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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 86 > Continuing Series > The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part Two

The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part Two

by chipster33

Untitled Document "Hiloka?" the white Lupe said in an awful, high pitched voice.

     "Yah!" the Ghost Lupe said, jumping back. "Y-you're not Hiloka!"

     "Hiloka?" the Lupe repeated. "Who's Hiloka? You're last victim? Where were you on the third day of gathering?!?"

     "Woah!" said the voice that sounded so much like Hiloka's. "Slow down Eraicko! Hi, I'm Heather, and this loud Lupe here is Eraicko." Then a girl with dirty blond hair got out of the bushes.

     "You were the one talking?" the Ghost Lupe stammered.

     "Yes. I am not a reporter for the Times, but I wanted to write a biography on you! I mean, if you're a ghost you must have a reason why you didn't die like a normal creature! And to me that would seem like an interesting read!" Heather said with a smile.

     "Okay," the Ghost Lupe said, hopefully they would forget about Hiloka. It was so easy; he would just lie to them like he did to other writers.

     "Great! Okay, question number one-"

     "Wait a second!" Eraicko cried. "You're just letting Heather interview you so that we'll forget about that Hiloka person! I bet you weren't even planning to tell the truth! After all, all the interviews you have done before are so different!"

     The Ghost Lupe backed away nervously. He was so sure they had forgotten about Hiloka, and that they would not figure out his secret.

     "So, who is she? Was she your last victim? I've never seen you actually hurt anyone, but I've heard rumors that you have! Or was she something else?" Eraicko said, a thin smile spreading across her lips.

     "Hiloka is no one that concerns you! Forget about her if you know what's good for you!" the Ghost Lupe growled and then disappeared with the wind.

     "Oh my gosh," Eraicko muttered.

     "Yeah. I can't believe he didn't let me interview him!" Heather whined.

     "No you dork! He was so sensitive about that Hiloka person! She has to be important to him in some way, but how?" Eraicko muttered thoughtfully.

     "Well, we could check the library! They have everything."

     "Great!" Eraicko cried. "Come on, let's go! It's a long way to Neopian Central, even by boat."

     "I hate boats!" Heather whined. "I want to fly! The Uni Express has a discount this week! Five hundred Neopoints a passenger! That's about half the regular price!"

     "You sound like the commercial! And did you realize that you make that much a week and if you spend that money we won't have enough for food! And I am not eating omelettes again!" Eraicko snapped.

     "You won't have to! You'll eat jelly, I know the way to Jelly World. Anyway, it's my money so tough!" Heather said arrogantly as she started on the way to the Uni Express Port.

     Reluctantly, Eraicko followed her and waited in line for tickets.

     "Two tickets please!" Heather said smiling.

     "That'll be one thousand Neopoints!" said the Kiko at the counter.

     Eraicko cringed as her owner handed over the money, but she knew she could not stop her. Also, even though she hated to admit it, Eraicko really liked flying.

     After Heather and Eraicko arrived in Neopia Central they hurried over to the library.

     "Where do you think we will find information on Hiloka? I've never heard of her before!" Heather cried.

     "Neither have I but we have to look! This might reveal something important, I don't know what but I have a feeling it will," Eraicko said with stars in her eyes.

     "You'll really excited about this aren't you?" Heather asked.

     Eraicko smiled, "Well, it is a great lead! And if you can write a story about this I'll never have to eat omelettes again! I mean, who wouldn't want to buy The Secret of the Ghost Lupe?"

     "The Secret of the Ghost Lupe?" Heather asked.

     "That's what I'm going to call this story when we write it! Look, we're here!" Eraicko cried as they arrived at the black iron gate of the Neopian Library.

     The pet and her owner walked in and looked at the rows and rows of books.

     "It's going to take a long time to look through all of them," Heather said reluctantly.

     "We won't have to. Hiloka's probably old if she knows the Ghost Lupe and I don't think it's his most recent victim, he probably would have been less sad about it if she was," Eraicko said thoughtfully.

     "You thought he was sad?"

     Eraicko nodded, "Yes, I could see it in his eyes. I think it might have brought back bad memories. I'm not sure though. Come on, we need to get to work!" And with that Eraicko ran off and grabbed a big book off the shelf and started searching the index.

