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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 10th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 87 > Articles > Beauty Contest Troubles

Beauty Contest Troubles

by relationshipper

BEAUTY CONTEST - Every Neopian chatter, when asked what annoys them the most on chat boards, may list all sorts of different things; but on everyone's list is probably spam. It's gross, sticky, unavoidable, aggravating worse then the Yellow Growth you picked up from Krawk Island.

Just what is spam? Some people may define it as Short (or silly/stupid) Pointless Annoying Messages, or messages that just shouldn't belong. If you've ever visited the chat boards, you can probably spot some in less then ten seconds. Shop ads, trade ads, and such can be classified as such and as if that wasn't bad enough, there is a strong, growing and growing supply of Beauty Contest spam.

A nice way to compare it is to compare Beauty Contest spam, is with one fabled Neopian item, the stuff! Check it out, it doubles in size everyday like a plague that can't be stopped! It drives many chatters crazy, especially on Monday, at around 4 PM, NST, when the new Beauty Contest starts. It makes chatting a lot less fun, so why do chatters have to converse in a pool of spam while less considerate spammers flood the chat boards with the inevitable stuff?

One poster that has a pet in the contest may say it is because no one ever visits the Beauty Contest board, which is really the only designated place for beauty contest posters. While that might hold some truth, as nineteen out of twenty boards there are basically just "Please vote for my kyoot pet, it's her first time" boards, it doesn't make posting ads on the other boards, whether it's the I Need Help! Chat board or NeoQuest board all right.

Some may argue that when they post on the I Need Help! board regarding their pets in the Beauty Contest, that they are allowed to post on that board, because they are simply seeking help for their pet in the Beauty Contest. That could be correct, but then would the other hundreds of people in the contest be allowed to plug their ads too? Then wouldn't that just transform all the boards into the Beauty Contest board (when there was already one)? I doubt asking for "help" to get your pet a trophy, and personal glory hardly qualifies as needing help. Asking where you can get free healing for a pet is considered help, and so is, say, asking for some quest help.

There is the old phrase, "because everybody is doing it!" That seems to be a factor when people post their Beauty Contest ads on the "wrong board". Of course, just because everyone is doing it, doesn't make something alright necessarily, and spamming isn't an exception. Some people even know they are on the wrong board, and still continue doing it, and they're ruining the chats for others. Not cool at all...

So what can a person that has a pet in the contest do to get their pet some recognition, and maybe some votes instead of through spamming? I have a few suggestions how, so people don't have to resort to spamming, which is no better then cheating to win.

1. Advertise to your friends first. Make sure they won't get mad though, because some people don't like getting beauty contest ads, even through Neomail from their friends. They usually mention it on their lookup or something, but for your NeoFriends that wouldn't mind, this will probably give your pet a great start.

2. Through your Shop. With a little simple HTML, you can put a link (or even better, an image link) in your shop, asking visitors in your humble shop to check out that pet of yours in the contest. Check out the Neopets HTML guide if you don't know how.

3. Sales History. That can come in handy instead of just seeing who bought what. It's easy to send a nice polite Neomail from them. You might want to mention how you got a hold of their username too, so it doesn't seem like you just pulled their name out of a magic hat. ;) And of course, with this method, it means the more items you sell, more unique users should buy from your shop.

4. Add a signature. If you chat a lot, you might find this useful. If you fiddle around with your NeoHTML, you will find that you can add your own signature, which is like a bit of text that appears after everything you post. If you don't know how, or what NeoHTML is, this site on NeoHTML made by Chocolateluvr may prove to be very useful. However, take this advice, don't post just for the sake of advertising your pet! People can see right through that, and it makes you seem insincere, posting just so you can plug.

5. Forums. There are a ton of cool Neopet forums around, and some have places where you can advertise too. If you frequent those places, why not drop a thread and mention that your pet is in the Beauty Contest?

6. Notice Board. Usually, only the first few pages of the notice board ever get "noticed". Of course, you need a lot of NP, so if you have friends that are having pets going into the Beauty Contest too, it might be a good idea to split up some Beauty Contest notice board funds to have one notice where you can advertise a few pets at once.

7. Beauty Contest Board. You're probably wondering why this was even mentioned. Wasn't using the Beauty Contest board basically useless? Well, it may not get your five votes a minute, but it will get you some, and believe me, people do go there to check out pet pics, so it's worth posting there now and then :)

8. Guilds. Many people are part of active guilds, and of course, that means lots of potential voters. I find a lot of guilds have a plug once a day rule, which is very reasonable. If your guild has rules like that, it might be a wise idea to read through them to see if you can post an ad. Of course, generally people dislike it when guild members that they haven't heard from in ages ask them for a vote. Simply putting it, you can't be inactive in a guild, or just join one to advertise and leave.

9. Userlookup. You never know when someone might look at your lookup, so paste your beauty contest link there and a small message about your pet if you want :)

Those are just a *few* of the ways you can advertise without spamming. Why bother to not spam? First, spammers have generally bad reputations for being inconsiderate, and second of all, when people spam, or post on the wrong boards, a lot of potential votes do not vote for you, but for your pet's competition. It's also against the Terms and Conditions, and getting a warning or a pet disqualified is probably not what people are aiming for.

Now, say you're not planning to get close to that Enter Contest page, and you don't plan on ever entering your beloved pet. But you're still a regular chatter and despise spam. So as one player, what can you do? Unfortunately, spam will always be here and there, but helping to put a stop to it by taken action against it will do some good!

Start off by posting on the board that you think should belong elsewhere. For example, someone constantly asking for votes for his or her Acara in the Help chat board. It's easy to say something such as "please use the beauty contest board to advertise, and don't do it here". If they don't stop, I have a tendency to Neomail them. Sometimes, they do stop once they realize that they shouldn't be spamming. If they don't and you are getting bothered by it, you might want to use the abuse report page. And of course, don't support Beauty Contest spammers, and encourage your friends to do the same. Simply putting it, don't vote for people that post on the wrong boards. Spammers post boards to advertise their pets, because some people actually vote for them. If they are getting votes, they will continue to post. Why should you bother voting for someone's pet when the owner is too irresponsible to post correctly on the appropriate board?

Spam stinks, and especially Beauty Contest spam. But don't be overwhelmed by it, just remember, you can make a difference. No matter how small it is, it counts in the long run in the fight against the spam in the chat boards community. Let's try and stop the plague of Beauty Contest spam before it gets too big. Thanks for reading, and if you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it! Just drop me a Neomail anytime! :)

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