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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 91 > Continuing Series > The Great Jelly Adventure: Part Eight

The Great Jelly Adventure: Part Eight

by buddy33774

Untitled Document Pianto and Marana walked carefully down the yellow, jelly streets. All around them, creatures of all species and colors stared at them. They gawked and awed at the weird creatures that had found their ways into their land. All the creatures looked just like regular pets, except that they were made of jelly.

     A blue, Blumaroo-shaped jelly pet stepped out in front of the two travelers. Pianto and Marana stopped, not knowing what to do or say. The three looked at each other for a moment. Finally, the jelly-pet spoke.

     "Welcome, travelers," he greeted with a friendly tone, spreading his blue arms wide open. "You look as though you have come a long way and are quite weary. Come, eat, rest, you're friends here."

     Pianto and Marana looked exchanged strange glances. They hadn't expected such a warm reception. But, never the less, they followed the Blumaroo, glad to be accepted.


Pianto and Marana sat in a large room, munching away. The meal was comprised entirely of jelly (of course) as was everything else in the town. Not to say it was bad. The Gelert and Cybunny, not fully realizing just how hungry they were until they saw the food, went right to work devouring the buffet.

     "I'm the mayor of this town," began the Blumaroo, "Mayor Jojo Jeltin. And you two are in Jellyworld. By the way, just how did you get here?"

     The explorers explained how they had arrived there between mouthfuls of Lemon, Lime, Grape, Blueberry, and Cherry jelly. They told of their happenings on the ferry, being captured by the Jubjubs, the Myncies, and up to meeting the Great One.

     When they were finally finished with their story, the mayor and a group of others who had heard of the explorers and wanted to hear the story were left in awe, jaws dropped to the floor.

     "Well, it seems that the two of you have come a long way and survived many life-and-death situations. We would be honored to have you two as our special guests."

     Pianto broke into a smile of which he hadn't had in quite a while. "It's good to finally meet some friendly people on this trip, ones who don't want to eat me," he thought to himself.

     "And as our guests," the Mayor continued, "we would be grateful if we could show you around our great city."

     "Ya, you bet!" Marana and Pianto burst out at the same time, wanting to walk off the big meal they had just had.


"And this is the Jellyworld Library." The mayor had been showing Marana and Pianto the town for nearly an hour now. It was quite fascinating although more than once, Pianto had to resist the urge to eat the buildings. Marana continued to glance around, as though she was searching for something.

     Finally, she couldn't keep it in anymore. "So, where do you keep the gold?" she blurted out, the smile on her face seemingly about to stretch itself off. Mayor Jojo returned her smile with a bewildered look.

     "What gold, dear?"

     Marana looked stunned. "You know, the treasure. The treasure the poem talks about."

     The mayor plainly didn't understand. "Hunny, there's no treasure here. Only jelly."

     Marana did not attempt to hold back her disappointment. Tears began to well in her eyes. "You mean, we came all this way for nothing?" The mayor appeared as though he didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry but there is no gold here. No treasure at all. Just jelly." Marana, heartbroken, began to trot sadly back to her hotel room.


Pianto found Marana sulking in her room. A few hours had past since she had made a fool of herself in the street. "So, how you doing?" he asked, walking in.

     Marana looked up from where she sat on the bed. "The poem was wrong. We came all the way here, but there's no treasure. We traveled all this way for nothing."

     Pianto leaped up on the bed next to her. "Not exactly, this town, these people… they're the treasure. After all, the poem never actually said anything about gold, just that we would find 'the treasure that we seek'.

     This didn't seem to make the Cybunny feel better. "But what are we going to tell everyone when we get home?" she asked, drying her eyes. Pianto looked at her sympathetically. "We can't tell them anything about this place. If we do, everyone will come here and it will destroy all of these peoples' way of life. You and I have to keep this secret."

     Marana looked up, terrified. "But, what do we say when they ask what we found?"

     "Just tell them that we didn't find anything, that we came all this way and found nothing at all."

     Marana thought this over for a minute. Then sadly, her head tilted towards the floor, she nodded her agreement. It was the right thing to do. The next day, Pianto and Marana said their goodbyes to the townsfolk and set off, their journey finally complete.


Night had fallen by the time the fire Gelert and white Cybunny reached the outskirts of Neopian Central. The two stood on a ridge, just outside the city limits, overlooking the city. As the sun fell behind the tall buildings, Pianto turned to Marana.

     "Umm… I'm glad you came with me," he mentioned nervously, swallowing the lump in his throat.

     "I'm glad too, I guess," she replied, smiling sweetly. As the two entered the city limits, Marana gave her partner a playful shove.

     "Hey, don't think I've forgotten about that plushie. You still owe me a new one!"

     Dang! Pianto thought. I had hoped she'd forgotten about that!


Pianto and Marana remained friends from that moment on. Needless to say, both of their owners were overjoyed to see them again. The two never told about Jellyworld or the pets that lived there. Even though this adventure was over, Pianto felt that his adventuring days were far from over…

The End

Author's note: I hoped you enjoyed this story, I LOVED writing it. I appreciate all feedback, so fell free to Neomail me. I'll be writing a sequel soon, so look for it.

Previous Episodes

The Great Jelly Adventure: Part One

The Great Jelly Adventure: Part Two

The Great Jelly Adventure: Part Three

The Great Jelly Adventure: Part Four

The Great Jelly Adventure: Part Five

The Great Jelly Adventure: Part Six

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