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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 86 > Continuing Series > Magnolia's Teahouse Troubles: Part Six

Magnolia's Teahouse Troubles: Part Six

by peachifruit

Untitled Document

Agent_Magnolia the white Aisha sighed despondently. This mission, in its entirety, was not going as she had planned--not at all. In a little under a week, Magnolia had landed herself dangling outside a window, tied by her arms to the Miroshima Teahouse. She looked up and saw an open window from which she hung. She looked down and saw a lily pond below her.

      Thinking about getting out of this situation was bad enough, but thinking about what Izumi Hanagami was up to was even worse. For all of her trouble, Magnolia had found out close to nothing about what she was plotting, and absolutely nothing about this "broadcast" she'd been told about. Magnolia only hoped that she could make it out of the teahouse without any trouble.

Quit moping, Magnolia, she told herself. There are plenty of ways to get out of this.

      "Well," she said aloud, "I've seen those spy movies where they untie themselves with their feet..." Magnolia tried to bend her legs upwards, but failed.

      "Not going to happen," she murmured. "Well...looks like I'm stuck here till they take me down." Magnolia sighed. Soon after, she felt something hard in her black wig. Tiira_Misu's pen! She did have a chance!

      Magnolia shifted her head to the side until she imagined the pen's point was facing her arms. She winced as she leaned against the wall and the pen. Suddenly, a narrow beam of light shot up from behind her, passing through the ropes binding her to the window and cutting them. Consequently, it also shot up into the roof, and as Magnolia hit the lily pond, she was covered in debris.


      Magnolia coughed, pushing herself up with her arms and glancing around for a moment. The coast was completely clear. She stood up and quickly ran around the hallway towards the room where she had come from--the room where Tiira_Misu was being kept.



      Tiira_Misu shrieked, desperately trying to pull herself away from the chair where she was tied down as Izumi Hanagami ran a comb through her hair recklessly. "Do you KNOW how many TANGLES this is going to cause?!"

      "You are the single vainest person I've met in years!" Izumi exclaimed. "So... are you going to tell me which buttons to press like a good little girl?"

      "NEVER! AUUUUGH!" Tiira_Misu replied. "PAIN! SUFFERING! MAKE IT STOP!"

      Suddenly, the door was knocked down with another loud thud. "Tiira_Misu?" Magnolia inquired, once in the doorway.

      "I JUST fixed that door!" Hisuke cried. "Where's the courtesy in this world?"

      "You!" Izumi exclaimed. "You just will not give up, will you? Trust me, you'll never get in the way of PHTDWTOTWBMOASATWFANCTBOPATWSTWCAWSBTOTW!"

      "P-H-WHAT?" the room's inhabitants inquired.

      "Project having to do with taking over the world by means of a satellite advertisement that will force Neopian citizens to buy our products against their will so that we can, as was said before, take over the WOOOOOORLD!"

      "Advertising?" Magnolia queried. "That's what this is all about?"

      "No!" Tiira_Misu shouted. "Izumi's trying to get back at Miroshima for being unfair to her. She's planning on taking control of the company and broadcasting a universal advertisement that will effect everything that either has a screen or a radio--televisions, speakers, calculators, anything! She's using the satellite that was originally going to be for a SysTech service to show the broadcast all over Neopia, so that people will be forced to buy her products, making her one of the richest people in Neopia. So, this is all about revenge and money."

      Magnolia grinned. "Now this all makes sense. Shirosuma was a setup."

      "Why, you're catching on quickly!" Izumi replied. "Enough chitchat. Let's settle this quickly." Izumi clasped a paw on a bamboo stalk nearby and twirled it a few times. "I don't have all day. Hisuke, try all the key combinations to start the program."

      "But that's over a thousand!"

      "'But that's over a thousand!' I DON'T CARE! JUST DO IT!"

      Magnolia quickly parried Izumi's first strike with the bamboo stalk, before taking one of her very own from a pot nearby. She side-stepped another attack and struck at Izumi for the first time, missing terribly. Instead, Magnolia flung her stalk across the room and out the door.





      "You HIT my Angelpuss!" Hisuke cried. "I reiterate, where's the courtesy in this world?"

      Lunging at a defensive Magnolia, Izumi ignored Hisuke's comment and nearly hit a curtain blocking the window. Pushing herself up quickly enough to chase after her, she began striking relentlessly, giving Magnolia no chance to draw a weapon of her own. Magnolia began to defend herself with her arms, but was quickly pushed against the wall next to the open window from which she dangled helplessly earlier.

      "Looks like this is it, Magnolia," said Izumi, nudging Magnolia towards the window. "Last words?"

      Suddenly, everything seemed to move in slow motion.

      "NNNNNNOOOOOOO!" cried Sys-op, running down the hallway with a bucket on her head, just outside the door. "WWWAAAIIIT!"

      "HHHHEEEELLLLP!" Magnolia screeched, clinging to the wall outside the window.

      "MMMAAAG!" Sys-op exclaimed, stopping in front of Izumi. She grabbed the bucket of ink by the handle and thrust it at the white Acara. The once-white Acara.

      "Oh... my..." Tiira_Misu murmured.

      "Hanagami-sama!" Hisuke exclaimed.

      Suddenly, Tiira_Misu burst into laughter, pointing at Izumi. "Black fur? That is so last season!"

      "L-last season?" Izumi queried. "N-no matter. I don't care--I'll still finish you off either way!"

      "I wouldn't be too sure about that," Sys-op interrupted as a swarm of police officers entered the room. "I was just stalling for time. You did look pretty funny, though."

      "You... you..." Izumi sighed irately. "Clever," she finally said coolly. "Shinichi Miroshima is the true culprit here, though. If it weren't for him, none of this would have happened, I assure you."

      "Keep on saying that," Tiira_Misu murmured. "That reminds me, Shinichi ought to be removed from his current position, seeing as to the fact that he took it unlawfully. He just...took over."

      "He did? What about Shirosuma?" Magnolia asked.

      "Like you said: it was all just a setup. Shirosuma just started working for SysTech a week ago."

      "Huh." Magnolia sighed. "Say, what was that key combination for the broadcast, anyway?"

      "Key combination--? Oh, right! Heh, there was none. I only said that to get them off my fur."

      "You sneaking little..." Magnolia began.

      "Back to Neopia Central?" Sys-op suggested.

      "Yes!" Magnolia and Tiira_Misu exclaimed.

      And so, Shinichi Miroshima was arrested for raiding and taking over SysTech, if only for a while. Izumi Hanagami and anyone else involved in the PHTDWTOTWBMOASATWFANCTBOPATWSTWCAWSBTOTW plan were immediately arrested and thrown into the big house for quite some time. Tiira_Misu is back at home modeling and studying biology as well as technology, and Magnolia is currently complaining to Chief about how little time off she gets in the springtime. Once winter ends, she's very determined to have at least a month off to herself.

The End

Author's Note: And so ends my series! Did you like it? Hate it? Have any suggestions or comments about any of my stories, including this one? Go ahead and feel free to drop me a line, anytime! Thank you and konbanwa!

Previous Episodes

Magnolia's Teahouse Troubles: Part One

Magnolia's Teahouse Troubles: Part Two

Magnolia's Teahouse Troubles: Part Three

Magnolia's Teahouse Troubles: Part Four

Magnolia's Teahouse Troubles: Part Five

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