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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 83 > Continuing Series
Celestilla’s Big Scoop: Part Four

Orayny and I gathered our crew together and squeezed through the packed reception room and into an elevator.

by taffychic

Deep Six: Part Two

Akala shook his head. "Bark!" He motioned to look to the left. There was Spectre. Shadow knew by his blue skin and anchor tattoo.

by brains03

Dragonmist: Part Fourteen

His eyes brightened as he sketched out a plan in his mind. Yes. There was something he could do to help...

by jenjen26785

E-Gates and Extraterrestrials: Part Four

"Show me the evil one," I commanded my mirror. A picture of Sloth's repulsive features appeared on its surface...

by ridergirl333

Escape From Jelly World: Part Three

The three Aishas looked at each other with wide, eager eyes; they knew this was their ticket out.

by xxtashersxx

Imperfect Dark: Part Three

Angel has stupidly gone out and left Illusen alone. What was she thinking!? Even if Illusen is locked up how can that stop her from planning a daring escape?

by plushieowner

Indiana Jub and the Wooden Spoon: Part Ten

Our vertically challenged hero and his plucky petpet walked through the door, only to find a huge line of owners and their pets...

by barrelofmalkies

Magnolia's Teahouse Troubles: Part Three

She swung a paper umbrella over her shoulder as she crossed a bridge over a pond and into the next hallway of the teahouse.

by peachifruit

Nobody's Angel: Part Three

Lynchly smiled and held out a paw. "Deal." They shook, then, wasting no time, Rin and Bitsy leapt onto Lynchly's back...

by supergirl309

Of War and Amulets: Part Four

"The Queen desires to see you Jade!" he shouted and banged his spear against the stone floor.

by yellowyoshi749

Once Upon a Time in Faerieland: Part Two

 I've always wondered what lay in the Faerie Caves and whether it was actually hard to get out of. I mean, Garon made it out so maybe I can too, you know?

by dynamitebl

The Aisha Thieves: Part Five

We were travelling forward, far faster than any speed I could possibly dream of...

by stormydreamer

The Gelert’s Mark: Part Four

"He's very sly, like the Zafara Rogue... He prefers the dishonorable tactics of fighting rather than paw to paw combat."

by battlesunn

The Great Orb Theft: Part Seven

I was on my feet before he had even reacted, and when he tried to run I brought him down with a flying rugby tackle.

by hot_pink_lizard

The Mercenary Lawyer: Part Two

 I thought this over and sat down next to her on the bench. Opening the bottle and taking out the necklace, I let Diva examine the necklace carefully.

by moonsunangel

The Next Guardians: Part Six

Suddenly, without warning, a hoard of pets dropped down from the treetops. They surrounded the seven, and pointing weapons of all sorts at them.

by horsegirl4231

The Student Journals: Part Five

 I found myself looking straight into those bottomless pits that were his eyes. I felt myself being drawn into them, hypnotized, but I resisted...

by ridergirl333

The Ultimate Time Twisters Adventure: Part Seven

"Everyone, grab onto me. I'll reverse time. This isn't going to work," said Millyum. Everyone grabbed onto her.

by too_kule

The Zafara Assassin 3: Eternal Dreams Part Six

"We cannot waist any more time. Hurry, I want to get as far as I can before darkness covers all, and even then I will still go on until I need a rest."

by meratocat


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Other Stories

Xraie and the Case of the Chomby Carnival
"Taitl... Today's CHOMBY DAY!" she shouted, excitedly.

by squieshie

The Petpets vs. Balthazar
They laughed, they played, they helped each other out; it was their own little perfect world. Until the day...

by fzun

NeoAdventuring: Tips for Adventure Masters
What is it you do with this new feature that has made its way into the Game Room as well as the Chat Boards?

by zeekslider

Over the Lava Ball and Into a Superheated Rock
Have you ever found yourself flying in a super hot volcano, only to wind up ashes within seconds?

by jsm_tbird

PetPet Detective
Someone is missing...

by ruroki

The Golden Juppie
Well you don't seem so hurt, so...

by theeaterofworlds

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