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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 91 > Continuing Series > Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Six

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Six

by tigerlizard5

Untitled Document "I knew I couldn't trust you!" Kosesho growled boldly as the eight dark Kougras held him pinned to the ground on his stomach, their paws pressing against his back to keep him from moving.

     "Get my absorbent claws," Sehmno called to the dark Kougras.

     A few of them nodded and walked away.

     "Absorbent claws? So… you're going to steal my powers?" Kosesho said. "I thought you were going to just destroy me."

     "Well, I destroy you after I take your powers, that way I get to do two wonderful things," Sehmno laughed.

     The dark Kougras returned and placed the weapons in front of Sehmno.

     "Here are your absorbent claws," one of them said.

     "Great," Sehmno leered. Then he turned to Kosesho with a malicious smirk on his maw. He put the absorbent claws over his own razor-sharp claws and then pierced Kosesho.

     Sehmno hesitated for a moment. Then the smirk slowly faded off of his face.

     Kosesho looked at the dark Kougras holding him down. With his snow powers, Kosesho had a snowstorm begin in that part of the cave. The chunks of frozen snow hurled through the air and smacked into the dark Kougras who had been holding him down, thrusting the dark Kougras through the air and falling to the ground, but quickly pulling themselves back up.

     Kosesho stood up and glared at Sehmno. "You really are an amateur. You should have known! Absorbent claws are for taking the elemental powers from those who have been blessed by Faeries! I was born with my snow powers!" Kosesho leaped at Sehmno and pinned him to the ground, growling. "Where are Snowy and her parents???"

     "What?" Sehmno asked.

     "Where are they?!" Kosesho asked impatiently, profusely annoyed by Sehmno's determined ignorance.

     Sehmno quickly lifted his paw and slashed across Kosesho's face. Kosesho fell back in pain, then he looked back over at Sehmno.

     "I have no use for you now!" Sehmno yelled.

     Kosesho held up a paw and then scratched toward Sehmno from far away; shatters of ice coming out of his paw, aimed toward Sehmno. The dark Kougra ducked out of the way of the ice shards and then ran up to Kosesho, jumping onto his side and biting him in the back. Kosesho let out a ferocious roar and shook Sehmno off of his back.


After awakening, Snowy found herself back in her cave chamber. She had regained enough energy, but was still wounded. She sat up and growled at the guards outside. She shifted her glance, noticing Aoraef walk up to her.

     "Hello, Snowy," Aoraef said, deception stirring into his voice. "From now on you will stay by my side and be my personal servant."

     "No, I'm not going to spend my life serving you," Snowy said immediately.

     "Yes," Aoraef said. "When your parents have been destroyed as well as Kosesho-"

     "No is a simple answer," Snowy growled. She stood up and walked over to the entrance of her small cave to where Aoraef was standing, with the guards watching her suspiciously. She began to growl, silent at first, but then her growl progressed and got louder.

     Suddenly, Kosesho came running up to Snowy and slashed Aoraef, causing him to fall back onto the ground. Aoraef pulled himself up as Kosesho motioned for Snowy to follow him while he formed a snowstorm. He controlled the snowstorm to have it only hit the dark Kougras. Snowy ran quickly with the stripe less Kougra through the cave.

     "Do you know where they took my parents?" Snowy said in hopes that they might find her parents before it would be too late.

     "Yes," Kosesho said, because he could smell their scents even through the snowstorm, since he was a snow Kougra. "Their scent leads to over there!" Kosesho pointed his nose in the direction of a hole in part of the cave that seemed to lead to another area.

     They headed through the hole and into another part of the cave where they saw Miro and Clira being threatened by the dark Kougras. One of the evil creatures growled maliciously and was about to slash Miro against his face when Kosesho directed the snowstorm toward the dark Kougras. The strong wind of the storm pushed the dark Kougras back while Clira and Miro followed Snowy and Kosesho out of that part of the cave.

