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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 3 > Articles > I Am Jealous of My NeoPet

I Am Jealous of My NeoPet

by erifreshner

As I start this, I must confess, I am insanely jealous of my NeoPet.

You must all be thinking: What a crazy child that girl is to be jealous of a cyber pet? Ah, my friends, you do not see my views and hopefully once you have finished reading, you too shall be green with envy at that little Moehog, Chia, Scorchio, or otherwise.

To begin this, the first thoughts of jealousy that made me drool was my NeoPets' food. I was feeding my little Cody one day, and suddenly, I wanted a Churro. I wanted Beefy Broccoli, or even Coco NeoCrunch. Mmm, if only that food was real! As a die-hard milkshake collector in NeoPets, I am now driven to want to ask for a Kau Kau Farms Raspberry milk shake when I go into the grocery store. Sadly and bewildered, they shake their heads, and as I walk away as they giggle and point, saying, "What a mad girl. She's gone completely mad." I find it hard to believe that I am the only one drooling over the delicious sounding foods that my NeoPet eats. In fact, I spend most of my money of Neo food, because it all looks so very delectable.

Another thing that makes me envious is how we pamper our pets. I doubt that I treat my own pets at my home as well as I treat little Cody. Further, I doubt that I am pampered that much. We tell them when to eat, when to play, and we make them as happy as we can. When that scowling NeoPet pops up, we frantically click and tap at our computer trying desperately to turn that frown upside down. When they are sick, they get medicine. When they are hungry, some of us dish out 25 NP for cherries. What we do for these pets to make them happy amazes me. I want to be pampered, too!

Before I go and run off to be NeoPet, I sadly realise that I never will be able to be one. Never shall I have gourmet meals fit for a king (for I cannot even heat up ravioli from a can without burning it) or be pampered beyond belief. I suppose I will just have to be satisfied with my life as a human, however much convincing it takes.

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