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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 86 > Short Stories > GoldenRhino the Stuper Villain Meets Wokorm

GoldenRhino the Stuper Villain Meets Wokorm

by too_kule

GoldenRhino grimaced as he walked down the street with his owner, TK. The Tonu's mane was combed--yes, combed!--and he was all clean. TK had scheduled a 'play date' with the Neopet belonging to one of his friends. GoldenRhino just couldn't stand. He was the worst stuper villain around, worse than... than... someone really bad!

     "Don't sulk! Zazster says Wokorm is really bored and doesn't have many friends. I just figured that you two would get along because you... er... aren't the most popular pet on account of you... ER tendency to pretend to be evil," TK managed to spit out. He gave a smile at GoldenRhino but the Tonu scowled some more.

     "I'm not pretending, I'm evil to the core! And I don't play with other pets because they aren't evil," GoldenRhino retorted. TK laughed and made a dismissive nod. The two finally reached the 165259 Wishing Well Drive: Zazter's NeoHome.

     TK stepped up and knocked on the door. A boy with brown hair answered the door; a couple of years younger than TK. Standing behind him was a baby Ixi, peering out from behind Zazter's legs.

     "Hey TK, this must be GoldenRhino," Zazter said as he eyed the baby Tonu standing next to GoldenRhino.

     "Yep, this is GoldenRhino! Well, I guess I'll be going. Have fun GoldenRhino," TK said as he turned around and started leaving. GoldenRhino muttered something that sounded amazingly like: 'I'd like to see you make me' and went inside. It was your average suburban NeoHome, chairs... couches... the usual.

     "Tho, ya wanna play toyth?" the baby Ixi asked, spraying GoldenRhino with saliva. GoldenRhino wiped his face with his paw and glowered at the Ixi.

     "No, I do not want to play with toys. Speak with a lisp and spit on me again and I'll hit you over the head with the lamp," GoldenRhino replied.

     "Well, you seem to be getting along well, I'll go find some snacks!" Zazter said. Zazter left the room and Wokorm let out a breath.

     "Wow, I thought he'd never leave!" Wokorm exclaimed. "Sorry about my lisp, it's just a little show for Zazter. And really, I can't stand toys!" GoldenRhino's jaw dropped.

     "You mean aren't a little wimp with a lisp?" GoldenRhino asked. Wokorm laughed.

     "Of course not. I mean, not many wimps have a room like I do... want to check it out?" the Ixi inquired. GoldenRhino nodded and ran after the Ixi. They both walked down the carpeted hallway. They reached the end of the hallway and looked up at the door. It had a poster with bold red letters reading 'ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK'. The Ixi pushed the door open with a kick of his leg, revealing what could possibly be the coolest looking bedroom ever.

     It was a dark room, wallpapered in black. A grey desk was at the other end of the room with a blood red bed sitting next to it. Poster dotted the walls. Dr. Sloth, the Shadow Usul, Hubrid Nox, the Ixi of Doom... so many of Neopia's greatest villains had their pictures in here. GoldenRhino could only reply with one thing: "This is such the coolest room!" Wokorm let out another laugh.

     "If you like that, check out my closet," he said. He led GoldenRhino to the right side of his room and opened the door. GoldenRhino gasped at what was inside. Weaponry of every kind, every colour.

     "I can't believe it! You're evil!" GoldenRhino gasped.

     "As evil as Sloth himself!" Wokorm exclaimed. GoldenRhino suddenly got an idea.

     "You know, I've never been able to live up to my dream to be the ruler of Neopia. If I can't manage it myself, then I'm sure with your help it'll be easy!" GoldenRhino exclaimed. Wokorm's eyes narrowed and he smirked. The baby Ixi slowly nodded.


"Is he here yet? Is he here yet? Is he--"

     "NO! Trust me, if he were here yet, you'd be running around and I'd be popping painkillers!" TK replied. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. TK made a move for the door but GoldenRhino leaped out and ran towards it. It was the next day and GoldenRhino had convinced TK to invite Wokorm over again so they could put their plan into action. GoldenRhino opened the door to reveal the baby Ixi and his owner.

     "Hiya GoldenWino, nithe to thee ya 'gain!" Wokorm exclaimed, layering the baby sound again.

     "What do you got there?" TK asked as he walked up. He pointed to the suitcase Wokorm had by his feet.

