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The Neopets Caption Competition

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The Caption Contest - Past Winners

This week's picture is shown below. We had many funny entries and the lucky winners were:

By shenkuun
Lenny: This wig is almost as fake as my law degree!

By aurora57
Lenny: Order! Order!
Faellie: I'll have the cheeseburger....

By adoptiion
Lenny: The instructions for TNT Staff Smasher say that we should make sure
not to hit Neopets, but they never said anything about not hitting Petpets!

By knightsteed
Lenny: Okay, I think I'm now ready to go win a trophy from Splat-A-Sloth!

By tepoen321
Lenny: I find the writers of these captions in contempt of court!
Faellie: For what?
Lenny: For being too punny!

By nickster41592
Lenny: Test Your Strength said that I was useless... I'm determined to prove it wrong!

By sugarypixiestix2
Lenny: You know, this gavel would make a great walnut smasher!

By cloudpuffpuff
Lenny: Order, ORDER I say! *bangs gavel*
Faellie: You're never gonna get the jury to stop laughing at your hair, ya know.

By frappe_love
Lenny: The NEXT person who writes a caption about my wig is sentenced to--
Faelie: But, you aren't a real judge.
Lenny: Shhh... the newbies don't know that!

By kcgodzillo
Katsuo [Not In The Picture]: You cannot break the board unless you focus! FOCUS!!!

By dimirn246
Roll Of Wig: When I grow up one day, I'm going to be a towel!

By blueboy14_2_2
Lenny: GUILTY!!!!
Faellie: But, you haven't even heard the case yet....

By daisy41500
Neopian Auction House Scorchio [In Distance]: Whoa! I step away for ONE minute, and THIS is what happens?!?

By misskitteykatt
Lenny: That's the last time I try to use a Faellie for a paperweight!

By legiit
Lenny: You know, I wish those hoodlums would stop gluing my mallet to the table....

Quick Jump

1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 101 - 125 | 126 - 150 | 151 - 175 | 176 - 200 | 201 - 225 | 226 - 250 | 251 - 275 | 276 - 300 | 301 - 325 | 326 - 350 | 351 - 375 | 376 - 400 | 401 - 425 | 426 - 450 | 451 - 475 | 476 - 500 | 501 - 525 | 526 - 550 | 551 - 575 | 576 - 600 | 601 - 625 | 626 - 650 | 651 - 675 | 676 - 700 | 701 - 725 | 726 - 750 | 751 - 775 | 776 - 800 | 801 - 825 | 826 - 850 | 851 - 875 | 876 - 900 | 901 - 925 | 926 - 950 | 951 - 975 | 976 - 1000 | 1001 - 1025 | 1026 - 1050 | 1051 - 1075 | 1076 - 1100 | 1101 - 1125 | 1126 - 1150 | 1151 - 1175 | 1176 - 1200 | 1201 - 1225 | 1226 - 1250 | 1251 - 1275 | 1276 - 1300 | 1301 - 1325 | 1326 - 1350 | 1351 - 1375 | 1376 - 1400 | 1401 - 1425 | 1426 - 1450 | 1451 - 1475 | 1476 - 1491

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