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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 7th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 112 > Short Stories > Queen Lessons: The Last Lesson

Queen Lessons: The Last Lesson

by immortalmina

In order to better understand this story, I recommend you read Queen Lessons and Clyde the Aisha Thief.

Artemisluv the desert Aisha ran out of her room. It was missing. The most important item she had. Artemisluv went into the main room and tore it apart. She threw everything everywhere. It now resembled her room. "Where is it?" she cried.

     Artemisluv was wearing her white Greek dress that she was given at her first Queen lesson. She hadn’t taken it off since. Artemisluv also still had the gold crescent moon painted on her forehead.

     "Are you looking for this, love?" questioned an accented voice. Artemisluv turned around to see Spike_aka_bigbad the mutant Korbat. He was flying around the room with a Faerie Queen doll on his back.

     "How could you? That is mine. It was in my room!" Artemisluv screamed at him. Spike just laughed.

     Spike flew closer to Artemisluv and dangled the doll in front of her. When she tried to grab it he flew higher up. "Where did you get this? There is no blooming way Immortalmina bought it for you. She would never have had that many Neopoints."

     "It was a gift," Artemisluv cried as she tried to jump up to him. Spike just laughed more.

     As Spike laughed Artemisluv began to cry. This called the attention of her petpet Angelpuss Lunaangel. She came flying into the room with a Poisonous Lollypop. "Is that a Poisonous Lollypop? Give it!" Spike dive bombed Lunaangel. He hit the ground with a thunk.

     Spike grabbed the lollipop that Lunaangel dropped. He stuck it in his mouth right away. He let out a sigh of relief. Artemisluv ran to her doll and hugged it. "Thanks, Luna," she told her Angelpuss. Lunaangel meowed as she smiled.

     "Artemisluv?" asked a voice from the other room. Their owner Immortalmina entered the room. She had in her hand a letter. "There you are. You received a Neomail from the Faerie Queen."

     "Really? Is it about the last lesson?" Artemisluv asked.

     "I thinks so." Immortalmina handed the Aisha her letter. "Did you give him that?" she asked, now seeing what Spike was eating.

     "It’s mine," he told her. Immortalmina gave him an angry look and pulled something out from behind her back. "What’s that, love?"

     "I want you to behave so I got you your very own spiked collar." Immortalmina showed Spike a black with silver spikes collar. Spike looked panicked as he tried to take flight. It was no use, Immortalmina jumped on top of him and placed the collar around his neck. "There."

     "This is dumb," he stated as Immortalmina left the room. Artemisluv laughed. Spike deserved it.

     Artemisluv read the letter to herself. She seemed sad by what it said. "I need to bring a dance partner with me," Artemisluv finally said out loud.

     Spike looked at her and smiled. "Don’t look at me, love. Go ask Methos or EW." With that said, the mutant Korbat left the room sucking on his lolly.

     Artemisluv sat lost in thought. Who would she bring? "I wish I could take Clyde," she told Lunaangel.

     "There are many reasons why you can’t. One: you don’t know who he is, two: ever since the first lesson Judge Hog and the Defenders have been watching the Hidden Tower and the lessons, and three: you don’t know who he is!" Artemisluv frowned at what Lunaangel said. They were all good reasons.

     "I heard something about you needing me?" questioned Methos5 the pirate Aisha in his accent. He was smiling as Artemisluv looked up at him. Methos5 and Artemisluv were the first two pets so they were the closest.

     "Well, I need to take a dance partner with me to my last lesson. Would you like to go?" she asked him.

     "I would love to. I don’t know how good I can dance with this peg leg," Methos5 pointed at his leg as he spoke. This made Artemisluv laugh. He could always make her laugh.

     "Yes, but that’s not a real peg leg, you only wear that to impress Loretta Fontaine," she told him. Methos5 smiled.

     "Very true very true. I’ll go anyway. Maybe knowing how to dance could win her over."

     "Thanks Methos," Artemisluv told him.

     Methos5 was about to leave when he stopped. "Just curious, did you ask EW by chance?"

     "No, he is too shy." Methos5 shook his head yes and walked out the door. As he left he ran into Emerald__Weapon, the spotted Aisha, who was also known as EW. Methos5 knew right away EW was listening to Artemisluv and his conversation.

