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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 3 > Short Stories > Punchbag Bob - Behind the Bag

Punchbag Bob - Behind the Bag

by catiegurl87

One Year Before

“What kind of pet are you?” the small green Chia asked, raising her eyebrows suspiciously.

I held my breath, trying to come up with an answer. "Well… ummm… I am a… ahh… you know, one of those things….” My voice trailed off and the Chia stared at me for a moment.

“I know what you are! I know what you are!” she chanted. The other children in my new class just watched with curiosity. “You are a freak! A freak! Freak, freak, freak!” she yelled at the top of her lungs.

The other pets joined in, “Freak!! Freak!!” They cried. I hurried to my assigned seat and prayed that the teacher would arrive soon. He did. The classroom door creaked open and in came a tall, white Uni that would change my life.

“Class!” he cried, “What is all this yelling about?” The students shifted looks to one another but they said nothing. I cleared my throat and the teacher turned to me.

“Who are you?” he asked, taking me in quickly. I shuddered and said, “Your, uhhh…new student sir.”

He nodded, “Yes, yes…Bob. Welcome to my class. I am Mr. Twin.”

He smiled at me thoughtfully, but he asked no questions. I was surprised and relieved. I was so sick of explaining something I didn’t understand. What kind of creature was I anyway? When I looked in the mirror I saw a young, brown bag like thing with one large black button eye.

I didn’t know anything about my past. I had grown up in the pound. The Uni who worked there said I was abandoned when I was only a day old, so I didn’t remember anything.

The Pound was recently given some money from the 21 and Over Guild to help the less fortunate pets of Neopian. So they decided to spend the money on enough Codestones for each abandoned pet to attend school. I was very excited about going to the Training School, but now…

Mr. Twin handed me my books and I heard some of the other pets giggle. “That will be enough of that,” Mr. Twin said firmly. He smiled at me again. For the first time in my life someone was showing kindness to me!

“Today we will be learning about the Neopian Battledome. We will study the first fights, the way it came about and how it is run today. Bob…what do you know about the Battledome?” he asked.

I looked up from my books, “Uhh, not too much, sir," I said weakly.

Mr. Twin nodded, “Please, just call me Mr. Twin. If you haven’t studied the Battledome itself, tell me about your fighting experience. What did you learn from that?”

I gaped at him, my fighting experience? “I have never fought sir, I mean Mr. Twin," I said meekly.

He stared at me for a moment then said, “You have never fought. Not once?” The pets in my class looked at me expectantly.

“No. I have never fought. We don’t get much chance to in the pound," I explained. Mr. Twin nodded, but the pets around me began to whisper excitedly. I wished that I could have shrunk into my chair.

“Well, Yona, tell me about your first fight,” Mr. Twin said to a young Flotsam. He seemed eager to get the attention off of me. I was very grateful.

Over the next week or two we learned all about the Battledome. I was very fascinated by in, and I longed to fight. He announced one day that we would be going on a class field trip the next day.

“Where we goin’?” asked an overweight Skeith. Mr. Twin smiled and said, “The Battledome! We will study the Battlepedia and talk to one of the Battledome’s oldest referees who has worked there for most of his life. He will explain the rules and regulations of the fights. And last, but not least we will watch one of the latest fights. Flames the Tame VS a Grundo Trooper!”

The class roared with excitement, I had learned about Flames the Tame since I had been in school. He was one of the greatest Battledome champs. But we had down little study of the Grundo Troopers. I was still excited; I would go to the Battledome for the first time in my life!

“Of course, I will need a parent’s signature before you can go. Bring it in tomorrow, class! Don’t forget!” Mr. Twin yelled as the bell rung, everyone rushed out the door. I stayed behind.

“Ummm, Mr. Twin? I don’t think I can get a parent’s signature for my field trip,” I said, my heart breaking in two.

Mr. Twin looked at me sadly, “Oh no, Bob. This puts me in an awkward position. I don’t think I can bend that rule, the Mystery Island Board of Education made it. I could be fired if I allow you to attend the trip.”

He smiled at me, “Oh well, don’t worry there, Bob. It is not the end of the world. Besides you will be living the school in less then a week. Don’t get so down.” I shook my head as hard as I could, “NO! You don’t understand! Going to the Battledome is the only thing I have ever wanted in my entire life!”

“Bob! Wait!” Mr. Twin cried as I ran for the door. I turned around and yelled, “What?” Mr. Twin thought for a moment, “You love the Battledome, I can tell. You learned about it so quickly and whenever I taught the class you were the one giving me the most attention.”

I nodded, “All I want to do with my life is dedicate it to the Battledome! I want to help pets and their owners become better fighters, I want to learn about the newest battle items before anyone else! I want to be part of the Battledome!” I cried.

Mr. Twin looked at me and said firmly, “And you will become part of the Battledome. I have an idea. It will change your life, and you have to agree to it. In the end you will get your wish, to be in the Battledome, but pain and suffering may come with it.”

I thought for only a moment then said, “OK! I agree! Now what is your idea?” Mr. Twin pulled me toward him, “So, tomorrow will probably be the only chance you will get to go to the Battledome, so you have to go for our plan to work. But about that parent signature…I have the solution…

Present Day

Mr. Twin’s plan worked. He adopted me and gave the proper parent’s signature for the trip. We went to the Battledome the next day. He spoke to one of the head manager’s of the Battledome. He told them about how I wanted to help pets become better fighters.

Mr. Twin told the man I would make a great punching bag. The man was doubtful, but when he saw what I looked like he agreed. I was given a home in the Battledome, along with food and 5000 Hit Points, in exchange for my cooperation as a punching bag.

You know me today as Punchbag Bob. I help you test out your new weapons and moves without any resistance. I finally have a place were I belong, but it does come with a few pains, okay maybe more than a few…OUCH!!!

The End

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