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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 21st day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 129 > Continuing Series > Loop's Search: Part Three

Loop's Search: Part Three

by moonstar_cutie67

"Loop," Boye began nervously, looking at her brother like he had lost his mind.

     "No!" Loop cried. "No! I was going to my room to investigate my room again and then I heard two Chia policemen talking about my book! And they said it themselves! They said the beast was to awaken, but they were going to try to catch the villain first so they weren't going to tell Neopia! Please Boye! Please tell me you believe me! You're the only one I can tell this to because Caroline wouldn't understand and Kimmi is too young and…" His voice trailed off as he looked at his sister with his big, brown eyes. "Please Boye," he whispered. "Please say you believe me."

     Boye hesitated. You could see she was squirmy with the whole situation. "Okay," she said finally. "I believe you. But I only do because I know you wouldn't tell me that old lady was right, even if it was a joke, unless it was true."

     "Thank you!" Loop said, throwing his arms limberly around Boye's neck and hugging her closely. "Oh Boye, you have no idea what this means to me! You believe me!" Boye laughed and hugged Loop back. But then Loop frowned. "But what are we going to do? You know we can't tell anyone."

     Boye's lips turned slightly downward in a frown. "Yes…" she murmured, thinking of what they could do. "But we could always track this culprit down and put the beast to rest by demolishing it from Neopia!" Eyeing her surroundings, Boye went on. "Think about it. You're smart and I'm strong. Together, we can do this! What do you think?"

     "I'm in," Loop said without hesitation. Boye looked at him, surprised. "But the thing is, I really want to do this. I don't want everybody getting hurt. So I'm in."

     He smiled warmly at his sister and Boye nodded her head. "Okay," she whispered in a low tone. "I'm going to get our emergency backpacks. You go get the map of Neopia and my Battledome weapons and a say… thirty-five thousand Neopoints from Caroline's office. Got it?" Loop nodded his head. Emergency backpacks were specially being able to be bought at the food shop. If there was ever an emergency where people had to live on little food and water, these backpacks were packed with all the supplies you needed. Quickly, the two pets separated to do their tasks.

     Ten minutes later, Boye and Loop met up behind the big oak tree in the backyard. Boye peered into the house and saw no Chia policemen in sight. "Okay," she instructed. "We have our backpacks, our map, our Neopoints and our Battledome weapons. I'm keeping my slingshot at my belt and you keep the lost desert dagger for now. Let's move." Loop nodded his head and he began to move toward the fence. Boye hoisted him up and soon, they were walking in the dark alley behind the houses.

     "Wow, I never remember it being this dark…" Loop murmured as a fence creaked from the wind.

     "That's because the sun is setting," Boye said, a little worried. "We should get going a little quicker. We have to find shelter for the night and we have to make sure we get as far as possible from home. There are too many Chia policemen that can easily get here quickly."

     By the time they reached the market place, it was completely deserted. All the doors had signs hanging on them which read 'Sorry, closed'. They lurked in the shadows, the moon being their light.

     "Look here," Boye whispered, pointing to a shelter. They were now in a clearing in the woods. It seemed like an abandoned campsite. A rock fireplace sat in the center, the ashes covering the once hot coals. There was a yellow spot in the grass, which made even more sense that a tent was pitched up there. "Let's unroll our sleeping bags."

     "Boye, will you stop giving orders?" Loop complained, gingerly letting the backpack fall off his matted fur. "I'm tired and I've pretty much had it with you bossing me around." Boye looked at him with raised eyebrows. Just as she was about to reply, a sad howl filled the crisp night air. They froze. Wild Lupes were nearby. "On second thought…" Loop muttered, fishing out the small tent. He propped it up near the fire and unrolled the small sleeping bags they brought along.

     "You're right," Boye said, sighing and crawling into the tent as Loop constructed a blazing fire. "We shouldn't boss each other about. We're on a mission; to track this culprit down. So where do you want to start?" She turned to Loop, who was munching on a piece of turkey.

     "Well," Loop began slowly. "We don't want to cast a lot of attention yet. So we'd better not go near the market place or the square. I was thinking maybe Thieves Alley?"

     Boye looked at him with wide eyes. Thieves Alley was an alley that was located behind the market place. It was like a black market; the things these thieves stole from people and places, they sold at Thieves Alley. And this was all fine because nobody really went in there unless they were planning to buy something. "I mean," Loop went on quickly, seeing the concern in his sister's face. "If I were a thief, I would go there. Wouldn't you? And besides, if we fake as thieves than we might be able to find some information about some other thieving network or something, right?"

     Boye looked at him and shrugged, accepting his idea. "I suppose," she said quietly, taking a piece of turkey out for herself. As they ate in silence, rueful cries of the wild Lupes filled the air. The fire cackled happily as night overtook the forest. When they were done, Boye laid down onto her sleeping bag. "Let's bunk down for the night," she said with a yawn.

