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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 7th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 86 > Continuing Series > The WereLupe Files Case 2: The Disappearing Faeries -- Part Four

The WereLupe Files Case 2: The Disappearing Faeries -- Part Four

by neojolteon2

Untitled Document

We took a boat to the Haunted Woods. Seeing the dark, decrepit trees with the holes in the trunk made me feel like I was being watched the whole time. Yet also feeling at home if I would have been in my WereLupe form.

     The boat dropped us off at the docks and seemed to leave in a hurry. We then walked into the Haunted Woods.

     Maylas was armed with his duel Silver Drake Swords, a Silver Drake Helm, and a Grand Lightning Beam for just in case. I was armed to the teeth. I wore my iron Lupe helm, iron Lupe boots, a Lupe Chia bomb, a Lupe grabber jaw, a Lupe reflective shield, an ancient Lupe wand, and my favorite, the deadly duel iron Lupe swords. Khell came only with a Gelert wand. I guess he was going to rely on poking Balthazar if we found him. Moon kept her items secretive. I had no idea what she had.

     We walked deeper into the woods keeping our wits about us. Maylas was in the lead since he knew the way. I followed behind him keeping my ears opened for anything.

     The deeper we went, the darker it seemed to be. Nothing looked like the parts of the Haunted Woods I was in. Where all the stores are. Suddenly, I heard a rustling to my left. No one else but me heard it.

     “Maylas, stop,” I said cautiously. He stopped and looked at me.

     “What?” he whispered back.

     “We’re not alone,” I growled looking around trying to find who it was. Khell was busy picking his nose when he noticed everyone was being serious and stopped to put on his serious face.

     I stood there trying to find the person. They were quiet but not quiet enough to keep from my ears. I soon figured out we were surrounded. I gulped and slowly reached for my Lupe Chia Bomb. Maylas eyes widened and was about to say something but I gave him a glare to shut him up. He knew I would only use this if we were really in trouble. I grabbed my bomb and flicked my claw on the fuse. I felt it light and begin to spark. I counted to two in my head then heaved it into the bushes. I bright flash and a bang exploded from where it landed. A few yelps came with it. I finally saw our stalkers. They were Shadow Lupes! They growled and sneered at me with their yellow eyes while their body seemed to blend into the woods. I didn’t give them the chance to re-hide themselves. I charged one of them and rammed it with my Iron Lupe Helm. It went flying back into a tree and, with a yelp, fell. Maylas attacked another with his swords and took down another. More began to charge from the forest at us. I blocked an attack with my shield and hacked at my opponent with my sword.

     Suddenly, a yipe came from where Khell and Moon were. Moon was in a sitting position chanting something while Khell poked any Shadow Lupes in the eyes that came near them. I knew he wouldn’t last much longer so I ran to them and began to defend Moon wondering what she was doing. As I blocked one attack with my shield and struck back at the Lupe, a bright flash came from behind me. The shadow Lupes quickly began to run away. I looked back to she Moon slowly dimming from the light she produced.

     “Moon, how did you do that?” I asked astonished.

     She smiled at me.

     “I used my ability spark. I guess for being a starry Lupe, its a lot stronger. I figured those shadow Lupes hated the light since they scattered when your Chia bomb went off.” She explained. I sheathed my sword and returned my shield to my back.

     “Well, now that’s over, lead the way Maylas,” I said.

     No answer.

     “Maylas?” I quickly looked around for him. Maylas was no where in sight.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The WereLupe Files Case 1: The Beginning

The WereLupe Files Case 1: The Beginning Part Two

The WereLupe Files Case 1: The Beginning Part Three

The WereLupe Files Case 1: The Beginning Part Four

The WereLupe Files Case 2: The Disappearing Faeries Part One

The WereLupe Files Case 2: The Disappearing Faeries Part Two

The WereLupe Files Case 2: The Disappearing Faeries -- Part Three

The WereLupe Files Case 2: The Disappearing Faeries -- Part Five

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