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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 21st day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 122 > Continuing Series > The Emerald Weapon: Part Two

The Emerald Weapon: Part Two

by immortalmina

The four pets felt like they were falling and flying at the same time. Each let out a scream of pain. Soon the light disappeared. The four pets had landed. They each were lying unconscious on the dirty floor of a cavern.

     Clyde slowly opened his eyes. He looked around and saw that Spike, Methos5 and most importantly Artemisluv were okay. Clyde then saw the Emerald Weapon sitting in front of him. It was no longer glowing. He grabbed it and stood to his feet.

     Then Clyde looked around more. They were in a dark cave. It was cold. The cold sent shivers down Clyde back. He pulled his trench coat on tighter. The only light in the room was coming from a torch on the wall. It illuminated the room with red and orange firelight.

     "Where in blooming Neopia are we?" asked Spike. He and the others were now awake. They each also looked around the strange surroundings.

     "Well, Spikey you are in a secret cave. The cave of the Emerald Weapon. We are in the core of Neopia," said a voice. The four Neopets turned around to see four more pets standing near them. The one who had spoken was a mutant Korbat like Spike only he had very spiky bangs, a velvet red collar, and no scar.

     "Who are all of you?" asked Methos5 in his accent that was like Spike’s.

     The pet that answered looked like Methos5. He was a pirate Aisha, only his outfit was black and white instead of red and white. Also like Methos5 the Aisha had on black pants and a sword around the waist. The last thing that differed from this Aisha and Methos5 was he had a scar over his left eye and no eyepatch. The scar was a straight line above, over and under the eye. "We are your opposites." The Aisha also had the same accent.

     "Why are we here?" asked Clyde.

     "Because the Emerald Weapon brought you here." The Aisha that spoke this time looked a lot like Clyde. He was dressed in a black Fedora hat and black trench coat. He also was spotted, only he was black with brown spots.

     "Why did it bring us here?" asked the very shaking Artemisluv.

     The last new pet was also a desert Aisha who wore a different outfit. She was dressed in a black leather uniform. It sort of looked like the one Koya the Korbat Huntress wore. The Aisha also had a sunburst on her forehead. "Well, we needed to meet. I’m Apolloluv the Goddess of the Neopian Sun."

     "Yes, we better introduce ourselves. I’m Angelus_aka_angel, you can call me Angel," the Korbat told them.

     The pirate Aisha said, "I’m 3Kronos. Call me Kronos."

     "And I’m Frank__Hamer. Please, just Frank," the spotted Aisha said.

     Clyde was getting very annoyed. "That is all well and good, but I still don’t understand. How do we get home? What are we supposed to be doing?"

     "Oh you’ll find out!" Apolloluv said as she jumped onto Artemisluv. Angel jumped on Spike as Kronos attacked Methos5. Then the six were gone. They seemed to go through the floor. A puff of dust was all that was left.

     "NO! ARTEMISLUV!" screamed Clyde. He ran to where she was standing and cried one tear.

     "You see this is going to be one on one. I have come for you Clyde!" Frank laughed. Clyde looked at him with cold eyes. He didn’t even care about anything anymore. He ran to Frank and punched him in the face.

     "What is this? I don’t get it," Clyde asked again. His paw grabbed tightly to Frank’s trench coat collar.

     "The Emerald Weapon is not really a weapon. It created opposites. That is why the Dark Faerie and the Pant Devil could not use it. The gem only works on Neopets," Frank told Clyde. Frank pulled Clyde’s paw lose.

     "Alright, but why do we have to fight?"

     "Because we are fighting for Immortalmina. Whichever pet wins gets to have her as their owner. The other pet will stay here in the core of Neopia forever," Frank laughed even harder.

     Clyde now understood. This was a fight to see who was the better Aisha. "Fine lets get to it then." Clyde held up his paws in a fighting position. He still, however, held the Emerald Weapon in his armpit.

     "Put down the gem first." Frank told Clyde.

     Clyde shook his head no. "There’s no way. If this thing brought me here I’m not letting you have it. And besides, I have already stolen it twice!" Clyde then put the gem under his hat. It was too hard to fight while holding it.

     "Suit yourself." Frank took out a black whip. He swung it and it wrapped around Clyde’s waist. Clyde could no longer move his arms as they were wrapped in the whip. "This is way too easy!" Frank shouted.

     Clyde struggled to get loose. Frank just laughed. Clyde’s paw could reach his pocket. Clyde then pulled out a small glass cutting tool. He used it to get in windows when thieving. He then used it to cut through the whip.

     "What are you doing?" shouted Frank.

     Soon, the whip fell to the ground in pieces. Clyde reached inside his coat and pulled out a super poison dart. He threw it and hit Frank in the arm. Frank pulled it out and looked at it. "A Super Poison Dart? Used by thieves and assassins. I guess you’re a thief so you think you should have one?" Frank then became a little tipsy.

     "It worked, didn’t it?" Clyde laughed. He then pulled out his own brown whip. He swung his in the air and wrapped it around Frank’s arms and waist just like Frank had done to him. "Now this is way too easy!"

     Frank also did the same as Clyde. He took out a small tool and cut his way through the whip. Clyde’s whip then laid on the ground in pieces. "It looks like were are more the same then we thought."

     "Yes, we are opposite and yet the same."

     "Now what?" asked Frank.

     "My next trick." Clyde reached into his coat and pulled out a potion. It was gray with an eye on the outside. Clyde pulled off the lid and held it towards Frank. A stream of light hit him in the eyes. He started to grab at his eyes once the light was gone.

     "A Stream of Light? You blinded me!" Clyde then ran over to Frank and took off Frank’s coat. He pulled out a rope he had in his coat and tied Frank up. This time he wasn’t getting lose. "Curse you, Clyde the Aisha Thief!"

     "You can curse me all you want, but I won!" As Clyde said this the Emerald Weapon began to glow again. Clyde then felt the light hit him again. He left Frank and the cave. Clyde hopped he was going to help Artemisluv. That’s where he wanted to go most.

     Clyde opened his eyes and he was in another room. The room was darker and colder then the room he was first in. The only light was the soft green glow that came from the Emerald Weapon, which was now in his paws. Clyde didn’t like this one bit. He then could hear fighting coming from somewhere near him. He ran around the room but he couldn’t get out. "I hope Artemisluv is okay," he told himself.

     Clyde tried to get out with all his might. He even tried to force the gem to work. Nothing seemed to help. Clyde finally gave up and sat on the dirty floor. He knew he had to wait.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Emerald Weapon: Part One

The Emerald Weapon: Part Three

The Emerald Weapon: Part Four

The Emerald Weapon: Part Five

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