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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 21st day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 121 > New Series > The Emerald Weapon: Part One

The Emerald Weapon: Part One

by immortalmina

Spike_aka_bigbad the mutant Korbat sat under a tree in the Haunted Woods. There was a breeze blowing through the trees. He scratched the red scar over his left eyebrow. He had gotten the scar when he became a mutant. Spike’s claw then tugged on the spiked collar around his neck. The collar was put there by his owner to control him.

     Spike sighed when a poisonous lollypop landed on his chest. Spike picked it up and placed it in his mouth. He loved poisonous lollypops. He then saw a pet come out of the bushes. She was the one who tossed him the lolly.

     The pet was a Faerie Kougra. She had long purple hair with a darker purple streak. Her hair was a lot like Jhudora the Dark Faerie’s. The Kougra also had the Amulet of the Dark Faerie around her neck. Lastly Spike noticed the Meowclops sitting on the Kougra’s shoulder. The Kougra smiled at Spike.

     "What do you want, love?" Spike asked her in his accent that sounded a lot like Adam and Donna’s. The Kougra still smiled.

     "Oh Spike, I just want you to tell me about the Emerald Weapon."

     Spike stood and looked the Kougra in the eyes. "Chibi Hotaru, you know I have no idea what it is besides an Aisha. Stop asking!" Lil_Chibi_HotaruChan was not happy by this.

     "Fine, I wont bother you ever again!" Chibi Hotaru shouted and flew away.

     "Oh, love. I didn’t mean it like that. I like you hanging around, even if you just want information for Jhudora," Spike muttered to himself. Spike then picked himself off the ground and flew to his Neohome.

     When Spike entered his Neohome he saw the Pant Devil leaving. Spike then saw Immortalmina, his owner, freaking out. "The Pant Devil wont leave me alone! I think he is after something. I’m glad most of my items are in the safety deposit box."

     Spike just walked past her. His owner was sort of flighty, so he didn’t pay much mind. He next walked past Emerald__Weapon’s room to go to his. He stopped in front of the door. There was an eerie green light coming from inside. "Now that’s different," Spike said to himself.

     Even though Spike was told not to go in EW’s room he always went in, anyway. Once inside, he saw the EW had clippings about Clyde the Aisha Thief all over the walls. "I knew he has a thing for Artemisluv, but I never thought she was obsessed with her crush," Spike whispered to himself.

     Spike then noticed the green light was coming from a green gem sitting on a shelf. He walked over to it. The gem was beautiful. Spike knew right away that it was the Emerald Weapon. The gem was some kind of weapon. He was told by Jhudora to get it.

     Spike’s claws reached out and touched the gem. It felt cool to the touch. Spike then picked it up. "I have to give it to my Lady," he said. Spike then left the room.

     Spike’s Tyrannian Doglefox bounded to his side. "What are we going to do today?" OZ asked.

     Spike didn’t answer. He walked towards the Neohome’s door. OZ followed not knowing what was wrong with his owner.

     "Where are you going with that? It’s mine!" EW shouted before Spike could leave the Neohome Spike turned and looked at the spotted Aisha. Spike’s eyes were glazed over. He wasn’t himself any longer.

     "I must take it to my Lady," Spike said in a voice that did not sound like his own. He then placed the gem in his feet and flew out of the Neohome EW ran after him but it was too late. Spike disappeared into the clouds.

     "Great now where did he go with it?" EW asked the air, he didn’t see that OZ was next to him.

     "Jhudora’s Dark Cloud," OZ told him. EW looked down in surprise.

     "Let’s go after him then," EW said. OZ nodded his head. EW and OZ went back into the Neohome EW dashed into his room. He came out wearing a tan trench coat and a brown Fedora hat. OZ was confused.

     "Yes, I’m Clyde the Aisha Thief, now let’s go." Clyde ran out of the Neohome with the Doglefox following from behind.

* * * * *

Jhudora sat on her throne and gave a fire Nimmo a quest. Once he was gone she noticed a Faerie Kougra and Meowclops. "Did he tell you?" she asked.

     The Kougra bowed as Kaim jumped down from her shoulder. Kaim walked over to Jhudora and rubbed on her feet. He then curled on a pillow sitting next to the Faerie’s throne.

     "No, my Lady, Spike would not say," Chibi Hotaru said after she stood from bowing.

     "Oh Chibi Hotaru, you are becoming soft. You must try harder! I need that gem!" yelled Jhudora.

