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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 112 > Continuing Series > The Rebellion of the Alien Aishas: Part Two

The Rebellion of the Alien Aishas: Part Two

by nindail

GARLAK IV, NIRZIP, GOVERNMENTAL BUILDING, RECOVERY OF ARTIFACTS DEPARTMENT, 6:58PM- "Well Captain Xelqued, we just received the artifacts and we can barely believe that we have them back!"

     A small green Alien Aisha walked with Captain Xelqued through the Recovery of Artifacts Department. The department was a series of three rooms; one for the basic artifacts, one for very powerful ones, and one for insanely powerful ones. Xelqued and the Aisha walked in the first room, where Alien Aishans were doing a variety of jobs: from disabling devices to restraining angry robots.

     "Well, it wasn't easy. I can tell you that," Captain Xelqued replied heroically.

     "So you informed the minister already of the artifacts?"

     "Reconnaissance, yes. He said he'd inform Arlhox VII immediately. He told me to contact the Recovery of Artifacts Department. I trust you have received the artifacts already Gablon?"

     "Oh yes sir, we received them a few hours ago. Do not worry, the new warehouse is safe from any Faerie that dares try to enter Alien Aishan territory," Gablon responded.

     "Well, at least we made a smart move by building them underground instead of above."

     "And the addition to the turrets all over the city, we will be quite safe from anything that dares take the Myriads."

     "Well, take me to the warehouse. I was sent to make sure they've arrived and are being stored," Xelqued said.

     Gablon and Xelqued walked to the door to the second room. There was a small blue screen by the door. Gablon pressed his hand over the screen. A quick flash of blue light, the words "Access Approved", and the door swung wide open. The two walked through the second room, where it seemed most of the staff here were trying to stop a giant robot snake from slithering away while technicians were trying to shut it off. The two reached the door to the next room, where Gablon did the same and the door swung wide open.

     The third room was the smallest room, but had the strongest security system. Laser turrets hung from the ceiling and small flying robots zoomed across the room following anybody and everybody. In the center of the room, a bunch of workers were taking the Myriads & items out from the cubes along with the items in the Myriads. Some workers were heading to a door on the left of the room, where the Insanely Powerful items Warehouse lay.

     "Well it seems everything is here," Xelqued said as he glanced at the items and cubes.

     At that point, another Alien Aisha burst through the door and ran to Xelqued's side.

     "Sir, we have an emergency!" the Aisha said quickly.

     "What kind of emergency?" Xelqued asked.

     At that point the ground started to rumble. Then stopped. Then it rumbled again, and then stopped again. It kept going like this; on and off, on and off, on and off.

     "The FAERIES are here!" the Aisha eventually blurted out.

     The technicians (Those that didn't fall on the floor due to the rumbles) looked at the messenger. Xelqued could not have done more than to smile.

     "Excellent. Go up to the garage and tell the fleet to take off to pick off the Faeries that the turrets aren't getting. Tell them to get my cruiser online, including the Elite Squad's cruisers to follow mine." Xelqued ordered.

     "Yes sir, Captain sir!" the messenger said before dashing off.

     "Sir, what do you mean 'Excellent'?" Gablon inquired.

     "I mean that this was the plan: To lure and capture all of the Faerie Army. We can extract our revenge! And besides, I bet Fyora is looking to settle some scores," Xelqued said as he grinned evilly then too dashed out to the Cruiser Garage.

GARLAK IV, NIRZIP, MILITARY BASE, CRUISER GARAGE, 7:17PM- Hundreds of thousands of cruisers were blasting into the air when Xelqued arrived in the garage. He looked for his silver cruiser and the Elites among the thousands of black cruisers until he spotted it. He ran over to it, jumped in, and took off.

     The Faeries had put on quite an attack. Thousands of Faeries were searching for the Aboveground Warehouse with the Myriads, but none would imagine that the Myriads were underground. The battle raged on for both sides, except that the battle was beginning to favor the Alien Aishas. Their turrets were an unexpected surprise, since they suddenly appeared out of the streets and buildings and started blasting the Faeries. It was a failed attempt by the Faeries, as the Aishans pushed the Faeries farther and farther from the city and atmosphere. Xelqued and his Elite Cruising Squad, composed of the most talented and experienced pilots, were zipping through the Faeries like a bullet flying through a piece of paper. Eventually they spotted a bright light purple light emitting from a large circle of Faeries: Fyora was there.

