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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 83 > Short Stories > Xraie and the Case of the Chomby Carnival

Xraie and the Case of the Chomby Carnival

by squieshie

Untitled Document "BOOYAH!" The door to my room burst open, and there was my sister, Xraie, a purple Draik bouncing up and down.

     "What?! You woke me up, you weirdo!" I glared at my sister, sliding out of bed, and getting ready to leap on her.

     "Taitl... Today's CHOMBY DAY!" she shouted, excitedly.

     "Why are you so excited? You aren't a Chomby..." I replied, rolling my eyes.

     The purple Draik blinked. "I dunno... But oh well! It's Chomby day, it's Chomby day! Hooray, it's CHOMBY DAY!!!" Xraie flew out of my room, full speed, and I heard her barge into my other sister, Waffle-Ducky, a baby Gelert's room, singing and shouting that it was Chomby day.

     "Well, then," I said, standing up, and walking outside into the bonus room where the sun was shining through the windows brightly. Xraie ran up to me. She had just finished singing to Waffle-Ducky.

     So are you going to the carnival?!" Xraie questioned.

     "...What carnival?" I asked.

     "The Chomby carnival, you dork!" Xraie stuck her tongue out.

     "Uh... Yeah. But only because there will be good food," I winked at Xraie, and made my way upstairs.

     "You'd better bring a present for Chooco2000 and Choomby," Xraie assured me. "Because his family are gonna take us a ride to the carnival, and he would be disappointed if we didn't have a present."

     "Er... I'll just give them each a 3 Leaf Clover I got at the Pick-Your-Own game on St. Patrick's Day," I said, walking into the kitchen. Xraie was flying right in front of my face.

     "Okay. Cool. I'm giving Chooco a bottle of blue sand, and Choomby a bottle of red sand! Cool, huh?!"

     "Oooh, yeah. That's really cool! I'm sure they'll just love a bottle of sand, Xraie! Now go away!" I pushed her aside, and sat down at a stool at the table.

     "Good morning, Taitl!" said my owner, squieshie, cheerfully. "Mulan is gonna come and get us at 8:00, so be ready," my owner set a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me. "Dig in."

     "Eeew! Gross! I hate scrambled eggs! They are the grossest things ever to walk Neopia!" I stuck my tongue out in disgust.

     "Even grosser than Dung?" questioned Xraie, sitting down in a spot next to me.

     Ooh, Dung is my favorite!" Waffle-Ducky interrupted, as she walked into the kitchen, licking her lips.

     "Err... Okay," Xraie replied, licking all of her scrambled eggs off of her purple plate.

     I stared down at my blue plate. Scrambled eggs. Gross. Disgusting. Even more gross than fish ice cream. Oooh, GROSS! Maybe not as bad as fish ice cream, but pretty close.

     Waffle-Ducky sat down next to Xraie, as squieshie put an orange plat ein front of Waffle-Ducky. The baby Gelert picked up one of the scrambled eggs, and stuck it up her nose. "Do these have pepper on them?" she asked.

     "Yeah," squieshie replied.

     "In case you forgot, I'm a-a-a-lergic to pepper!" Exclaimed Waffle-Ducky. She started to sneeze, and break out in hives. squieshie rushed over to her, and helped her out.

     "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't stick a scrambled egg up your nose!" squieshie yelled, trying to get the egg out of her nostril. I shook my head in dismay.

     I looked at the clock. It was 7:30. Still enough time to brush my teeth, comb my blue Ixi fur, and get all shiny and ready for the Chomby carnival. I stood up from the table, and made my way downstairs, and into my room. I combed out my fur, and brushed my teeth. With time still left over, I went over to my drawers, and wrapped my present for Chooco2000 and ChombetyChombee, two Chombys'. Chooco was a desert Chomby, and Choomby was a disco Chomby. After wrapping up the clovers, I lay down on my bed, and listened to the birds chirping peacefully. In my sister, rayneboery's room, I heard odd noises, and a couple of chuckles. I wondered what she was doing?

     Rayneboery is a pink Aisha with white swirl patterns on her. She is really nice, and outgoing, and is an early-bird. You would think she would be up by now, as she always wakes up at about 6:00 every morning.

     At 8:00, rayneboery still wasn't out of her room. I heard the doorbell ring, so I sprang up from my bed, and dashed upstairs holding my two gifts. Xriae, Waffle-Ducky, and squieshie were already at the door, with their two presents.

     "I guess rayneboery is gonna meet us there," I said, hopefully.

     "Yeah," replied squieshie, opening the door.

     "Hi!" It was mulan_345, squieshie's friend. She had silky blonde hair. "Ready to go?" Chooco2000, Bony_34 (a blue Cybunny, who is Chooco's sister), Miressi (a yellow Gelert, also Chooco's sister), and Taetria (a faerie Ixi, who is also Chooco's sister) were standing behind mulan.

     "Yep. Rayneboery is going to meet us at the Carnival. I don't know what is up with her," squieshie assured mulan. We all stepped out of the house, and handed Chooco his gifts, and Choomby (who was standing out on the driveway with her family) hers. All 15 of us walked down the streets of Soup Alley and to the Chomby Carnival, which was a few blocks down.

