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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 116 > Short Stories > The Vault of the Forsaken

The Vault of the Forsaken

by too_kule

The moon hung in the deep, velvety blue sky, casting an eerie glow upon the various buildings that scattered the bulk of Neopia Central. The dusty roads, while teeming with herds of Neopets on their daily errands during the day, were totally barren under the star-strewn sky. Absolute silence engulfed the city, excepting the occasion hum of a Cooty or chirp of a Vernax.

    It would seem as if not a soul inhabited the city that night, but that impression would be tossed aside by the sudden movement in the shadows. A tiny Neopet peeked but one eye out from behind the oversized ceramic Buzzer that sat in front of the Petpet Shop. The pet walked -- or better yet, bounced -- across the emerald lawn of the Neolodge, where it hopped inside the still water of the Neolodge fountain for refuge. It peeked from the sanctity of the fountain to be sure no prying eyes gazed from the hotel’s windows before leaping out of and gambolling toward the shabby Post Office where she stopped to catch her breath.

    The figure produced a brown paper bag; from it she pulled out her most valued possession, something she had come to use so many times before, and would come to use so many times again -- a poet's hat. She pulled the hat snug around her wide head, and pulled out a compact mirror with a dim light issuing from a small bulb on the side. She peered into the mirror, and from its glass an island Kiko peered back. The poet’’s hat atop her head clashing formidably with the poinsettia adjacent to it and the island motif painted on her skin

    The Kiko inhaled deeply, and leapt from behind the Post Office, springing across the dew-drenched grass. The blue feather atop her hat swayed in the wind as she swiftly approached the looming statue of a Chia adorning poet garbs while clutching a tattered scroll. The island-painted Kiko rapped nine times in succession on the base of the statue, and let her knocks echo off into the distance. Suddenly, a hoarse whisper issued from somewhere inside the statue. "Password?" the voice inquired.

    The Kiko inhaled deeply, before saying quite clearly, "Dewdrops of the Heavens." It seemed like every week the password changed to another one of Alstaf the Poogle's prestigious works.

    A faint grinding sound suffused the air as the statue's base began to open just wide enough for her to wiggle through. She came into a dimly lit room with a curving set of stairs going beneath the ground. The Kiko turned to see a smiling Nimmo standing there in the shadows, also donning a poet's hat. "Good to see you again, Camille," the Nimmo greeted in an oddly raspy voice. "I hope you'll be stopping by the Poetry Gallery around eleven. Rumour has it B.K. McQuiggle will be stopping by around then to give some tips. It'd be a shame to miss that."

    The Kiko smiled politely and said, "Thanks, I'll be sure to check it out!"

    The Nimmo returned her smile and handed her a flickering torch from the stone wall. Camille carefully made her way down the crumbling stone steps, careful not to slip under the decade's-worth of grime. When at last she reached the bottom, she stared at the door in front of her. She raised one sweaty hand and pulled open the door. It was as if a tidal wave hit her, the animated chatter and the jovial saxophone music were enough to knock her down. Camille peered around the room. In the far corner, she could see the infamous musical group Jazzmosis playing the cheerful music, much different from their usual moody tones. Right next to them, a group of Aishas was crowded around a glass campfire that emitted light. A striped one stood and spoke deep, meaningful words. Not far from that was the Coffee Shop. Through the windows Camille could see a queue of pets enjoying various caffeinated drinks while reading the latest copy of The Neopian Times. The Deep Catacombs was alive and bustling that night, just like every night Camille could remember.

    About an hour had passed when Camille gamboled out of Art Gallery, clutching a cup with only the dregs of her blairnut tea remaining. By then she had visited the Poetry Gallery, Coffee Shop, Art Gallery, and the Neopian Times Headquarters. She eyed a small table by the Coffee Shop and sat down while draining the remains of her tea. The island Kiko picked up a yellowing copy of The Neopian Times sitting on the table, glanced at the front and tossed it aside. It was a decaying issue of the first volume of The Neopian Times. That particular issue featured the Meerca's debut. Camille sighed and carelessly slid her cup from one side of the table to the other, catching it just in time with her hands. The Neopian Times, Neopia's number one newspaper, was probably Camille's favourite part of the catacomb. She had read every single issue and couldn't wait another entire week for the next.

