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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 116 > Short Stories > OZ vs. Joeblues

OZ vs. Joeblues

by immortalmina

Methos5 the pirate Aisha sat in the Golden Doubloon with his Puppyblew Joeblues. Methos5 drank his grog in silence. Soon he saw the Aisha he had a crush on, Loretta Fontaine. She came over to their table holding a paper.

     "The Petpet Protection League is holding a canine petpet show. I think you should enter Joe." Loretta handed the flyer to Methos5.

     "Well, mate. What do you think?" Methos5 asked the Puppyblew in his aristocratic accent. The Puppyblew sat and thought about it. After a bit he shook his head yes. "Alright, we better get home and prepare." Methos5 paid Loretta and left the Golden Doubloon with Joeblues following close behind.

     Methos5 and Joeblues practiced the rest of that day. When they were done Spike_aka_bigbad the mutant Korbat (who has a red scar over his left eyebrow and wears a spiked collar)and his Tyrannian Doglefox, OZ, walked in on them. "What are you up to blokes?" asked Spike.

     "Joeblues is training for a canine petpet show," beamed Methos5.

     "Really? Canine petpets? Well, I think I’ll enter OZ then." Spike smiled an evil grin.

     Methos5 smiled. "Alright, mate. Let the best petpet win." Methos5 stuck out his paw. Spike looked down at it like it was covered in dung. After a few seconds he shook it nodding.

     Spike and OZ left the two. "Yes may the best, or in your case most evil, win!" Spike and OZ laughed all the way to their room.

     The next day Spike, OZ, Methos5 and Joeblues headed to the headquarters of the PPL. It didn’t take too long to get there. Once inside they could see lots of pets with their canine petpets. There were six categories: Anubis, Bearog, Doglefox, Puppyblew, Spardel, and Warf. First they would compete against others of their breed. Then the six winners of each category would compete against each other for best in show.

     After the afternoon was over, the judges were ready to give the awards to best in breed. The red Lenny stood on stage and announced, "The winners are: For Anubis, Icaris_The_Great’s Baby the Second. For Bearog, Chaney_Talbot’s Cerberus. For Doglefox, Spike_aka_bigbad’s OZ. For Puppyblew, Methos5's Joeblues. For Spardel, Monica_Da_Lil_Angel’s Wardy. And for Warf, Punkystar’s Blink. Now you will get an hour to prepare for your talent."

     The best in breed competition did all the basic things: how good their coats were, how healthy and if they could take commands. Best is show just required one thing: the best talent. Every petpet was ready for this.

     After the hour was over all the pets and petpets, whether they were going on or not, came back. Everyone sat in the stands in front of the stage. The red Lenny once again appeared on the stage. "Alright, we will go in ABC order by breed. First the Anubis, Baby the Second." The crowed roared with applause. After a few minutes the Anubis never appeared on the stage. "Baby the Second? Icaris_The_Great?" Neither came on stage. Spike and OZ chucked under their breath. "Well, then next we have the Bearog, Cerberus."

     Soon a regular colored Bearog stepped on stage with his owner Chaney_Talbot the Halloween Lupe. Once again the audience applauded. "What about him?" Spike whispered under his breath.

     "Don’t worry I fixed them," OZ explained. The two once again laughed.

     "Cerberus will be telling jokes," the Lupe told the crowd. Everyone screamed with excitement.

     The Lupe stepped away from the Bearog. The Bearog just stood their. Finally the Bearog’s heads began to talk. "He said I should give the punch-line!" the left stated.

     "No, no. I should!" the middle argued.

     "The two of you are wrong, he said I should," the right argued. This continued for 20 minutes. Chaney just stood with his mouth open.

     "Well, that was interesting, but it’s the Doglefox’s turn," the Lenny told the Lupe. Chaney sadly picked up his arguing Bearog and left the stage. "Now the Doglefox, who is painted Tyrannian, OZ."

     OZ and Spike went onto the stage with the crowd happily applauding. "My Doglefox will find a Poisonous Lollypop I have hidden somewhere on stage," Spike told the crowd.

     "Okay, mate." After Spike stopped talking the Doglefox went to work. He sniffed all over the stage. He went left and he went right. OZ even looked on Spike. Soon he went to the back of the stage. OZ began to sniff under an old prop that looked like a rock. Then OZ grabbed a lollipop from under it. OZ walked up to Spike and then handed it to. Spike stuck it in his mouth right away. The crowd cheered as OZ bowed.

