet meal to drool over.
Blumaroo Tail Salad Extravaganza
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

What goes bounce...bounce...whirr...splat?
Blumaroo Steak
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A large meal to fill your young ones. Toe lint now available as an extra bonus.
Large Grundo Toe With Lint Side Order
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A plate of intestines from something you would rather not know about!
Intestines and Marinara
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Mmmm...a delicious treat that will always win a staring match. Well, what are you waiting for? Dont just LOOK at it!
Pickled Eyeballs
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Frustrated at Techo Says?  Wipe the smile off his face with this delicious Techo forearm.
Sun Dried Techo Claw
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Mmmmm, taste that toe lint, its tangy and cheesy and goes so well with Grundo toes.
Grundo Toe Lint
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

These fake plastic lips are excellent if you want a quick disguise.
Luscious Lips
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A fake plastic moustache is a perfect addition for an undercover Neopet.
Hairy Tash
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Impress all your friends with this stunning plastic finger nail.
False Finger Nail
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

One nibble of these chocolate novelties and your Neopet will be begging you for more.
Chocolate Aisha Ears
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This magic tooth is from the great Lupurus himself. It is very sharp so be careful how you handle it.  You can only use it once so use it wisely! Limited Use.
Lupurus Tooth
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This magic tooth is from the great Lupurus himself. It is very sharp so be careful how you handle it.  You can only use it once so use it wisely! Limited Use.
Super Lupurus Tooth
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

These magic teeth are from the great Lupurus himself. they are very sharp so be careful how you handle it.  You can only use it once so use it wisely! Limited Use.
Lupurus Jaw
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Mmmm, grundo sticks sub.  How many poor alien Grundos got the chop to make this one?
Grundo Stick Sub
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Chunks of Mynci on a stick roasted to perfection.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A Spine Cone a day makes your pets have strong bones.
Spine Cone
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A crunchy filling broth with a strangely cheesy taste.
Toe Nail Soup
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This bizarre shape is great fun, if you cant eat it all, you can always wear it as a hat and pretend to be a Moehog.
Chocolate Moehog Head
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This fin will not only scare your opponent, but it can do an amazing amount of damage!  This fin is only for Jetsams.
Jetsam Fin of Terror
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A gooey, foul tasting treat thats a real hit with GarthaanXI.
Brain Kebab
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A meaty treat for all the family.
Spooky Handwich
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Tongue Tree
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Eurgh, if you can bear to eat this thing, you may be pleasantly surprised by its taste.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This great item was given away as part of the Neopets Limited Too promotion!!!
Aisha Ears
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A chocolate cybunny paw smothered in hot gooey caramel!
Chocolate Cybunny Paw
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A heaping mound of strawberries and cream in the shape of a Cybunnies paw!
Strawberry Cream Cybunny Paw
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Eurgh, they cant seriously expect you to eat a petpet can they!
Bluna Burger
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Solid chocolate moulded into the same shape as a Moehog paw and then dipped in caramel.
Caramel Moehog Hoof
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The creamiest caramel melted into the shape of a Quiggles foot.
Caramel Quiggle Foot
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A caramel Acara head on top of a  red and white stick.
Caramel Acara On A Stick
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A fruity treat packed full of almost every flavour you could imagine.
Acara Rainbow Lollypop
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Fried chicken strips shaped to look like Flotsams.
Flotsam Fingers
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A filling spicy soup with tortilla chips shaped like flotsam fins floating on the top.
Flotsam Fin Soup
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Looks more like sausages
Brain Cheese
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Ever get that feeling something is watching you as you walk through the berry bushes? This interestingly coloured berry is often the culprit.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Eww this eyeball has been left out in the sun too long and has started to grow fungus!
Eyeball Fungus
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Dont panic, this isnt a real Techos foot, its made from solid milk chocolate!
Chocolate Techo Foot
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Creamy milk chocolate moulded to look like a Draik wing.
Chocolate Draik Wing
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Maggots, sludge and apple in a deep pie crust, garnished with fresh eyeball.
Eyeball Pie
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Fresh fish meat and eyeballs in a delicate seaweed wrap.
Eyeball Sushi
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A pair of Skeith wings made out of toffee and then dipped in caramel.
Caramel Dipped Skeith Wings
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A super chewy Skeith tail that tastes just like raspberries.
Raspberry Gummy Skeith Tail
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This vegetarian burger is shaped just like a Grarrls head.
Mighty Grarrl Burger
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A solid lump of chocolate with raspberry pieces mixed into it.
Chocolate Grarrl Tail
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A milk chocolate lolly shaped just like a Jetsams fin.
Chocolate Jetsam Fin
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Eww gross!  This drink has an eyeball in it!
Eyeball Slurpy
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A gummy Pteri tail that has been dipped in rich milk chocolate.
Chocolate Dipped Pteri Tail
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A crunchy candy skull - delicious!
Candy Skull
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Three cute chocolate treats shaped just like Wocky paws.
Chocolate Wocky Paws
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

These Aisha ears are made from twists of black liquorice.
Chewy Liquorice Aisha Ears
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

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