     "Ith... uh... toyth!" the Wokorm lied. The two baby Neopets ran to GoldenRhino's room and slammed the door shut. Wokorm opened the suitcase and dumped the contest onto the floor. Three things fell out.

     "What are these?" GoldenRhino asked as he picked up a small weapon resembling a satellite.

     "That is a Mutant Maker. I made it myself from an old Sonic Beam. Fire it at any pet, and they become a mutant. Only they could be changed mutant of course. This other thing..." Wokorm heaved a cannon type thing off the ground. "is my Dung Bazooka. Aim it at something and it fires a pile of dung! And finally, this." Wokorm picked a remote off the ground and clicked the button. The Ixi bounced over to GoldenRhino's window and opened it. Suddenly, a miniature airplane flew through. It wasn't large, but it was big enough for GoldenRhino to probably fit inside.

     "Amazing! OK, I've thought about the plan to take over Neopia and here it is: One of us takes one of those blimpy thingies that fly around at Gormball games--"

     "Oh, you mean dirigibles," Wokorm interrupted.

     "No, I mean blimpy thingies--"

     "I'm pretty sure they're called diri-"

     "It's my plan, they're called blimpy thingies. One of us flies it over Neopia and starts flying towards the ground, also known as crashing. Neopia will be terrorized, but the other one of us will save the day. They'll shower us with praise and make us the leaders of the planet. Any questions?" GoldenRhino asked. He could see Wokorm's eyes narrow mischievously and suddenly he snapped out of it. The baby Ixi nodded his head.


"Somewheeeeeeeeeeeeere, over the... ER something... way up... there..." GoldenRhino sang in a voice that could rust scissors... even plastic ones.

     The Tonu flew the 'blimpy thingy' over the busy streets of Neopia Central. He looked down upon the Neopians running around. He smiled and piloted the blimp downwards towards the ground.

     "Sweet mother of kelp cakes, the blimp is diving at an amazingly slow speed! WE'RE DOOMED!" yelled an old Tuskaninny. Everyone else started running around chaotically. Bumping into things, pushing past each other, not really gaining any ground.

     Up in the sky, GoldenRhino whistled as the blimp got ever closer to the ground. It was going at a speed of approximately 3 and a half miles per hour but it was gaining speed nonetheless.

     "What are we going to do?" another civilian called out.

     Suddenly, Wokorm stepped up with the plan in mind. GoldenRhino had told him to stop the blimp and get praise from Neopians world-wide. He'd say something like 'I can't take all the credit alone, my pal GoldenRhino deserves some!' GoldenRhino would step up beside him (not letting anyone know he was the one who piloted the blimp) and accept as much praise as Wokorm. That was what was supposed to happen.

     "Take this you nasty dirigible!" Wokorm exclaimed. He got out his Dung Bazooka and fired a couple of pieces at the blimp at an alarming speed. With a deafening 'POP!' the dirigible was blasted away from the civilians on the Food Shop. The crowd erupted in cheers. Wokorm smiled.

     "Thank-you!" the crowd cried.

     "It is my pleasure. But I can't accept all of the praise," Wokorm announced. GoldenRhino crept out of the blimp and got ready for his queue. "Some credit goes to my Dung Bazooka!" GoldenRhino's jaw dropped. Wokorm's eyes met GoldenRhino's and the Ixi laughed. GoldenRhino growled. He had been betrayed.

     "Hey everybody, look in the sky!" the Tonu yelled. The Neopets in the crowd looked up and GoldenRhino got out not his own, but Wokorm's prized weapon: the Mutant Maker. Wokorm had stupidly enough left it in GoldenRhino's possession. GoldenRhino fired it at a Buzz, then two Kikos, then a Chia and a Shoyru. He fired the weapon at several more Neopets and then finally tossed it at Wokorm's feet. When the crowd saw the mutants and the weapon in Wokorm's possession, they got mad.

     "What the--"

     "He's no hero--"

     "I don't believe it--"

     The crowd's yelling managed to drive Wokorm out of the city. As Wokorm ran off, he turned back and his eye's met GoldenRhino's. Then the Ixi ran out of the city. GoldenRhino laughed and started walking home. So he didn't manage to take over Neopia. Doesn't matter. At least Wokorm didn't. And like the saying goes 'If at first you don't succeed, make sure somebody else doesn't'.

The End

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