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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 9th day of Storing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 83 > Short Stories > The Terrible Secret

The Terrible Secret

by milkmoocow

Untitled Document "Mom!" lhind yelled from her bedroom. "Where is my sparkly pink brush?"

     "lhind, I don't know, go ask your sisters," I called back trying to get Bryan into his highchair and feed him.

     'Shyla probably stole it again!" she screamed and I could hear her walking down the hall to Shlya's room. Ten minutes later lhind came downstairs holding the brush. "Well, where was it?" I asked.

     "Shyla had it, again!" lhind cried. "I really wish she would stop stealing my things!"

     "Then keep it in your room or hide it so she can't get to it," I answered spooning baby food into Bryan's mouth. "Where is Marigold? I haven't seen her all morning"

     "Dancing, in the gymnastics room, I think she has a competition coming up soon," Shyla announced.

     "That's right, she does. Well call her down here, her breakfast is going to get cold," I said laying hot cakes, bacon and omelettes on the table.

     "No, lhind you do it," Shyla said.

     "I'm hungry, I don't know where the dance room is anyway," lhind said winking.

     "Yes you do!" Shyla smiled back.

     "Forget it," I said. "I'll get her, just watch Bryan for a sec."

     I walked up the stairs and opened the Gymnastics room door. Marigold had on dance music and was stretching on one of the many bamboo mats scattered in the room. "Marigold, you finished? Come on down for breakfast." I said slowly.

     "Okay, hang on, I need to stretch. I'll be down in a minute," she said, going into the splits and extending her arms in the middle.

     "Okay, well hurry up," I said wincing and walked back downstairs. Suddenly I heard a heart-stopping scream and the sound of shattering glass. I ran downstairs as fast as possible and stopped at the door. Shyla, was holding the cereal bowl which once had cereal in it but it was now dumped on the floor. Milk was everywhere and several broken glasses were lying on the floor shattered in a million pieces. lhind was holding Bryan in her arms and was in the corner of the kitchen pressed against the wall.

     "What is going on?" I said trying not to loose my temper.

     "lhind had the last bowl of NeoCrunch and I wanted some," Shyla started. "I wanted it more so I grabbed it and I accidentally hit some glasses and the cereal fell over the floor.

     "No!" lhind cried. "You had a fit and started throwing things. We could have gotten more you know!"

     "lhind, calm down. It was an accident. Shyla it's okay, I'll clean this up. Go wash yourself up. It's okay," I said soothingly. lhind looked furious and handed Bryan to me and stalked out holding her head in the air.

     "lhind, stop," I said. "I know, your telling the truth, but Shyla- well she's younger and I don't want to hurt her feelings."

     "Whatever, yeah, I don't care! So you can hurt my feelings! Shyla is little, is that best excuse you can come up with?" She said icily and ran upstairs and slammed her bedroom door shut.

     I sighed and put Bryan into his crib in the living room beside the kitchen and began to sweep up and pick up all the cereal. After about 45 minutes of hard work the kitchen was clean again. I picked up Bryan and brought him upstairs for a nap. I walked over to lhind's room and opened the door slowly. She wasn't there. I headed into Shyla's room and heard lhind's voice trailing off. I walked over to Shyla's room and stopped dead.

     "Yeah, and you were there in the pound, a sorry little helpless Shoyru with no friends. You are pound trash and milkmoocow felt sorry for you and changed you into a Cybunny. You don't belong in this family, go back to the pound!" lhind screamed.

     I quickly walked past Shyla's room and into the gymnastics room and saw Marigold doing a complicated yoga workout.

     "Mar, come on down for breakfast," I said quickly "What? Oh yeah… breakfast, okay. Was someone screaming or did I imagine it?" she asked standing up.

     "Yes, Shyla broke something. It's over now," I said quietly. "Come on down, everyone else has eaten."

     "Why doesn't that surprise me," she said smiling.

     "Shyla breaks everything she touches. She can't hold a cup without dropping it, she bumps into everything, she ruins new clothes within minutes of having them on and if you doesn't get her way-

     "I know," I said quietly but I do love her and she is younger so try not to upset her."

     "Oh, so is she like a princess in this house?" Marigold snapped in a tone she usually never spoke in.

     "No, but she is very sensitive-

     "SO? She still doesn't deserve special treatment!" Marigold said and stormed out of the room.

     What did I do now? The next day lhind was still grumpy and Marigold wasn't even looking at me. Shyla seemed her happy self again though. I still hadn't forgotten what lhind said to Shyla but I assumed she had forgotten it already.

     "Alright, I'm going to the store," I announced after breakfast. "Anyone need anything?"

     "Yeah, I do!" lhind said quickly and handed me a long list full of cosmetics and clothing items.

     "You do not need all of this," I said giving it back to her.

     "Yes I do!" she cried.

     I went to run my errands with Bryan and had a number of people come up to me and tell me how cute he was; as usual. My little baby Gelert was adorable. About two hours later I came home and it seemed quiet; too quiet. I walked upstairs and went into Shyla's room. I opened the door quickly and saw lhind and Marigold standing up and Shyla on her bed crying.

     "Yeah, so why don't you just run away, nobody wants you!" Marigold said coldly. Marigold? Being mean? Something wasn't right!

     "Yup! Your stupid and you don't belong, go back to the pound!"

     "lhind!" I said sharply, "What do you think you are doing?"

     "Nothing, I was just leaving," she sneered and walked out of the room with Marigold at her heels. I sighed and went over to Shyla.

     "Shy? I want to talk to you," I said.

     "Is it true? Am I really from the pound?" she asked.

     "Yes you are. You were so young no wonder you don't remember. Only an hour old. I wanted a Cybunny so bad, so I went to the pound to get a pet I could turn into one. I saw you there in that cage and knew that you were special."

     "So what! lhind and Marigold said I don't belong in this family anyway, why don't you just send me back?" she asked stubbornly.

     "Because I love you just as much as lhind, Marigold and Bryan. You mean everything to me. I know you have your moments but everyone does. I love you, never forget that," I said

     I leaned over and hugged her with tears rolling down my cheeks. "I'll love you no matter what and you are never going back to the pound."

     "Thanks mom," she said smiling and lifting up her head. "I love you too."

The End

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