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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 3 > Short Stories > A Meal Worth Fighting For

A Meal Worth Fighting For

by moovin_n_groovin

"Come here! Food!" I flew over to were my brother and best friend was. He lifted a rock, revealing some bugs, I sighed. "Usul, I'm tired of eating bugs. I need blood! The only thing around here that's halfway decent is Pteri blood and they fly too fast."

"Zim, we live in a cave in Tyrannia. What else is there?" I groaned, knowing my brother was right. Then I went about my own searching.

My name is Zim_2001. I'm a yellow Korbat. All you kids may know where I got my name from. My brother is a Faerie Usul named Usul555555. We live in a Tyrannian cave, foraging for food whenever we can. We don't have an owner. I am a Korbat so I crave blood. It is delicious to us. But we don't kill. We merely put our victim to sleep with our gaze and lap up a little of that sweet drink. They wake up perfectly fine. A little sore in the neck, but fine nonetheless.

Swoosh, swoosh. My wings made a soft flapping noise as I flew through the dark night. I went over to the village and landed. My nose led me to a hut. Inside was Kyruggi, the greatest Tyrannian of them all. My brain said to turn back but my stomach said, "Go on in! She's asleep! Who's gonna know?" Against my better half, I snuck inside. I crawled over to Kyruggi, leaned over her neck with my fangs bared, and opened my mouth.

"UGGA UGG!" Pain shot through me. "Destroy pesky Korbat! Smash up good!" She whammed me with her club. I screeched. "Pesky Korbat try bite Kyruggi! Kyruggi break pesky Korbat head!" I flew out the window. I could almost hear my brain saying "Well well well. Look who listened to her stomach." I flew back to my cave, landed on the ceiling, and fell asleep with something important on my mind.

The next morning, I set out to fulfill my dream. I wanted to get into the National Neopian Vampire Blood Storage Warehouse (yes, vampires live in Neopia. Just go to the chat board and go to Role Playing). NeoPets aren't allowed inside, but it's every Korbat's dream to manage it. The blood there is the sweetest, richest, creamiest, coldest, most refreshing and filling blood in Neopia. And I was going to try it.

That morning, Usul and I flew higher than we ever had before. We flew away from the world we knew, into the world of Neopia. The warmth of Tyrannia grew weaker as we flew higher and was replaced by coldness. We soon saw a light. When we flew into it, we were in a freezing world unlike our own. We slipped on the ground. "Maybe Neopia isn't like we heard," I said. We found a cave. It was good to see a familiar thing. We flew inside.

Inside, there was a mound of treasure. I'd never seen anything like it. It was made of stuff that wasn't found in Tyrannia. On top slept a huge ice snake. When we came in, he woke up. "Are you going to steal my treasure? Because if you are, I'll teach you a lesson!"

"Well, all we want is how to get into Neopia. We want to find Neopia Central."

"Is that all? If you mean it..." and he gave us directions. "Nice to see someone who doesn't think I'm evil," he said. "Glad to be of service." He went back to sleep and we set off to Neopia central.

We made it to Neopia. It was hard to be in this strange place. We slept on the ground (or in a tree, in my case). I missed the jungle birds and wild Lupe calls that abounded in Tyrannia. Looking down at the ground, I knew that my home was below us but I couldn't even be in it. Usul felt the same way. He just stared at the sky for a long time, then we both fell asleep.

"Gotcha!" I woke up. A net was around me and I was being shoved into the back of a truck. Usul was in a nearby cage. "Where are we?"

The woman snickered. "You are both bad little pets who won't abide the Neopian laws."

"And what, do tell, are those?" I asked.

"We're from out of town," added Usul.

"Don't be stupid! You two aren't with an owner to keep an eye on you so you are going to the pound! I'll get a big reward for handing you in," she said coldly.

When we got to the pound, the woman brought Dr_Death out. As they talked, me and Usul weaseled out of the cages and flew away.

"Phew! I never knew Neopia was so cruel," I said. We flew on, missing Tyrannia more and more. But I wasn't going home without that blood!

Usul went off to explore, sample the local cuisine, maybe pick up a few NPs, other things. I headed off across Neopia, to the chat area. I went down the path to the Role Playing Park. When I got there, I saw many many other pets. They talked and laughed. Some vampires were chatting or plotting. And in the distance, in all it's glory, was the National Neopian Vampire Blood Storage Warehouse. No one noticed as I flew around to a back door, opened it, and stepped inside.

WHEE-OO, WHEE-OO, WHEE-OO! Alarms and Chia cops welcomed me. I was hauled down to the station. A Chia cop came up. "Why were you in there?"

"Uh, potato girl." I grinned and nodded. He looked stern. Then he asked my name. "Uh... Taters McTots?" He scowled, pulled out a little remote, and pressed a button. It told him all the info on me.

"Zim, I've had problems with Korbats in that building. And I want to make sure that they all stay within the limits of the Neopian law. Because if they don't, blah blah blah bah blah blah blah blah big word blah blah blah blah something about shame blah blah blah."

At least that was how it was to me. I watched as another Chia cop led Adee the Chia in. I'd heard about her. "Prisoner of taste?" I nodded. "Zim! Pay attention!" I looked back at the cop. He said more things about shame and self pity. All I caught was that bad pets are wiped from the database. Then he let me go with a warning. Guess where I went to celebrate my "new sense" of justice?

I made it through the warehouse this time. Good old Dung Catapult. I can always count on him. I flew around until I saw it. It was so lovely. A huge wooden vat of blood. I licked my lips and sank my fangs into a wooden part. It flowed so wonderfully. I lapped up the gently flowing blood. It was creamy and smooth, rich and sweet, and it seemed to cloud my Korbat mind with happiness. Who cared about the Chia cops? Who cared how gross this was to other pets? This was living. I drank until I felt I would burst, then plugged the hole. Taking some with me in vials, I flew away. I was going to head home.

Usul had a good time too. He had ate at Faerie food place and found a girlfriend. He chatted with other Faerie pets, won the caption contest, and a lot of other things. We mad it back to the icy place and found the deep crack in the ground. Taking a last look at Neopia, we flew in and returned to the world we knew.

That night, we slept happily. The cave was just as we had left it. We didn't have to worry about nosy Neopians or pound trucks. We didn't have to worry about much down here. This was home. I really knew how great it was now. But as I took a swig from my vial, as I remembered the excitement and wonderful warehouse, I knew that this had truly been a meal worth fighting for. And I couldn't wait to go back.

The End

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