     Meanwhile, Heather grabbed a table and some chairs and pulled a few helpful looking books off the shelf.

     "What should I look under in the index?" she asked Eraicko.

     "Hiloka I guess. But if they don't have it looking under the Ghost Lupe wouldn't hurt either," Eraicko replied.

     Heather nodded in reply and started searching through the index.

     Two hours later, and no knew information, Eraicko and Heather were getting tired.

     "How do you spell Hiloka again?" Heather muttered.

     "H-I-L-O- Oh, now I forgot!" Eraicko cried.

     "Oh well, it doesn't matter. We're never going to find Hiloka!"

     "Hiloka?" said an old feeble Uni.

     "Yes! Yes! Do you know Hiloka or anything about her?" Eraicko and Heather cried at the same time.

     "Yes, but not so loud! I maybe old but I'm not deaf! Besides, this is a library!" the Uni said while pulling up a chair. "It was seventy five years ago and I was a young whipper snapper then. Boy I used to party harty! I remember one time-"

     "Yes, yes. That's very nice and all, but we really want to learn about Hiloka? Would you mind telling us?" Eraicko said impatiently.

     "Okay! Gosh, young people used to listen to their elders in my day. Of course, my day's over and you kids want to hear about Hiloka!" the Uni said spotting the growing annoyance on Heather's and Eraicko's faces. "She was a beautiful white Lupe from a rich family. Our families were friends you see.

     Her life went on like normal, but then she fell in love with a dazzling young blue Lupe named Jonoq. He was a great knight and was very rich. She fell desperately in love with him. They got married and spent their honeymoon at a big hotel on Mystery Island. All of their friends were there and I thought that they were perfectly happy, but one day they left. A Nimmo said that he had taken them to a small island on Jonoq's request and Jonoq had told him to return in a week. At first we thought that he had gone mad, but then the maid, who had been spying on them, said that it was actually Hiloka who wanted to get away because she wanted some privacy. We waited a week but they never came back. The Nimmo said that Hiloka didn't want to leave. We gave them a year to sort out their priorities and then we went to the island to see how they were doing. When we got there though, something was horribly wrong.

     It was abandoned. We found two houses and in one there was a broken window, but that was it. We searched and searched but didn't find Hiloka anywhere," the Uni said with a frown.

     "What happened to Jonoq?" Heather whispered.

     "Jonoq? Oh yes, Jonoq. We found him a little way from the house. He was- he was- Oh, I can't say it! You know what I mean don't you?"

     Eraicko and Heather nodded. It had been such a sad story they couldn't bring themselves to talk.

     "Oh, I've blubbered on long enough! I need to go. Good-bye girls!" the old Uni said as she walked off, fighting to keep back tears.

     "Goodbye," Heather and Eraicko managed to mutter.

     The owner and her pet sat there a while, going over what they had been told in their heads.

     "Well, now we know about Hiloka," Eraicko said. "But I don't see how she has any connection with the Ghost Lupe. Unless-"

     "Unless he kidnapped Hiloka and killed Jonoq! Think of it, it would be the perfect crime! Her parents where rich and he thought that he could hold her for hostage and give a big fat amount of Neopoints when he gave her back! But since he was unknown back then and no one else was on the island no one ever knew how they where doing on the island until they found Jonoq a year later! The Ghost Lupe probably abandoned the kidnapping, but dragged Hiloka along any way because he might have liked her by then! Who knows, the Ghost Lupe might still have her now!" Heather cried.

     "Eew! That means she'd be a little old lady like that Uni! Poor thing!" Eraicko cried. "But what about Jonoq? He was rich, why didn't he kidnap him to?

     "Well, my guess is that Jonoq was to powerful for the Ghost Lupe to control, so he just dumped him."

     "I'm not sure if that's totally accurate, but it's the best lead we have! Come on, let's go find the Ghost Lupe!" Eraicko said.

     Then Heather and Eraicko ran out of the library to go find the Ghost Lupe.

To be continued…

Previous Episodes

Ghost Lupe Says All

The Evil Neopet Interviews: Ghost Lupe

The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part One

The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part Three

The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part Four

The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part Five

The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part Six

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