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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 91 > Continuing Series
Just Ixi: Part Two

"Thank you for saving me from those evil creatures. They treated me like chewing dung, and that’s all I ever got to eat!!!"

by superixionffx

Odd-Job Shelly: Part Two

Shelly tore the ad from the board and, after repeating the address number in her head a few thousand times, galloped over towards the store, excitement building in her chest.

by battlesunn

Addiction Predicament: Part Three

I knew I shouldn't of gone out there in the open like that for so long.. Grrr.. it's all Saigru's fault."

by apparent

Aisha Dark Shadow: Part Seven

“You know you can’t win, so call it quits, Aisha Dark Shadow,” he said cockily.

by adoriblelapin

Amita: Part Nine

He drifted slowly out of the third dimension after he saw me, leaving me with only the pillar he had been trying to fix.

by catlady87

Beware the Omelette!: Part Two

"You're cornered, Tonu. There's no way out, and there's no way you're getting past to lay waste to Terror Mountain."

by felabba

Faerie Swap: Part Two

"I don't want to be Jhudora," were her simple words. And she was beginning to turn back!

by opalgirl26

Jhudaberries: Part Three

"So you've been in contact with the Faeries!" said Ghicaccio furiously.

by twayblade807

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Six

"Well, I destroy you after I take your powers, that way I get to do two wonderful things," Sehmno laughed.

by tigerlizard5

The Aisha Thieves 2: Part Three

Lae had a look on her face that wasn't unlike the first time we met. Her eyes shone with determination and her features, despite pale and rough, were hopeful.

by stormydreamer

The Great Jelly Adventure: Part Eight

Pianto and Marana sat in a large room, munching away. The meal was comprised entirely of jelly (of course) as was everything else in the town.

by buddy33774

The Reality of Dreams: Part Five

The mountains loomed closer, and I pelted towards them with all my might. Behind, I could hear the creatures coming closer.

by sabreur

The Student Journals 2: Hoopla Hauntings -- Part Five

"The Thousand Spirits of Myst jealously guarded their Honored Truths. They cursed anyone who got in their way. But they had a weakness..."

by ridergirl333


Great Galloping Gelerts!

A common aspect of every Neopian’s life is inflation. We’ve all seen it. That 12 NP item suddenly soars to 12,000. This or that disappears, a war starts, a shop is open... all of these are causes for inflation... more>>

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Other Stories

Size Seeds
"You're telling me that these minuscule seeds will fill up a Scorchio, an Aisha, and a Gelert, all with huge appetites?"

by bludragn3

The Case of the Fanatical Wannabe
"Hmph, this is a very unexpected rainshower that will probably vanish by midafternoon..."

by leb388

Editorial Know How
The help section has been around since forever and a day ago, and will always have important information all Neopians should know about.

by cherriepoof

How To Write a Successful Series
Now, A wants to write a series. But how does s/he do it? Well, first off, they need an idea...

by stormydreamer

Shoyru Squadron: Agents of Faerie
The Draco Debacle Part 4

by the_darkjedi

Pup Luck
How could you possibly enjoy it here?

by lugia

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