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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 21st day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 123 > Continuing Series > Gelert's Pride: Part Three

Gelert's Pride: Part Three

by softcouch

After about an hour or two of shopping, the girls came out of the store. They each had a smallish bag full of clothes and toys, all for 80% off. As they left the store, Mystic's jaw dropped, her eyes popped out of her head, she dropped her bag, and her heart was pounding. SunShine noticed Mystic's weird behaviour and quickly asked Mystic what was wrong. Mystic held up a quivering finger that pointed to some posh and fancy pets that she had once known when she was rich. They were walking in Mystic's and SunShine's direction. Just then, the pets noticed Mystic hanging out with Sunshine, and holding a bag that read 'Bargain Mill Outlet' in huge, red, bold print letters.

    One of the pets, a female Faerie Uni, stopped and shrieked. "Is that what I think it is? Is that Mystic hanging out with a peasant? And are those… CHEAP CLOTHES!?!"

    Another pet, a female plushie Kougra, nodded to the Uni. "Yes, I believe it is!"

    The third pet, a female island Lupe, walked over to where Mystic was standing. "Mystic, have you gone bankrupt or have you just gone loco in your coco?"

    Mystic sighed. "Yes, I am broke, poor even."

    The Uni fainted and the Kougra got pale in the face. "Well, if that's the case then," the Lupe snapped her fingers and the Kougra came running up with a clipboard, "you're officially a geek, nerd, peasant, or to sum it up, in the lower class." Lightning struck and the sky got black, but then it cleared up again.

    The three pets walked away, gossiping about what had recently happened. Tears swelled up in Mystic's eyes and she ran into Neopian Park. "Mystic, wait!" called Sunshine She picked up the bags and ran after her friend.

    She finally found Mystic sitting on a park bench that was in front of a pond, where some Mallards were swimming. Sunshine sat next to her. "Mystic? Are you alright?" Mystic was crying like there was no tomorrow. "I hate my stupid life!! I wished I had never been born!! I wish I still lived in my castle in Merridell, have butlers, expensive merchandise, and-"

    She was cut off by Sunshine "Mystic, you can be perfectly happy and not have all of those luxuries! Look at me; I'm as happy as a clam! I don't need fancy expensive stuff, because I have an owner that truly loves me for who I am! Why? Because-"

    This time Mystic cut her off. "Why? I'll tell you why you're happy! Because you've lived this way for your whole life! Me? I have to adjust to the lower class style!"

    Sunshine pondered a minute before responding to Mystic's exclamation. "Well, I'll just have to show you that being poor can be fun!" Mystic dried her eyes. "Humph. I'd rather eat bugs than do that but, I'll give it a try."

    "Great! Oh, and that hyperbole you just said? Well, it reminded me of something very important that we have to do."


    "We have to sign up for school, silly!" In all the events that had been happening, the two Gelerts had forgotten completely that Summer Vacation was almost over and it was soon time to go back to school.

    Not a minute later, they had arrived at the school store. "Hello Professor Tehciio! My friend and I would like to sign up for school again and get our school supply lists!" Professor Tehciio was a retired professor and was now in charge of the school shop.

    "Oh, yes, certainly! Right this way!" He led the two girls into a back room of the store, where a desk was sitting. There was a piece of paper lying on top of the desk.

    "What is this thing?" Mystic asked, pointing at the paper.

    "This, my friend, is the sign up sheet for Neoschool!" Prof. Tehciio announced, holding up the paper so the two could see it.

    "Oh boy! I can't wait for school to start up again!" Sunshine giggled. She took a pen from the other side of the desk and began to put her name down in a neat cursive.

    Professor Tehciio smiled at the enthusiastic yellow Gelert as he reached for a grocery sack that was hidden behind the counter in the store. "Here are the school uniforms for this year Miss Sunshine!" He dropped the bag into Sunshine's furry yellow paws.

    Sunshine thanked the Professor and turned her head around to face her friend. "Well, aren't you going to sign up?" she asked politely.

    Mystic glared at her. "Do I have to? I mean, when I was rich, I used to be home-schooled by only the finest professors," she boasted. "Ashley would always buy me the most expensive books on the market for me to read. I was going for the Book Award. I'm afraid that if I go to public school, my intelligence might decrease."

    Professor Tehciio put a hand on Mystic's shoulder. "Mystic, you're intelligence can't decrease as long as you go to school. I think you'll like it. Why not give it a try?"

    Mystic sighed and rolled her eyes. "Oh alright, I'll give it a try." Using the blue pen, she signed her name in the best possible cursive she had.

    The sun was setting, making a beautiful sunset as the Gelerts were walking back home. "Hey before we go home, how about we look at our uniforms?" Sunshine asked hopefully.

    "Alright, I guess it wouldn't hurt." Mystic sat on a bench and opened up the bag just as Sunshine was, too. Sunshine let out a squeal of delight as she held the clothes up in front of her. "Oh Mystic! These are probably the best uniforms I've ever gotten! And look-one-hundred percent cotton!"

    Mystic felt the clothes in her paws. "Wow, they're really soft. The colour isn't so bad either!" The uniforms were great-looking. The clean white shirt had a cute little collar and a pocket, perfect for putting pens in; the long navy blue skirt was very comfortable; and the outfit even came with a cute little navy blue beret, which made the outfit for the females look positively adorable. They smiled, tucked the clothes safely in the bag, and made their way back home.

    Mystic waved goodbye to Sunshine as she headed into the rickety house. She pushed aside the door and stepped in the living room. "Ashley, I'm home!" she called out. The cloud Gelert dropped the bag on the bed in her bedroom and walked into the kitchen to talk to her owner. Mystic was astonished to see a bunch of school supplies scattered around the kitchen table. She turned her head to face her brown haired owner, who was sitting at the table and eating a piece of omelette. "Where did we get the money to buy all of this?" Mystic whispered as she touched the new books and supplies.

    Ashley leaned back in her chair. "Well, Melody told me that you two would most likely be signing up for school today. After she had told me that, I went over to Mystery Island to play Tombola. I was thrilled to find that I had won two codestones! After I had sold them in our shop for about five thousand Neopoints each, I headed off to the School Store where I bought you everything you needed for school!" Mystic glanced down at the supplies again. I can't believe she spent money on me! thought Mystic; We're so poor at this stage; she should've saved that money.

    She thanked Ashley and headed off towards her bedroom with her new stuff. Diamond slept peacefully on the bed of old towels that Mystic made. Mystic slipped under the slender bedspread on her bed. She turned off the light and within a few minutes, she was sound asleep.

To be continued…

Previous Episodes

Gelert's Pride: Part One

Gelert's Pride: Part Two

Gelert's Pride: Part Four

Gelert's Pride: Part Five

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