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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 3 > Articles > Unnecessary Beautification Revisted

Unnecessary Beautification Revisted

by renacalieth

It took some research to rehash this old story of mine. My first and only article in The Neopian Times went out way back. At least six months ago. It was about the overuse of HTML in the shops around Neopia. Yes, this goes out to all you Neopians who think that all those pretty backgrounds, pictures of 'adopted' things from other sites, Guild advertisements, music files, chats, and whatever else you can cram into one little shop.

I don't bother with these kinds. If the shop doesn't load in under fifteen seconds for me, I don't bother looking. People who feel the need to spruce up their shops so much are wasting their time. A nice background is great. A Web ring, or maybe a Guild Ad. They're all great. As long as you don't use them all. Not everyone can load those pages. They only load quickly for you because they're cached in your computer. Not ours.

My suggestion so many months ago was to forget your shop. Pool your efforts into sprucing up your pet's page. You might even win for the Pet Spotlight, then. And, hey! You get a great trophy that you can show off! What do you get for having a store that takes forever to load? A smaller income. Not many people bother with shops that take too long to load.

I mentioned this as an example way back when. I have a cable modem and use Netscape Communicator. My computer is generally fast. Which is why I only wait fifteen seconds for a shop to load, and then I close the page. And whenever music starts playing, I close the window even if it loads fast otherwise. Music is the biggest annoyance there is. It fouls up my computer at times; I have to shut down Netscape before the sound stops, or it interferes when I'm listening to other music.

And finally, my suggestion back then still remains the same. If you want to go shopping, go to shops that are about size 10 or under. They're usually the stores of newer people, and they usually haven't learned how to "beautify" their shops yet. It's always nice to see plain white. Really. Less is more.

And besides, buying from the newer Neopians is always something we stress, isn't it? Help out the new fellow. And what better then to support their stores? Usually when I refer people, or get new people to sign up, I go and buy things from them. It's always helpful, and helps them think that it would be nice to stay for a while, and maybe someday do the same thing for someone else.

So, to reiterate, it's always nice to be courteous to your neighbours, and don't overload them with a bunch of stuff they don't need. And be nice to the new folk, and help support the growing economy. Besides, they usually sell things cheap, remember? ;)

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