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The Neopets Caption Competition

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The Caption Contest - Past Winners

This week's picture is shown below. We had many funny entries and the lucky winners were:

By minakins
Elephante: Pinatas full of flowers instead of candy? What is this, another one of those unannounced site changes?

By thempseh
Elephante: AHHH! You hit me in the eye!
Kacheek: My fault... I was trying to hit you in the stomach.

By nurkilich
Something has happened! The Pant Devil steals your Wand of Boring Wood!
Kacheek: Aww, man... what are we supposed to hit the pinata with now?!?

By shrekshrek300
Elephante: I thought candy was suppose to come out?
Pant Devil: It's still early in the day... I haven't had time to steal any yet!

By gabriellakate39
Elephante: Hit him already! He stole my bike!

By biest167
The Kacheek knew something was wrong when the thing he was hitting started to hit back....

By iris220_ll
Elephante: Kacheek, you can stop now. The party ended five hours ago.

By belllel
Kacheek: And THIS is for stealing my field of flowers!

By pyro050202
Elephante: Oww! That was my eye.
Kacheek: Oops! EYE missed.

By duckwing262
Elephante: Uh... do you need a stool?

By bloopyboody
Pant Devil: Let's see those pitiful contestants come up with something funny to say about THIS!

By squegrouse
Pant Devil Pinata: Muahahahaha!
Elephante: Aah! I thought you wanted the "I taunt the Paint Devil" avvie,
not the "I taunt the poor defenceless Elephante" avvie!!!

By sweetbabe_0918
Elephante: Erm... you know, there's an easier way to start a garden!

By akoria_qope
Elephante: The face... watch the face!

By batistia74
Kacheek: You don't have to close your eyes. It's not your turn yet!

Quick Jump

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