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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 83 > Continuing Series > The Next Guardians: Part Six

The Next Guardians: Part Six

by horsegirl4231

Untitled Document

Chapter 10: Preparing for War

The seven landed in Meridell. They ran into the forests, hoping Sloth's army hadn't picked them up on radar. They walked past Illusen's Glade that stood empty, and seemed completely destroyed. Most likely all the Faeries of all sorts had been taken prisoner, and only a few strong Neopians hadn't been caught.

     Suddenly, without warning, a hoard of pets dropped down from the treetops. They surrounded the seven, and pointing weapons of all sorts at them.

     "Who are you?" said a Fire Shoyru, pointing an Air Faerie Sword at them.

     "We're the Guardians of Magic," said Kita.

     "A likely story!" said a robot Jetsam, holding a Monoceraptor Claw towards the group.

     "They are!" said Wraith, stepping forward. He held out his Staff of Dark Nova, ready to fight them off.

     Lilly held the new Neopian Times, and dropped it down in front of the circle of pets.

     "If you need proof," she said, angrily. "Then look at this!"

     The Fire Shoyru picked up the newspaper, and glanced back at the pets.

     "So... You ARE them?" he said.

     Lilly smiled.

     "Fyora sent you?" said an owner, leaning against a tree.

     "Yeah," replied Lacey. "She says we should all amass an army and meet Sloth in the Real World. I'm not sure how that would help if Fyora's own troops failed, but..."

     The entire Meridell forest lit up with Gateways. Pets taking their best weapons, and owners with them, walked through the Gateway. Lacey and her pets followed, and all of them appeared in the Real World.

     Owners rode on their pets, or ran beside them. They were quickly approaching Sloth and his armies. The Guardian pets and the rest had talked about what exactly needed to happen - the armies would clash, and the five Guardians would have to come into power, close the tear in the sky, and defeat Sloth. Of course, it was easier said than done.

     "This just in!" said a news reporter. Sloth hadn't really begun to rule the Real World. He didn't really care about it - he had his eyes fixed on Neopia. He figured it was on it's way to destruction anyway. Therefore, news stations and TV still ran.

     "What looks like a huge army of creatures has been spotted making it's way towards the conquering monster. Traveling with them are humans, and it is currently unknown if they are on the monster's side or not."

     "There!" shouted an owner, pointing towards Sloth's base. It was a dark, dreary fortress set in the rubble of former buildings. The pets that were flying landed, and owners dismounted them. The first line of pets charged at the building, and was quickly met by Sloth's mutated guards.

     "Okay," said Kita, whispering to a Krawk she knew. "If you can take the left side in when we give you the signal, my siblings and I will infiltrate Sloth's fortress, and take him down."

     The Krawk nodded, and took his Demonic Bow with him as he lead the left side of the army towards the base.

     "Ready guys?" said Arrowtak, taking a deep breath.

     "As ready as we'll ever be," replied Airiea.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Next Guardians

The Next Guardians: Part Two

The Next Guardians: Part Three

The Next Guardians: Part Four

The Next Guardians: Part Five

The Next Guardians: Part Seven

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