     "Maybe if you give me one of your Jhudora bewitching rings."

     "Don’t be silly. You don’t need my ring. You have an Amulet and that’s just as good!"

     Chibi Hotaru looked at the ground. She then bowed and was about to leave when a mutant Korbat crashed into her. She then could see it was Spike. "Spike?" she questioned as she stood back up. Spike stood and grabbed the gem. Chibi Hotaru thought he looked different.

     "The Emerald Weapon? Yes, bring it to me Spike." Jhudora ran to him as she spoke.

     Spike was about to hand it over when they could hear laughing. It came from behind them. "That is mine, Jhudora!" the voice said. They all turned and saw the Pant Devil.

     "Oh really? I think it is finders keepers losers weepers!" she cackled as she grabbed the gem from Spike.

     The gem stopped glowing when it was in her hands. Jhudora held it up to her face. She looked at it. "Come on work!" Jhudora then tried to shake it. The Emerald Weapon didn’t do anything.

     Chibi Hotaru looked at Spike. He was grabbing his head. "Are you okay?" she asked him.

     Spike looked at her. "Where am I, pet?" Chibi Hotaru laughed and then hugged him. She liked him better this way. Spike smiled and hugged her back.

     "It doesn’t seem to like you, Jhudora!" the Pant Devil said and then laughed.

     "That’s because it’s mine!" another voice said.

     "Now who’s here?" asked Jhudora who now had the gem up to her ear.

     The voice didn’t answer. Instead a whip landed around the gem and then the gem was pulled out of the Dark Faerie’s hand. She gasped with surprise. "I’m Clyde the Aisha Thief! I stole that gem fair and square and now I’m stealing it back!" The voice said as the shape of an Aisha disappeared from the room

     "Not him again!" the Pant Devil and Jhudora said in unison. They each looked funny at each other.

     "The Emerald Weapon was taken from me by him," the Pant Devil told her.

     Jhudora looked at the Pant Devil with new eyes. "He took a Queen Faerie Doll from the Hidden Tower while I was guarding it." The two enemies smiled and didn’t feel like fighting each other anymore. "Let’s get that Aisha together!" The Faerie and the devil ran after him.

     "You can get away now, Spike," Chibi Hotaru told him.

     "What about you?"

     "No one said I wanted to get away. A lolly may control you, but I serve my Lady because I want to," she told him as she grabbed Kaim and placed him on her shoulder.

     Spike looked at her. She was sincere. "Then why are you letting me go, pet?"

     "Let’s just say I like you." With that said, Chibi Hotaru flew to help her Lady. Spike didn’t think twice, he took off and flew out of the room.

     While Spike flew over the fight he saw OZ. "What is he doing down there?" Spike asked himself. Spike flew down and grabbed OZ by the shoulders with his feet. "What were you doing, mate?"

     "I came with Clyde to get you back," OZ told him.

     "How do you know Clyde?"

     "Funny story, Clyde is EW!" after OZ told Spike, he nearly dropped the Doglefox.

     "Really?" OZ shook his head yes. "That’s neat." Spike then flew to the Neohome

     Spike sat in EW’s room until he came home. Clyde jumped through the window. He was startled to see Spike sitting on his bed with OZ in his lap. "You’re Clyde?" Spike asked.

     Clyde placed the Emerald Weapon, that was glowing again, back on the shelf. "Yes, please don’t tell Artemisluv."

     "Oh I wont, mate. As long as you get me my lollies." Spike stuck out his claw to shake. Clyde shook it.

     Just then the door flew open. A desert Aisha who was dressed in a dress that was similar to Lady Osiris’ and had a gold crescent moon on her forehead was standing there. Clyde was still in his hat and coat. He immediately stopping shaking Spike’s hand. "Never mind, mate."

     "Clyde? Emerald__Weapon?" She questioned. Behind Artemisluv stood Methos5 the pirate Aisha. He shrugged his shoulders at Clyde.

     Clyde had his mouth wide open. He was about to speak when the real Emerald Weapon’s light became so bight none of the pets could see. The light went through them. It caused pain and happiness at the same time. They didn’t know what was happening.

To be continued...

Author’s Note: Thanks to hotaru_sama666 for letting me use her pet Lil_Chibi_HotaruChan.

Previous Episodes

The Emerald Weapon: Part Two

The Emerald Weapon: Part Three

The Emerald Weapon: Part Four

The Emerald Weapon: Part Five

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