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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 90 > Continuing Series > The Terrible Two: Part Four

The Terrible Two: Part Four

by bqueen6430


Two Chias darted around the Kitchen. Tommy and Tamara? It couldn't be! Yes, it could. On the counter with the other cookie ingredients sat a bag of Chia Flour.


     Christine was regaining consciousness. "What have you done to my babies?" she shrieked. "They're Chias!"

     Tia trembled as she pointed to the bag of Chia Flour.

     "Well, why didn't you get turned into a Chia as well?" Christine demanded.

     Tia held up her paws. "I always wear gloves when I bake. It keeps germs out."

     Christine scooped up her new Chias and turned around. "I refuse to pay you, Tia!" she said huffily. "Good-BYE!"

     And with that, Christine, Tommy, and Tamara (the Chias) left the house.


As it turned out, Tia ended up raking lawns with Holly. Holly laughed at Tia's story. Tia didn't think it was very funny.

     But, despite the humiliation of Christine telling everyone about her terrible babysitting job, and the injustice of not getting paid, Tia got her wish. Nick noticed her.

     One day in the halls, he walked up to her.

     Tia dropped her books in surprise. "Hi," she said breathlessly as she stooped to pick them up. "M-my name is--"

     "I know who you are!" Nick said.

     He knows who I am!

     "You're the Cybunny that turned those two rugrats into Chias!"

     Yup, that's me.    : P

The End

Previous Episodes

The Terrible Two: Part One

The Terrible Two: Part Two

The Terrible Two: Part Three

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