     "Clyde can not go to the lesson, mate," Methos5 stated. This confused Emerald__Weapon.

     "What do you mean? I don’t know Clyde," EW said as fast as he could. How did Methos know?

     Methos5 just smiled as he walked away. Before he was gone he turned and spoke, "Well, if you do see him tell him that it is not safe." EW scratched his head and went into his room.

     Emerald__Weapon’s room was filled with plunder. It was everything he had ever stolen. Well, all but the Faerie Queen doll. Also on the walls were Neopian Times articles. One’s headline ran: "Clyde the Aisha Thief steals from the Hidden Tower!" Another one reads: "Others Confess Clyde Took From Them!"

     EW sat on his bed. Out from under it popped his brown Snowbunny Bonnie. She sat in his lap.

      "I want to go and dance with Artemisluv," he told her.

     "Well, why don’t you then?" asked the Snowbunny. EW looked down at her.

     "The Defenders are after me. I can’t just walk into the Queen’s castle unnoticed."

     "This has never stopped Clyde before," stated Bonnie.

     EW looked over to his closet. He knew hidden inside was his brown Fedora hat and tan trench coat. This brought a smile to the Aisha’s face.

* * * *

Artemisluv and Methos5 watched as the Faerie Queen and Judge Hog danced. There were so many pets there. Artemisluv never saw so many pets ready to dance. She watched as the pair danced around the room. Fyora was so graceful. Artemisluv knew she would only fall on her face.

     As the music stopped so did Judge Hog and Fyora. "Now it is your turn. Everyone take your partner and do as we did," the Queen explained.

     Methos5 bowed and took Artemisluv’s paw. He had always been a gentleman. The two began to dance. It wasn’t very long before Artemisluv started stepping on Methos5's foot.

     "I’m sorry," she whispered to him.

     "That’s alright. I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it, love," he told her. The two kept dancing and Artemisluv kept stepping on his foot.

     After twenty minutes Fyora stopped the group. She smiled and said, "Well, you have now learned your last lesson. I hear by give you all the honorary title of ‘Queen’ since you all passed!" After the Queen was done talking all of the girls began to yell with happiness. They all jumped around the room. All but Artemisluv. Clyde didn’t show up.

     Methos5 and Artemisluv left the castle. They stopped once they were in the Faerie City. "That was great fun. I have to show Loretta my new moves. Oh, and congratulations!"

     Artemisluv gave him a forced smile. "He didn’t show up," she said under her breath. Methos5 just looked at her. He then could see a flash of brown from behind them.

     "Don’t worry, I’m sure if he would have he could have. Now, I must get to the Golden Doubloon, my Queen." Methos5 bowed as he spoke. Artemisluv laughed in spite of herself. Methos5 waved goodbye as he walked away.

     Artemisluv was about to head for home when a trench coated Fedora hat wearing spotted Aisha stood in front of her. He had in his paws a Sillie Daisy. "I’m sorry I’m late, my Queen," Clyde said as he handed her the flower. Sillie Daisies were Artemisluv’s favorite flower. She took the flower and smelled it. The Sillie Daisy kissed her on the cheek. Artemisluv laughed.

     Clyde next took off his Fedora hat and bent over into a bow. "May I have this dance, my Queen?" he asked. Clyde then took Artemisluv’s paw and kissed it. Her cheeks turned ten different shades of red as she nodded her head yes. Clyde put back on his hat and took her paws to dance.

     The two danced on the clouds of the Faerie City. It was a picture perfect moment. Artemisluv was now graceful. She didn’t fall over or step on Clyde’s feet. After only a few minutes Judge Hog and the Defenders came running to them. "Sorry, my Queen, I must go." Clyde kissed her paw again and ran. Artemisluv watched as Clyde and the Defenders became dots on the horizon. She then took her flower and went home.

     Artemisluv sat starring out her window. When would she see him again? She sighed and looked at her flower and doll. Artemisluv didn’t know that only a few doors down Clyde was also looking out his window.

     "Why didn’t she recognize me without my hat? I guess the L word makes you blind," he told himself. Clyde knew that one day he would tell her the truth. He was so deep in thought he didn’t notice that the Emerald Weapon was beginning to glow.

The End

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