     "Wait, I want to take a look at my book for a minute," Loop murmured, fingering through the items he brought along for the long journey. He finally pulled out the slip of paper which he tore from the blank book. He placed the paper underneath the light of the fire and examined it closely. Suddenly, it all came clear to him. Under the light, he could make out the whole letter.

     It said… : Dear Helen,

     We cannot be together anymore. I've taken the life of a thief; of a waker of the beast. This job doesn't pay money, but it does pay respect and honor. This job is highly important; please accept this for me. I love you dearly, yet somehow, this needs to fit into my life.

     Every couple of years after the beast falls back to sleep, I reawake it by sprinkling magic powder over the hole and flee quickly, for the power of it is very strong. Please understand Helen. You will never leave my heart. You are the only one to know about this and no one else. Also, you are granted the power to keep this forever in your mind. Your mind will never be erased when these horrors happen. You and I are only granted these gifts.


     Loop looked up from the letter, shocked. Now he knew how to awaken the beast! But who was this Helen woman? He frowned, puzzled, his mind racing. But then he remembered. Somebody drifted it back to sleep, but once it slept again, the trouble and horror was erased from everybody's mind. Everybody's mind but mine of course. He gasped at his sudden knowledge. Helen was that old woman who owned the magic shop!

     "Of course!" Loop exclaimed excitedly. Boye, obviously not asleep, looked up at Loop, confused. "Boye, there's a sudden change in plans! We're going to that old lady's magic shop!"

     "The one we went to yesterday?" Boye asked.

     Loop nodded breathlessly. "Tomorrow morning, we leave on our mission."


"Out of business?" Loop asked with horror as he gazed up on Helen's shop door. "What does this silly sign mean?! She just got a shipment yesterday and she had real valuable things!" He stomped down the crumbling steps and marched into the next shop. "Excuse me, but do you know why Helen's shop went out of business?" he demanded.

     The owner shook her head. "Nope. But I heard that after some pet stole some book of hers from the backroom, she went berserk and drove herself outta business. Gave all her rubbish to the giving tree and fled like heck. Don't know where she went though."

     Loop sighed nervously. So after she realized he had stolen the book, she fled because she knew the beast was going to awaken again. He mumbled thanks to the owner and walked out of the shop numbly.

     "So?" Boye asked eagerly as Loop faced her.

     "She fled Neopia after she found out I stole her book," Loop said miserably. He kicked a stone angrily. "And it's all my fault! If only I hadn't taken the stupid book, none of this would've ever happened and we wouldn't be on this dumb mission!"

     "It's not your fault," Boye said softly. "Curiosity gets to everyone. Let's go to the Thieves Alley and see if they have any information. Here." She handed him a black wool hat with holes poked out for his ears. "Put that on before we enter the alley; it makes us look like thieves."

     Loop nodded unsurely. Thieves Alley wasn't too far from the market place. They looped around two corners and came to a cobblestone archway and wall which matched the road. A sign scribbled in messy black writing was stuck to the wall; as always, it read Do Not Enter.

     Loop pulled on his hat hastily, Boye doing the same. Then, taking a deep breath, he led them both into the dark alley.

     Carts were stuck on both sides of the alley. Scary and weird looking thieves advertised their goods and stolen artifacts loudly, trying to catch attention to the buyers. Loop walked on until he came to a normal looking thief. He cleared his throat and the ixi looked at him suspiciously. "Yeah?" she asked him.

     "I'm Bert and this is my friend, Kate. We're thieves. We were wondering where the nearest thief town is. You see, we're new to these parts of Neopia. Could you guide us there or tell us directions?"

     She looked at Loop, surprised at his little question. "Well go down to the end of market place until you come to Kiln Forest. Go down a little ways until you come to a patch of clearing and a tree stump is in the middle. Go to the stump and sprinkle some of this over the top. The stump'll pop open and you slide down the hole. Just ask one of the thieves and they'll tell ya how to get out after you're through. Tell them Silvia told you where to go," she winked and began to rummage through the goods hidden from view on her cart. "Here." She handed Loop a small sack of green crystals that were crunched into a small powder. "That's the thing you'll need to sprinkle over the stump. Got it?" she asked him, confirming their question.

     "Yeah," Loop said, nodding. He took the sack and slipped it into his backpack. "Thanks," he added hastily.

     "No prob," Silvia answered with a smile. "Thieves stick together and help each other out. Oh yeah, and if ya ever need stolen jewels, I'm the ixi to get them from." She chuckled lightly and Loop laughed along nervously. Boye nodded and they waved goodbye to Silvia and headed for Kiln Forest.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Loop’s Search : Part One

Loop's Search: Part Two

Loop's Search: Part Four

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