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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 6 > Articles > Be the Employee of the Month

Be the Employee of the Month

by ckybl

Wondered why you just can't get any profit out of the Employment Agency? Try these steps and be on the path to Success (that includes lotsa NPs).

The Employment Agency has been my primary NP-maker for most of my time in NeoPets and I've earned lots of NP from it. However, I've noticed that many of my friends just can't seem to make even the tiniest profit out of it, so here are some tips that might help them and perhaps you in working out there.

The Basics:
There are a few basic principles in successfully working in the Employment Agency. These are:

1. Have a capital of at least 2000 NP. You can do that by playing on the Stock Market or playing Super-Bullseye.

2. Never take jobs which are below the 4-digit level (i.e. below 1000 NP). More often than not, these are the jobs which make you lose cash.

3. Never take jobs which require you to search for more than 4 items unless you're 110% confident of profit from the job. This is because if you underestimated the price of the items, it is easier to refresh and find the cheaper shops and thus cut down your losses.

4. Unless your connection is a very good one (T1+), don't try taking jobs that want you to finish it in 10 minutes or less.

5. Last but not least, don't try looking for job coupons. They will only give you a major loss when you use them. Concentrate on the Basic Jobs instead.

With these basic principles in mind, your first few jobs in the Agency will give you a respectable amount of profit. However, there are some items which are ludicrously overpriced to make any profit out of it. Beware of these particular jobs. Go. Try a few trial jobs on your own to see which jobs are good and which isn't.

Done it yet? Good.

Now that you've tried a few jobs, let's go into the finer points of working in the Employment Agency.

The Finer Points:
1. If you work in the employment agency enough, you'll notice that there are some "hot items" that the Agency almost always wants. Frequently check the Shop Wizard for the prices of these things. An example of these "hot items" are books like "Papyrus Making" and "Techo Says - The Book".

2. Avoid jobs involving Chocolates because for some reason, Chocolates seem too expensive to make even a tiny profit out of it.

3. Try to complete the job as fast as possible. If you finish the job in less than 1/3 of the time required, you'll receive a bonus ranging from a measly 3% of the base payment up to a 75% bonus. I'm not sure whether the time to the bonus limit affects this though.

4. Jobs actually refresh every 10 minutes instead of the stated 5. Experiment to see what minute these jobs refresh and refresh your browser at that minute. You need to do this because jobs (especially good ones) run out VERY fast!

5. Explore the shops in Neopia Central if you have enough speed on your connection (128k will do for this) to do so while on a job. Who knows, you might get a good deal for an item.

6. Final tip that I will impart to you is one of THE tips to be a successful worker in the Employment Agency. The "Refresh" button. That is you best friend when looking for good deals in the Shop Wizard.

Those are some of the tips that can bring you to a relatively good level on the Employment Agency. I hope you all get something from it. There is a final tip I would like to give before I sign off. That is to gain EXPERIENCE. With enough experience, you'll be one of those successful fat cats up on the top 25 ladder. If you have any questions, feel free to Neomail me.

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