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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 6 > Articles > Kacheeks and Poogles: A Fork In the Evolution Road or Just a Coincidence?

Kacheeks and Poogles: A Fork In the Evolution Road or Just a Coincidence?

by Armadi

Have you ever noticed that if you put and Kacheek and a Poogle back-to-back they're pretty much the same height? OK that's not good evidence so here the real stuff.

Have you ever noticed how a Poogle and a Kacheek look similar? They both have a very cute face, a small body with little legs and paws. Here's the question: Are these two NeoPet species distantly related or maybe they evolve from an ancient NeoPet?

I decided to ask my NeoPet, Calander the Techo, his thoughts on this subject.

Armadi:, may I call you Cal ?

Calander: Call me whatever if you like.

Armadi: OK, Whatever, do you think the Poogles and the Kacheeks are related?

Calander: Yes and no. Yes, they do have a strong resemblance to each other in physical appearance, but the Poogle is more dangerous than the tender, cute Kacheek.

Armadi: Is it because the Poogle has the sharp teeth?

Calander: Oh yeah! I fought a Poogle before and those teeth could hurt even the strongest Grarrl's hide. They're much more made for the wild then a Kacheek could ever be.

Armadi: Do you find the Kacheek to be a threat?

Calander: No way. Kacheeks are too sweet and peaceful to try to be a threat. They're more made to be a pet.

Armadi: So if you were against a Kacheek or a Poogle which would you be scared of?

Calander: Poogle hands down, dude.

Too many NeoPets think the Poogle would be the more tougher species. Could it be because of an evolution change?

Like mainly NeoPets of today they evolved from their Tyrannian ancestors. Look at the Shoyru for example. They used to be fierce looking dragons, the same with the Buzz, Moehog, Lupe, even Chia. Yes some never truly evolved like the Skeith and Grarrl.

I believe that the "Kacheek" ancestor is really both ancestor to the Kacheek AND Poogle. At one point of evolution the Kacheek/Poogle split. One lived in a more harsher life, let's say Terror Mountain, so to defend itself it went to running on all fours for speed, having shorter tails so it can't be noticed as easily, and having sharp teeth to scare off predators like Lupes (hey, if wild Lupes couldn't catch a Chia other small NeoPets would work), Grarrls, and Skeiths. That species became what's known as the Poogle of today.

The other one lived in a more peaceful, calm habitat with very little predators. It became more laid back and loved all that nature had to offer. They lost all natural weapons making them defenseless. These became the species now know as the Kacheek.

Both species have their pros and cons so neither can truly be consider more evolved than the other. In the end Kacheek and Poogles are very much related, so much that they can be considered cousins... distant cousins.

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