     They headed quickly out of the entrance and made it out into the open plains of Happy Valley, the sun setting on the horizon. The ground became shaky, and soon piles of snow rolled over the mountains next to the four Kougras. The Kougras stared wide-eyed at the enormous avalanche that had begun as they hurried through the field.

     The snow came from the left and right sides of Snowy, her parents, and Kosesho, and rushed onto them, coating them thoroughly, holding them under pounds and pounds of ruthless ice.


Blizzard crept through the cave slowly, trying to be unnoticed. He was crouched down and walking along cautiously. He made his way to the entrance of the cave and stared out at the dark Kougras.

     "WHAT?!" Sehmno yelled at the other three evil Kougras that stood outside near the pounds of snow that Snowy and her family were contained in.

     "They were probably destroyed by the avalanche," one of the dark Kougras tried to explain.

     "How are you sure??" Sehmno growled, "You three stay out here and make sure they have been destroyed! If Kosesho or Snowy has survived, call me out here. I really want to defeat Kosesho for myself, and my son wants to marry Snowy. But just destroy the others if they're still alive."

     The dark Kougras nodded and stood their ground as Sehmno stomped away angrily. Blizzard made sure he moved unseen by the three dark Kougras. Blizzard went behind part of the avalanched snow. He sniffed at the snow to try to see if he could sniff out Snowy and her family.

     He then placed his paws into the snow and began digging through. It was difficult, but Blizzard dug through some of the outer heaps of snow, but he couldn't go any further because it was harder and icier every inch of snow that Blizzard tried to dig. He let out a sad sigh as he stared at the snow, wishing he could dig through to Snowy and her family.

     "What are you doing?" a voice growled.

     Blizzard quickly turned his head, now noticing that Sehmno was standing right next to him. "Oh… well… nothing. I… umm…" Blizzard had to make up a lie quickly before Sehmno would figure it out. "I was just searching for Snowy and her family… to make sure that they had all been destroyed. And they have."

     "Good," Sehmno said. "Although I really had hoped that Kosesho was still alive, so that I could kill him for myself." Sehmno paused for a moment, and then said, "Where are they, anyway? Are you sure they're not still alive?"

     "I'm sure," Blizzard said, now trying to withdraw back into the cave in hopes that Sehmno wouldn't ask for more information. He didn't want Sehmno to find out that he hadn't yet found Snowy and her family, otherwise if Sehmno or any of the other dark Kougras found Snowy and her family, if they were still alive; he knew that they would destroy them for sure.

     "Then where are they? Could you at least show me them?" Sehmno asked, aggravated. "I want to see them for myself."

     "Don't you believe me?" Blizzard asked, cocking his head and slightly backing up.

     "I just want to see them for myself. Now show me to them," Sehmno said, now with a strongly demanding voice.

     "I covered them," Blizzard said.

     "What?" Sehmno growled.

     "When I saw them, I felt like covering them with the snow so that I didn't have to look at their pathetic little faces anymore. I felt pity for them, an annoyed type of pity, since they couldn't escape a simple avalanche." Blizzard said, trying to sound somber enough.

     Sehmno began to laugh, "Great." He turned to the dark Kougras who were guarding the avalanche. "Come on."

     The three dark Kougras followed him back into the cave.

     Sehmno paused for a moment and then turned around. "Blizzard? Are you coming? We were going to discuss some of our new plans." A malevolence grin rested on Sehmno's maw.

     Blizzard couldn't stay outside near the avalanche, or Sehmno would know something was up. I'll come back as soon as I can to find them, Blizzard thought sadly. If Sehmno were to find out that Blizzard was really trying to help Snowy and her family, Sehmno would probably have the dark Kougras destroy Blizzard for betraying him. I can't fight all of the dark Kougras off, Blizzard thought. There are just too many…

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part One

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Two

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Three

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Four

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Five

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Seven

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Eight

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