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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 3 > Articles > A Survivor's Guide to the Chatroom

A Survivor's Guide to the Chatroom

by dragonshark173

This guide will basically tell you what to, and not to do in the chatrooms. It's a handy thing to use if you're stuck on something, and even shows you the basics on Role-playing.

These people are always in search of attention. Who are they? Annoyers are people that go to chatrooms, RPG's in particular, and simply post stuff that doesn't make sense, or False Boards that you can't access and have no way to click to get to it. Sometimes they can be funny, and I don't mind one every so often, but it has became a huge issue now. Less and less RPG's are found in the chatrooms, and the boards only end up staying on for about twenty minutes or so due to these annoyers. Here is the best solution: Ignore the annoyers. If you go to the board and complain, they'll just make more! Even if you report them and their accounts get frozen, they can just make more accounts. That is the best thing to do about that.

But what about the boards disappearing? You can easily post new ones, saying the same title and then next to it 'continued', or call out the people you were role-playing with usernames. If you post their username, it is always sure to attract their attention.

People That Use Rude Dialog
Rude Dialog is basically everything that the NeoPets Team says you shouldn't do; for instance, saying things that are sexual, racist, or swearing. Even saying extremely gory and killing things are go under Rude Dialog. As I can imagine, after reading it, you must feel pretty awful about it. DO NOT POST RUDE MESSAGES BACK. If you do, you may get a chance of being frozen. The very best thing to do about this is report them to abuse.

Symbols and Signs that show expressions in the chatrooms
:) = happy face
:( = sad face
:o = surprised face
:P = face with tongue sticking out
:D = laughing face
lol = Laughs Out Loud
OOC = Out Of Conversation
BIC = Back In Conversation
g2g = Got to Go
brb = Be Right Back
lmao = Laughs My Arm Off

Symbols and Signs to make your chatboards more colorful

"> = Bomber Blocker

= Makes font italic

= Makes font stop being italic

= Makes font bold

= makes font stop being bold

*star* = makes a star. Try other combinations in the *'s for objects, like *pumpkin* or *ghost*

*Chia* = makes a little Chia. Try other combinations in the *'s for NeoPets, like *Lupe* or *Shoyru*

<('.'<) = makes a cute blob. Add features to it like <(^.^<) to make it happy or <(-_-<) to make it sad.

<'^>< = makes a little shark. Try other combinations with the icons to make all sorts of animals and things!

How Role-playing Works
Role-playing games, or RPG's, are games where you act out as your pet or any other such things. It's very fun and easy to do. You will normally find RPG's in the Role Playing section of the Neochat room. It's very fun to do, and a great exercise for future writers.

First, you need to think up a character. It can even be your own NeoPet! Some common role-playing games are with your NeoPet (of course), Vampires and Vampire slayers, Dragons, Fantasy, even some where you're just in your own high school!!

When you start to post a board, try something catchy, like this: Stardust the white Lupess runs through a field, running away from something out of this world... As you can imagine, it will probably make you want to go there and see what the rest is about. Try not to cloud out the board with describing words, otherwise the reader may get confused and stop role-playing it. A bad example would be like this: Chartruse, an emerald vine-like Nimmo, ceaselessly canters upon the harlequin lane... It sounds magical, but...what exactly does it mean anyway? Also, try to keep your spelling and grammar and capitalisation correct. It's okay if you make a mistake every so often, but something like this: DoBeE dA KeWl PuNkY ShOoyrOO PhLyZ ThRoO Da ClOwDz! just doesn't make sense.

Most of the time, you'll put actions in these: ** and put the thing that your pet is saying in quotation marks. Other times, it is just like normal writing a book. If you love to write for The Neopian Times, I suggest writing like a book. So, an RP segment may look like this: *Softpaw pads over to Trez and sits down* "How's it been?" or, it may look like this: Softpaw padded over to Trez and sat down. "How's it been?" she asks. Either way, it looks great, you just do it to the way you feel more comfortable with.

I really hope you liked my article, and picked up a few hints & tricks to role-playing So basically, just go out there and have fun!!

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