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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 84 > Continuing Series > The WereLupe Files Case 2: The Disappearing Faeries Part Two

The WereLupe Files Case 2: The Disappearing Faeries Part Two

by neojolteon2

Untitled Document “No, it must be my shock. I never had one,” I said quickly. The Aisha looked over me quickly and then walked off.

     I decided I should head home and explain to Maylas what happened.

     On my way home, I didn’t notice Moon run up from behind me.

     “Colbolt, what happened to your shop?” she asked as she caught up to me.

     “Someone burned it down and made it look like a misconnected wire,” I said angrily trying to figure out who. No one knew I had the Faerie. No one but me.

     “Who would want to do that?” she asked.

     “I don’t know but they were after one thing. The Faerie I had,” I said bitterly.

     Moon looked shocked.

     “You had a Faerie? Did you report it?” she exclaimed.

     “No, they didn’t believe me when I first asked them about finding it.” I began to think about what Maylas had said about it being Balthazar. It could be, but he hasn’t been seen in such a long time. I turned a corner and went onto Gouru Road. My house was just a few blocks away. Moon was quiet the rest of the way.

     When my house came into view I sighed and thought how I was going to tell Maylas about the shop. We had no way of making money now. Whatever was in the bank was left.

     Suddenly, a Faerie Gelert came falling out of the sky and slammed into a tree. Moon was horrified. She went running to her younger sibling’s side. Khellondros was a Faerie Gelert and not a bright on at that.

     “Khell! Are you alright?” Moon said lifting up the fallen Gelert.

     “Yeah. But these stupid trees keep getting in my way. I think they’re doing it on purpose just to pick on me,” Khell said rubbing his head. Moon rolled her eyes.

     “Well, now I’ve had it with them.”

     Khell went over to the tree and poked it in the middle. He pulled it back suddenly and grabbed his paw.

     “Ow! You’re a cheat! I can’t even find your eye and you hurt me!” Khell was furious. I was glad he hadn’t poked himself.

     “Come on Khell. I’ll bandage your paw at home,” Moon said annoyed yet trying to be nice to her brother.

     “Okay Moon.” Khell began to walk away. Then, he whispered to the tree, “I’ll get you later,” and caught up with Moon.

     I chuckled to myself and went home.

     Maylas was quite surprised to see me in the morning still. And horror stricken when I told him about the shop.

     “But, but, how will we make np?” he asked already trying to calculate the bills and thinking over everything. I knew some stuff would have to go too. I picked up the over due payment on the sofa I still hadn’t paid off.

     “Well, we still have enough money to make it through this month but after that...” I didn’t bother to finish.

     Maylas bowed his head sadly. Then he perked up right away with a gleam of hope in his eyes.

     “There IS a way to make np easily!” he exclaimed. I looked at him puzzled.

     “We just have to catch Balthazar! There’s a reward out for the thief of the Faeries and whoever captures him gets 200,000np!” he explained.

     “Maylas, no. No one knows who it is and Balthazar has been gone for years. Let the idea drop,” I growled angrily. It was useless. Maylas shot a puff of smoke at me angrily and stomped out of the house. I sighed and decided to put my left over battle items away. I would have to sell them eventually if I wanted to keep everything. I opened the closet door before the thought came back into my mind.

     I do want to be a normal Lupe again.

     I stood there looking at the items.

     No, Balthazar has been gone for years. There’s no chance I could find him. I argued to myself.

     But the reward money, and the chance to fight in the Battledome again. You know you want to.

     Whatever that other voice said in my head was right. But I slammed the door to the closet and felt the voice disappear. I shuddered and decided to sleep.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The WereLupe Files Case 1: The Beginning

The WereLupe Files Case 1: The Beginning Part Two

The WereLupe Files Case 1: The Beginning Part Three

The WereLupe Files Case 1: The Beginning Part Four

The WereLupe Files Case 2: The Disappearing Faeries Part One

The WereLupe Files Case 2: The Disappearing Faeries -- Part Three

The WereLupe Files Case 2: The Disappearing Faeries -- Part Four

The WereLupe Files Case 2: The Disappearing Faeries -- Part Five

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