    Well, she thought to herself miserably, I haven't read every issue.

    The truth was, there were only ninety issues of the classic version of The Neopian Times in the archives, but a total of one-hundred-twelve copies had been released. For some reason, the first twenty-two had mysteriously vanished from the face of the planet.

    Camille futilely tried to stifle a yawn and bounced down from her stool with the intention of returning home in her mind. She turned to the exit when something caught her eye. It was so obvious she couldn't understand why nobody had noticed it before: a fissure, just large enough for her to fit through, was in the rock wall to the left of the Coffee Shop. She hopped over to it and peered through. It was difficult to be sure of, but she could just barely make out a spiraling staircase, not unlike the one she had descended to get to the catacomb in the darkness. She looked over to be sure nobody was watching, and turned sideways. She squeezed as hard as she could before finally bursting out through the other side of the fissure.

    The music that had permeated her ears back in the lobby seemed distant despite the fact she could still see the weary saxophonist producing even more blaring notes through the large crevice. Camille looked down the stone steps, feeling a lump down rising in her throat. The island-painted Kiko gathered her courage, pulled her checkered poet's hat tighter around her head as if that could protect her from whatever could lurk in the darkness, and made her way down the steps.

    The stone was frail, but not weathered like the steps leading down to the Deep Catacombs. It crumbled under her weight as she descended deeper and deeper beneath the ground. Wishing she still had her torch, Camille continued down the steps, wondering what she would find.

    After several minutes, she was suddenly surprised how far the steps had taken her. I must be miles under Neopia! she thought wildly.

    It seemed like hours of her just bouncing monotonously down the steps had passed, but finally the Kiko could make out something in the darkness. She bounced down the final steps until she arrived on level ground, and squinted at the large double-doors. She took a deep breath and pushed on them. They creaked open slowly, revealing a room totally bereft of light.

    Upon sudden inspiration, Camille produced her compact mirror and flipped it open, causing a dim glow to slightly return her sight. Once Camille's rotund eyes had adjusted to the light, a loud gasp escaped her mouth. Scattered across the ground were piles upon piles of newspapers. She picked one up, blew off the dust, and unrolled it. It was a copy of the Neopian Times, she discovered. Years of remaining in the room had reduced it to the colour and texture of parchment. She glanced up at the issue number and let an audible shriek escape her mouth.

    "This is... unbelievable," whispered Camille breathlessly. In faded black ink, the words 'Issue 11' were written at the top. Camille had read The Neopian Times enough to know this wasn't one from the newer volume, but one from the old... one of the missing ones.

    The Kiko set the copy down carefully, determined not the let the paper rip, and picked another up from the pile. Sure enough, the words 'Issue 20' stared up from her. Camille could feel her heart beat a mile a minute as she clutched that timeworn copy. She picked up several more copies and turned back to the door. She gasped again. Written on the back of the door in blood-red letters was a message.

>'Thou hast entered the Vault of the Forsaken,
Leave and take nothing, lest ye feel the wrath of the guardian.'

    Camille whimpered, terrified, as a growling sound permeated the air around her. She slowly turned her terror-filled body around, and stared straight into the face of a jet-black Puppyblew. Its fur was coarse and disheveled; its eyes were a shocking shade of red. Inexplicably, Camille knew this was no average Puppyblew. The Kiko dropped everything she was holding, including her mirror, and bolted to the door. She raced up the hundreds of steps, not stopping until she had reached the top. Breathing wildly, she squeezed through the fissure, falling back into the lobby.

    Camille turned back and stared at the fissure, the horror of the vault fresh in her mind. She shuddered at the absurd notion of going back there. She turned toward the exit, her heart still beating profusely, with an odd sense of contempt. The mystery had been solved.

The End

Note: While this story is purely fiction, it is true the first twenty-two copies of volume one of The Neopian Times vanished off the face of Neopia. However, it's unlikely they're kept in a vault under the Deep Catacombs, and more likely they're the victims of a database error.

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