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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 82 > Articles > Collecting and Galleries: Good Idea?

Collecting and Galleries: Good Idea?

by puffkins2000

THE NEOPIAN MARKETPLACE - Galleries may look alright to view, but do you know how much it all really costs? Thousands and thousands and millions of NP. It really doesn't seem to be worth it. Imagine, spending your life savings for Faerie dolls for well over 100K. Each. They can also be very addictive.

I've been seeing way to many Galleries (and yes, I even have one, but that isn't the point). Galleries that collect Faeries items to Galleries that collect berries. Not that there isn't anything wrong with collecting these things, but it's just that there's way to many Galleries that are the same.

And now that there is a Gallery Spotlight, everyone wants to get it, to have their Gallery known, and they will also get a shiny new trophy. Yes, I'm trying to get into the Gallery Spotlight, but seems to me that they are picking pet related Galleries; all Usuls, all Quiggles, all Zafaras. No offence to the Galleries that have these, but really. Well, how many Galleries are there going to be that are the same? And yes, I'm trying out for the Gallery Spotlight, but it's because my Gallery is pretty unique.

The two most popular Galleries and to collect, are: 1). Usukis, you know, those popular dolls your pets are always asking for? Ones that are so expensive and rare, that since they've come out 7 months ago, you're just seeing them now. And 2). Plushies, also another thing you're pets are also asking for, like the very expensive Baby Plushies, and painted Plushies.

Next popular? Faeries, stamps, things of the same colors and certain pet species only. I've also seen a lot with books, Meridell food, Jelly, and Petpets.

I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone here, but don't you Neopians seem to have run out of ideas to collect? Really! Why can't anyone think of something new to collect? Well, I'll give you some ideas.

1). Omelette Gallery: Collect every Omelette you can. You can get Omelettes free, so it won't really cost much. 2). Free Jelly Gallery: Collect all the Jellies that you can get free. Same as the Omelettes, it won't cost much. Or, make it interesting and collect both the Free Jellies and Free Omelettes.

3). Collect Jewelry and clothes (they go together). Yes, that includes the Jewelry Box!

4). How about those poor broken toys? :( Make them a Gallery!

5). How about collecting anything Adam would like? ;) *hint: Borovan and Asparagus.*

6). How about a Concert gallery? You know, Chomby and the Fungus Balls, Yes Boy Ice Cream, and Jazzmosis gifts from at the end of their performances (or concerts).

These are only ideas from me, if you don't like them, try coming up with other ones, like anything made with or from dung or sand or pillows.

I talked to several people about what they thought of Galleries. I asked them the questions: What do you think of Galleries? Good idea? Or what? And: Do you have a Gallery?

Here's what they said:

Kougrakhan: I really do think that galleries are a great idea! It gives some people something to work towards. I do have a gallery and I must say it is extremely difficult to keep it up to date. Having 10 items that are unbuyables doesn't really help me either. Over all, it's great though.

Esterfreak:I think galleries are a great idea! It gives people a chance to express what they love (dogs, chocolate, etc.), and it's fun to try to collect all the different items! Also, galleries are much prettier and more interesting to look at than a big lump of Neopoints rotting in the bank.

Peoia: For a long time I kept everything in my SDB. While it was funny seeing all those lines of item numbers at the top of the SDB -- [1-30] [31-60] . . . [3301-3330] -- it felt kind of miserly, hoarding every away from all prying eyes. So I opened my QNQ Gallery (Quantity Not Quality). Now everything is in one of my 4 Galleries. I did some juggling to figure out how to even up the number of items per shop. I love finding bargains that I can add.

Stijn_gallery: I love galleries! Looking at all those fabulous items, I always want to have some of those to! I have spent tons of NP on items for my gallery, it's great collecting items! Yeah! although many people don't have one, that makes me sad..

Mskdjones: I love galleries! It gives you something to work for! Right now I have a Plushie gallery and a green gallery! It's amazing on how many things you can collect! My sister has a "body parts" gallery, it's pretty funny. I think it allows you to show your personality by what you collect .

Jedikirin: Galleries are wonderful!! They are probably my favorite Neopet addiction. It's fun to collect things that you love or that you simply find 'cool' or pretty. It's a challenge to fill a themed gallery as so many new items are always being released, but that means I never get tired of Neopets. Decorating a gallery can be a great creative outlet too. Lastly, having a Neopet gallery is MUCH cheaper than a Real Life collecting addiction.

PeanutBoogerAndJelly: Galleries are so much fun!! Gives me a chance to show off how much I love spoiling my pets. My gallery is in my PeanutBoogerAndJelly account. It's called SpoiledRotten! It may look kind of random, but it's a collection of jubjub, Kacheek, and buzz items, dedicated to my favorite pets.

Glass_shoyru:Galleries are cool! I have 1 currently, but will make another soon, cuz I'm giving up on the jelly. Galleries satisfy my obsessions.

Airkitten15: Hello I'm airkitten15, and yes, I think galleries are a good idea in some respects. They are a good way to pass time and show off a little, but I do not think the gallery spotlight is a good idea, because this will cause the inflation of rare items and it will put competition into something that used to be just a leisure activity.

And for your second question, yes, I do own a gallery of little unfinished galleries.

Otters: In my eyes galleries are a good idea. It's good to show off in a way, but also just to show off things that are special or mean something to you, no matter what the cost. You don't have to be rich to own a gallery which is good too, and they look nice.

Oily106: I like galleries and think they're a good idea. They give people a chance to show off their devotion to collecting and to make give a shop a nice theme. They can be useful too - if you want to see all the petpets, you could always go to a petpet gallery.

Roxie: I think galleries are a good way to express what your personality is like. Galleries can be tiring if you're not dedicated to get all the items.

I currently have 5

And one crazed fan about Galleries called Nmic2002 said:

I got a gallery! I love it! I have two right now... I think that owning a gallery makes a man/woman more responsible! I love galleries! But you gotta be prepared to pay big NP! Now you know all this is coming from a guy who changes his personality more often then his socks (Which I do every day) so you know that maybe in two to five hours I could right a whole different paragraph about how I hate it! Now back to the galleries I currently have a toy gallery and a JubJub gallery! I need more items for my JubJub one but I also need more floor space to put in the ones I have yet aren't in my shop! I like my gallery so I have two. My Toy gallery is mainly for my guild but I use it as a Gallery also! I love galleries! I also have a correct transportation for my shop to shop customers! Cool eh? (You can tell I am Canadian) But I am working hard to type as much as possible so you can cut and past this all into your article DON'T LEAVE ANY OUT! I like going out to the shops and searching for bargains! So I made a sand business to get NP to get some more items! I think I gtg and get more items BYE!

So there you are! 13 out of 13 said that they think Galleries are a good idea. And yes, they are, but try to make different Galleries and not the same one all the time!

If you do have a Gallery, but aren't rushing out to buy everything that comes out that day, then you aren't that addictive, but if you do, maybe you should slow down a little.

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