     "Very good. Next is the Puppyblew, Joeblues," the Lenny announced. Everyone cheered as Methos5 and Joeblues walked onto the stage.

     Joeblues was dressed in a black suit and tie, a black Fedora hat and sunglasses. "Joeblues the Blues Puppy, will be singing a Blues song he wrote," Methos5 explained to the crowd. Methos5 then stepped away from the Puppyblew.

     Joeblues began to sing, "My baby left me. She left me all alone. Now all I can do. Is cry cry cry."

     Methos5 and Joeblues didn’t see OZ hiding backstage. He had a string that went over the stage. Just as Joeblues went to walk forward OZ pulled on it. The Puppyblew tripped over it and fell off stage. The crowd was stunned.

     "Are you okay?" asked Methos5 once he got to him. The little Puppyblew was fine just a little sad. How did that happen? Methos5 wondered.

     "Well, that’s too bad. Next the Spardel, Wardy." Wardy and his owner the Faerie Ixi Moncia_Da_Lil_Angel walked onto the stage. The crowd was going wild.

     Spike looked down at OZ and said, "There is no way that bug-eyed thing can win. I’ll just go and get ready for the Warf." OZ agreed.

     Spike walked back behind stage. He pulled out a bottle with a few Mootix in it. He found the Mootix in Emerald_Weapon’s room. Spike didn’t really care where EW had gotten them.

     Spike put the Mootix in his feet and flew above stage to be on the Catwalk. From below he could hear hollering. "No way that thing could win," he repeated to himself.

     Spike waited up there until he heard, "That was wonderful. Now, last but not least, the Warf, Blink." Spike saw a Faerie Moehog who was dressed in a black shirt, ripped jeans and lots of earrings followed by a Warf dressed in a white Karate uniform. They stood on stage.

     "Blink will show you his great Karate moves," Punkystar told the audience. Blink then began to do flips in the air. It was time for the Mootix. Spike unscrewed the lid. He then dumped them just as Blink was under him. The Mootix fell right onto the Warf’s head. He stopped what he was doing and began to scratch.

     "What are you doing?" yelled Punkystar. The Warf didn’t hear her. He was now biting himself.

     "It appears, young lady, your Warf has become infested with Mootix. He has to be disqualified," the Lenny explained to her. Punkystar took the Warf off stage. She was not happy.

     "Well, now it is time for our judges to decide," the Lenny informed the crowd, who was getting louder by the minute.

     Methos5 and Joeblues sat in the front and waited. Soon Spike and OZ were beside them. "Cheaters," was all Methos5 said. The two acted like they didn’t hear him.

     After a few minutes the Lenny was back on stage. "Will the contestants please come back on stage. All, except for Baby the Second and Blink, did. They each looked terrified. All but OZ. OZ knew he would win.

     "The winner is: Wardy!" the Lenny announced. His Faerie Ixi owner flew onto the stage and hugged her Spardel. It licked her face. OZ and Spike’s mouths hung open. How in the world?

     Methos5 and Joeblues slowly walked home. "You did win best in breed. Anyway, at least you didn’t cheat," Methos5 tried to cheer the Puppyblew up.

     "Yes, cheaters never prosper," Joeblues said.

     Spike, with OZ on his back, flew over head. "Yeah, but losers never win," OZ shouted down. The two flew away laughing.

     The next day at their NeoHome, Artemisluv the desert Aisha, who wears a white dress and has a crescent moon on her forehead, ran into the room where Spike, OZ, Methos5 and Joeblues were sitting. "The next PPL petpet show will be for felines! I’m going to enter Lunnangel." Artemisluv then picked up her Angelpuss and danced around the room with her.

     The boys looked at each other, shook their heads and said in unison, "Here we go again!"

* * * *

Also that morning, up in a tree sat a baby Shoyru and it’s petpet Anubis. "How do we get down?" asked Icaris_The_Great.

     "Why don’t you try flying?" Baby the Second suggested.

     The baby Shoyru touched his forehead, "Oh, right."

The End

Authors note: I want to thank spookyx7, freek_on_a_leash, tracypaper12 and _dragon_witch_ for letting me use their pets and petpets! Also, if I missed any canine petpets I’m sorry. These are the only ones I knew of!

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