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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 88 > Continuing Series > The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part Four

The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part Four

by chipster33

Untitled Document "What? What answer?" Eraicko asked confused.

     "Mutant Grundos! That's the answer! That's who attacked Jonoq and Hiloka! That's who the intruders were!" Heather cried.

     "Come again?" Jonoq asked.

     "Don't you understand? The big, green, muscular creatures were mutant Grundos, and since Grundos speak backwards that would explain the weird language!"

     "But what about the black cloaked figure? He was there to," Jonoq asked.

     "Dr. Sloth!" Eraicko exclaimed. "Heather for someone so dense you can sure have your moments!"

     "Thanks- Hey!"

     "But why would they take Hiloka or attack me? We did nothing to him!" Jonoq yelled.

     "Well, after Sloth experimented on the Grundo's a bit he probably took his spaceship back to Neopia and he probably landed there. I bet he was planning on doing more experiments, but didn't want you and Hiloka to get in the way!" Heather cried.

     "That still doesn't explain why he kidnapped Hiloka. He could have finished her off like me," Jonoq said firmly.

     Heather and Eraicko thought about that. Finally, Eraicko spoke.

     "Did any of the Grundos say anything to Sloth?"

     "Yes, one did," Jonoq said. "But like I told you I couldn't understand them."

     "But do you remember what he said?" Eraicko asked. "I think I might be able to translate it!"

     "Uh, I think he said something like wonk taht uoy evah neeb gnipoleved a tnatum alumrof rof Sepul and something like eno rof na tnemirepxe, but I can't remember anything else," Jonoq said as if he was straining to remember. "Is that enough? It has been seventy-five years!"

     Eraicko grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil from Heather's bag and asked for Jonoq to repeat the phrases. After doing so five times Eraicko had decoded it all.

     "Okay! In the first phrase word number one is 'know'. The second is 'that', the third 'you', the fourth 'have', the fifth 'been', the sixth 'developing', the seventh, of course, 'a', the eighth 'mutant', the ninth is 'formula', the tenth 'for', and the eleventh is 'Lupes'. Then in the next phrase the first word is 'one', the second is 'for', the third 'an', the fourth is 'experiment'."

     "So that translates to know that you have been developing a mutant formula for Lupes and one for an experiment. That Grundo must have been talking to Dr. Sloth! So that means-" Heather said, but stopped seeing the look on Jonoq's face.

     "That means Dr. Sloth wanted to try the mutant formula out on Hiloka," Jonoq said in a melancholy voice. "So she's probably-" But Jonoq could not continue as he choked on his own words. The thought was too horrible for words.

     "We don't know for sure that it happened! Eraicko might have mistranslated the words, she's not always there you know!" Heather cried to try to comfort Jonoq.

     "Hey! I am always all there and I know what I translated was right- then again I could be wrong," Eraicko said after she saw Jonoq's face.

     "No. Your translation was right. I know it; I must face the facts. I can't believe my death was in vain," Jonoq whispered.

     "No it wasn't!" Heather cried. "Just because Dr. Sloth wanted to use her for an experiment doesn't mean that she's not still with him. Hiloka sounds strong, she's probably still alive!" Heather cried.

     "She might be horribly deformed and foaming at the mouth, but still alive! And I bet somewhere in her mutated brain she still remembers you!" Eraicko said cheerily.

     Heather and Jonoq gave her a cold look.

     "Thanks Eraicko. I bet that gave Jonoq a lot of confidence," Heather said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

     "I know! I am such a motivational speaker!"

     Heather and Jonoq looked at her in disgust then shook it off.

     "But what I don't understand is how did we not notice them? I mean, we explored just about the entire island, how come we never saw them, or heard them? I remember how many of those 'Grundo' things there were, and believe me they wouldn't be easy to hide!" Jonoq exclaimed.

     "Was there anywhere you didn't explore? Anywhere at all?" Heather asked.

     "Well," Jonoq said, straining to remember. "There was one place."

     "Where?" Heather and Eraicko asked at the same time.

     "A cave. Hiloka and I were frightened to even go near it. We used to hear stuff around there- oh well that's obvious," Jonoq said while hitting his head.

     "So, this is what we have concluded: Dr. Sloth and his Mutant Grundos took Hiloka, Sloth was planning to experiment a new mutant Lupe formula on her, they were living in a cave on the island, and Hiloka is possibly with them now," Eraicko said. "Wow, for being halfway through this story part we sure got a lot of information!"