     When we arrived at the Carnival, Waffle-Ducky and I immediately ran to the snack stands. Xraie chilled out with Ulaur, a green Ixi, who is also Choomby's brother. They were best friends. Chooco2000 and ChombetyChombee walked off, and Kaupeey, a Christmas Kougra, and LupetyLupetyLoop, a starry Lupe, who were the brothers of Choomby, went to where all of the games were. mulan, squieshie, and shopowner85130 (Choomby's owner) all walked around the Carnival.

     Waffle-Ducky grabbed a small chip, and dipped it into the super hot salsa. She put a ton of salsa on the tiny chip. She tossed into her mouth, like it was no big deal.

     "Oh my gosh!" Waffle-Ducky said.

     "What?" I asked.

     "This is HOT!" Waffle-ducky ran to where the water pitcher was, pushing crowds of people out of the way, and dumped the whole thing on her.

     "You are really stupid, ya know that?" I questioned, shaking my head.

     The baby Gelert just smiled.

     About an hour later, the party was still going good, people were still having fun, and it was getting close to the time when NeoPets gave all of the Chombys' a little present.

     "Attention!" The loudspeaker boomed, Adam was the one speaking. "We are now going to give all of the Chombys' a little Chomby-day based item! All of the Chombys' come up here to claim your prize!" Adam signalled for somebody to bring up a huge box that held the prizes in. Adam opened the freshly painted green box slowly, but then gasped. "Where the heck did all of the prizes go!?" Adam panicked. A bunch of the NeoPets staff searched around everywhere in search of the prizes.

     A few minutes passed, and they still couldn't find them. I could tell all of the Chombys' were getting really annoyed.

     Just then, I heard a tap on my shoulder. I spun around. It was Xraie. "Hi! I'm gonna investigate on who exactly stole the prizes!"

     "Okay. Waffle-Ducky and I will come with you!" Xraie, Waffle-Ducky and I walked out of the carnival through thousands of people.

     "So. We need some clues. Where's rayneboery? She should have been here. We need her help!" Xraie explained.

     "I guess she never came," I replied.

     "Oh. Well, then we'll just have to look around on the ground. See if you can find any clues to who it might be!" Xraie ordered. We all started searching.

     About a half-an-hour later, we had searched all of the carnival, inside and out.

     "I couldn't find anything," I retorted. "All I found were food crumbs and old peanuts,"

     "Same here," explained Waffle-Ducky.

     "Hm, I guess we'll have to-" Xraie started, but something interrupted her.

     "Hi, guys!" We all turned out heads. It was rayneboery, coming towards us. The pink Aisha smiled.

     "Finally you're here!" I exclaimed.

     "Heh. What are you guys doing?" rayneboery asked.

     "We're trying to find out who stole all of the prizes for the Chombys' for Chomby day!" Xraie said.

     "Oh... um... well, that's... cool. I'll be by squieshie, okay?" rayneboery started to walk off.

     "Don't you wanna help us?" asked Waffle-Ducky.

     "Well, y'see, I-"

     "You know something, don't you!" I blamed rayneboery, suspiciously.

     "No! I don't know anything!" the pink Aisha protested, waving her extremely long ear stalks.

     I looked at rayneboery's hand. It was green.

     "Why is your hand green?" I questioned.

     "I-" rayneboery started.

     "The box that had the prizes in it was green..." started Xraie.

     "Did you... do it?!" Waffle-Ducky asked, amazed.

     Rayneboery's eyes filled up with tears. "Okay, okay! I did it! I admit it!"

     "But... why?" Xraie asked.

     "Jhudora wanted me to do it. It was one of her quests! I didn't want to fail it, because I had completed so many of her quests, and I didn't want it all to go to waste! I knew it was the wrong thing to do, but-"

     "If you knew it was the wrong thing to do, why did you do it? So what if you had to start all over in your quests! What you did made all of the Chombys' in Neopia disappointed! It's just a game stupid Jhudora wants you to play! She tries to trick a bunch of people!" Xraie explained.

     "...I know... It was wrong to steal the prizes..." rayneboery drooped her head down.

     "Do you still have the prizes?" Asked Xraie.

     "Yeah... I haven't given them to Jhudora yet," rayneboery said, gloomily. "They're at the house. Lets go back."

     When we got back to the house, rayneboery went down to her room and fetched all of the prizes.

     "Here they are!" rayneboery cheerfully said.

     "Good! Now lets get them back to the Chomby Carnival!" Xraie replied, happily.

     "Yeah," We all agreed.

Back at the Chomby Carnival

"Hurry! We have to give these to Adam!" the purple Draik ran through the crowds of Neopets and people, and up to the stage, Waffle-Ducky, rayneboery, and I following.

     "These belong to the Chombys'," rayneboery said. "I took them. Jhudora made me... I was on my 42nd quest, and I didn't want all of my hard work to go to waste... so I stole the prizes. It was the wrong thing to do. But now I am returning them. Will you all forgive me?" rayneboery asked the crowd.

     They cheered.

     "Thanks! I just owe it all to my sister, Xraie," rayneboery finished with a wink.

The End

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