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The Neopets Caption Competition

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The Caption Contest - Past Winners

This week's picture is shown below. We had many funny entries and the lucky winners were:

By pinkglassslippers
Black Techo: Does anyone know how to read?
Cloud Techo: Why?
Black Techo: This was supposed to be meatloaf!

By sarah2396
Cloud Techo: Guys, I said, "Who wants to play Pyramids?" not bake them.

By artaniss
Cloud Techo: Wow, this cake turned out great! Wait a minute... weren't we making a Corn Pyramid?!?

By sugarypixiestix2
After a certain swamp gas Techo ruined the Chocolate Ball one year and got kicked out, Techos around Neopia have been trying to figure out a way to make-up for his mistake.

By pickledolives
Cloud Techo: Is the cake okay?
Shadow Techo On Left: Yes, why?
Cloud Techo: Because it's in tiers....

By pingtinglover
Cloud Techo: I told you we're not allowed to enter the Random Contest. We're, like, employees or something.

By snm08
Cloud Techo: All those silly factions trying to get to the cake... we've had it all along!

By brandyy_brutal
Cloud Techo: Do you need some cake with that frosting?

By labmom953
Cloudy Techo: Oh, look! It's the Desserted Tomb!!!

By nightmir
Cloud Techo: Okay, I was wrong. Pink icing does NOT make everything look better....

By charley50815
Shadow Techo On Left: So, what do we do, make another one or cut this in half? You have to feed the Esophagor twice, you know.

By sixthe
Cloud Techo: Who eats a cake with a spoon?

By dr_tomoe
Techo With Spoon: It looks delicious!
Cloud Techo: Yeah. There's a problem, though.
Shadow Techo: What's the problem?
Cloud Techo: The recipe says "serves two."

By comawhite333
So, this is what happens with the Neopets who don't get invited to The Chocolate Ball....

By jarjarhead989
Cloud Techo: I'm angry and I don't know why!
Shadow Techo On Left: You should be, you aren't getting any cake!

By miss_avira
Cloud Techo: You guys finished making the cake without me? I wanted to lick the bowl!

By horsecrazyirishgirl
Shadow Techo: Do you think we can convince everyone that this is better than Sun Dried Techo Claws?

By knightsteed
TNT has a three Techo team to taste all of those cookies and treats given to them in the Editorials!

By liltle_lupe
The cooking went much faster once they figured out what "Lorem ipsum" means.

By fooshfuush
Cloud Techo: Do you think this cake is good enough to win gold in the Random Contest?
Shadow Techo On Right: Uhh, they told us to make a thermometer....

By baby_gurl_4601
Cloud Techo: I hate being painted cloud! You two can eat as much as you want and your shadow paint jobs always make you look slim!
Shadow Techo: Yeah, you are looking rather puffy!

By hello_kitty9193
Cloud Techo: So, all this work, and no one considered that our mouths don't open?
Left Techo: Aww c'mon, but it's pretty! You don't have to be so--

By futurepro56
Cloud Techo: Don't eat that! Dragona made it. There's probably a sock hidden in there somewhere.

By bellucciswolf
Shadow Techo On Right: Um, this recipe calls for another cloud Techo to finish the chant of deliciousness.

By kadtastrophe
Cloud Techo: Are you sure you followed the recipe? I'm pretty sure Peanut Butter Balls aren't supposed to look like this.

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