     Heather, Jonoq, and Eraicko sat there for a second, thinking about all that had been said.

     "If," Heather said finally. "And this is a big 'if'- If Sloth still has Hiloka, than how do we know that he's still not staying at the same base? I mean, besides Hiloka and you, no one has ever really explored that island."

     "That's right! Why would he move when there was no reason to? That's genius Heather!" Jonoq cried.

     "I could have come up with it," Eraicko muttered under her breath.

     "So Hiloka might be there on the island still! I can't believe it! Under my nose all this time! I must go get her!" Jonoq cried happily. And for once, a huge smile broke across is face, and Heather and Eraicko could swear they saw a silver tear go down his cheek.

     "Okay then, let's get moving!" Heather cried.

     "What makes you think you are going with me?" Jonoq said, now stern.

     "What do you mean? You don't actually think we aren't going to go with you, after this much? No way! We're coming!" Heather cried.

     "No. I appreciate what you have done for me but I must do this on my own. Farewell, Heather and Eraicko, farewell." And with that Jonoq was whisked away with the wind.

     "I hate it when he does that! That's twice, and it's always when something big happens!" Eraicko whined.

     "Well, let's get going," Heather sighed.


     "You don't expect us to let Jonoq go alone do you? He's a ghost, he might think he can do anything but I've seen him in the Battledome! Easy opponent! We have to help him!" Heather cried.

     "How can we though? I mean, it's not like I'm terribly strong! I had trouble with the Chia Clown for goodness sakes!" Eraicko cried.

     "That's true, what we really need are some awesome weapons!" Heather cried.

     "Which we could get if you hadn't spent all of our money flying to Neopia!" Eraicko snapped.

     Heather blushed.

     "Well, we still have 400 NPs. Let's go to the battle magic shop to see what we can find!" Heather cried.

     Then Heather and Eraicko started running to the battle magic shop and when they got there, they got a very unsatisfactory response.

     "Four-hundred Neopoints? Are you kidding?!?" the Grarrl shopkeeper laughed. "Now really, how many Neopoints do you have?"

     "Four-hundred," Heather said timidly.

     The Grarrl started laughing again and Eraicko and Heather edged out of the shop.

     "Well that was a waste of time!" Eraicko cried.

     Heather nodded. "I expected for him to give us a lousy weapon, but not laugh us out of the shop! Gosh, one decent weapon, that's all I ask for!" Heather and Eraicko started to walk away when they heard some one call.

     "Hey! Hey! You with the white Lupe!" shouted the girl with the Poogle that they had met earlier. "How'd the battle go? Did you show that Ghost Lupe who was boss? I would have liked to, 'cept Pishiu still a little weak from Neomonia!"

     Eraicko noticed a sly look in Heather's eyes and then in a melodramatic voice she cried, "We were so close! Eraicko, my Lupe, had him cornered, and she tried her best to get him but-"

     "But?" the girl and Pishicu asked.

     "But, unfortunately we did not have good enough weapons! If only someone would give us money for a Grand Lightning Beam, 400NPs is just not enough!" Heather cried.

     "Well, if it's for the good of Neopia I'll give you the money," the girl said hesitantly. "How much are they again?"

     "35,000NPs!" Eraicko screamed.

"Uh, okay, here," the girl said while handing over the Neopoints. "Never let it be said I didn't help Neopia!"

     Then the girl and her Poogle turned and walked away.

     "Hey!" the Poogle yelled. "How come you're gonna let them have a Grand Lightning Beam? You won't even buy one for me!"

     "I told you Pishicu, next year!" the girl hissed. "We'll talk about this at home!"

     After the girl and her Poogle were well out of hearing range, Eraicko and Heather cracked up laughing.

     "I can't believe they bought that!" Heather cried. "By the way, why did you ask for 35,000NPs? Grand Lightning Beams only cost 25,000NPs!"

     "We have to have to have transportation! And a few extra Neopoints after that wouldn't hurt either!" Eraicko said with a wicked grin.

     Heather smiled back and followed Eraicko as she ran to the shop wizard to get a Grand Lightning Beam. After they purchased it, they ran off to the Uni Express Station to buy two tickets for Mystery Island.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Ghost Lupe Says All

The Evil Neopet Interviews: Ghost Lupe

The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part One

The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part Two

The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part Three

The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part Five

The Ghost Lupe's Secret: Part Six

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