     With the attack force still at least another half-mile away, Xelqued instantly began blasting the Faeries around Fyora without worrying that he was outnumbered. The Faerie shield then began fighting back with spells, but Xelqued and the Elites were smart enough to put their shields on. The spells bounced right off while Xelqued and the Elites began shooting down the Faeries in seconds. Fyora suddenly had enough and flew out to Xelqued. She glared at him with her wand glowing brightly. Xelqued could not help but to smile. Fyora raised her wand and hit Xelqued's shields with all her might. But nothing happened. Xelqued grinned evilly now and pressed a button on his control pad. A red glowing net burst out of Xelqued's ship and immediately engulfed Fyora completely.

     Fyora squirmed and shuffled in the red net, trying to cast spells, but nothing worked. As the last of the faeries were captured/shot down, the cruisers began going back to the garage. As Xelqued sped down to the garage, he said over his intercom, "You can wiggle and cast as many spells as you want, but you won't get free," Xelqued laughed menacingly as he shut of the intercom. Very quickly all the faeries were shot down, captured, or retreated. All the ships returned back to the Cruiser Garage. The Faeries were flown over a giant funnel where they would be sent down a greased tunnel down to a giant containment center, where their powers were drained, and they were therefore defenseless. Fyora was sent through a smaller tunnel to a smaller containment center that would isolate her from the faeries so she wouldn't plot anything.

GARLAK IV, NIRZIP, GOVERNMENT BUILDING, RESEARCH OF ORGANIC ENTITIES DEPARTMENT, 9:23 PM- Fyora was locked in a small glass bubble wearing a white robe covered with sensors. As programmers began analyzing her genes and atomic makeup, Xelqued supervised the programmers walking back and forth glancing at the whirling and beeping contraptions added to the processors. He glanced at one personally. It began showing a makeup of her body. He then glanced up at the bubble, where she stood, glaring at him. He smirked again. Suddenly, a messenger burst through the door and ran up to Xelqued.

     "Sir, you need to see this Neopian Broadcast," the Aisha said quickly. "Take me there," Xelqued replied.

     The Messenger led Xelqued to an elevator. The messenger pressed the 38 button and the high tech elevator sped for a second, beeped, and the two exited on the 38th floor. Xelqued was led to a small room with hundreds of screens, but all showing the same thing.

     A Light Faerie stood at a podium surrounded by the Chia Police. She looked around for a minute before beginning to speak:

     "My fellow Faerie Allies: Just 3 hours ago, the Faerie Queen led an assault of mass proportions to the Alien Aishan capital of Nirzip. When arriving, the Faeries were shown quite a surprise. Giant turrets shot down thousands of Faeries. Alien Aishas began flooding the city, both ground and air. The battle did not last very long, as the Aishas dominated it. This Aisha captured the Faerie Queen: Captain Garglos Xelqued." The Aishas in the room looked at Xelqued, as he tried to give a faint smile and a laugh. He hated when people said his name. The Aishas reverted to the screens as the Faerie continued. "Our army has been captured and decimated. We cannot save our Queen. That is why we need your assistance. We call upon every available person to stand up to the Aishas and to retrieve the Queen. We need your help."

     The Aishas began typing things on their computers, while the messenger and Xelqued began walking back to the elevator.

     "Great. Not only did she say my name-" Xelqued tried to say.

     "Your name is GARGLOS? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" the Messenger squealed with laughter

     "As I was TRYING TO SAY before I was RUDELY interrupted-" Xelqued tried to star, but was interrupted once more…

     A huge rumble made everyone in the room drop down. Xelqued attempted to get to his feet, but the wobble from the building glued him to the floor. After the rumbling stopped, another messenger rushed into the room. As soon as he got in, he blurted out,

     "Captain Xelqued! The Faerie Queen has escaped!"

To be continued…

Previous Episodes

The Rebellion of the Alien Aishas: Part One

The Rebellion of the Alien Aishas: Part Three

The Rebellion of the Alien Aishas: Part Four

The Rebellion of the Alien Aishas: Part Five

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