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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 9 > Articles > What Kind of Owner Are You?

What Kind of Owner Are You?

by mysticalwarrior133

I started NeoPets in December 2000 and I have made a great deal of Neopoints since starting. I remember starting out and spending my NP on anything and everything I could afford whilst browsing the shops of Neopia. After about a month my account was hacked and I spent several days trying to get it back. When I finally did get my password from the NeoPets Staff and back into my account I had nothing left except for about 50 NP and a few items worth about 100 NP in total. However I still had my pets and I surfed the site collecting codestones and other items from random events and NP from various games. Soon I became obsessed with making NP and I gradually began to think less and less of playing with my pets and more and more about having a huge bank account…

Lately though I been thinking about my approach and trying to play with my pets and enjoy myself. Who wants to have all the hidden tower items when I have two of the nicest pets in Neopia? Why do I need to be able to upgrade my bank account to a Mega-Riches one when a Diamond-Platinum is just fine? I'm not saying that gaining NP isn't important just that it shouldn't rule your Neopian life.

This quiz is to determine what kind of NeoPet owner you are; whether you're a moneymaking maniac or a perfect pet-pamperer:

1. In a random event your pet asks for an item that will cost about ¾ of your total NP. Do you:
a. Buy it, you can always make up for it later and it will make your pet happy
b. Ignore your pet, they can do without the item.
c. Feel bad because you don't want to spend that amount of money and then forget about it and carry on with what you were doing.
d. Feel bad because you don't want to spend that amount of money and buy something cheaper for them instead?

2. What is the part of NeoPets you spend the most time on:
a. Playing with your pet and buying stuff for your pet.
b. Making money.
c. Playing games to make money.
d. Playing games with your pets to make them happy and to make more NP?

3. Which of these lines are most familiar?
a. Error, you do not have enough NP to buy this item.
b. This means that you will get ___ NP interest per day.
c. "Please can you play hide and seek with one of the other pets now?"
d. "You really are the greatest."

4. If you could have just one item what would it be:
a. An item that's worth enough so when it's sold it can afford you another few toys and books that you can squeeze in somewhere.
b. The most expensive hidden tower item that can be sold for millions of NP!
c. The most expensive hidden tower item that can be sold for millions of NP which means that you will never have to play any games again.
d. A Faerie paintbrush which you can sell to buy plenty of toys and books and still stash away about 100,000 for a rainy day?

5. What or where do your pets usually dine (on):
a. The most expensive items I can currently afford.
b. I just take them to the Healing Springs and hope, food costs too much and would set my bank account back.
c. The Healing Springs and free Omelettes.
d. Organic fruit and vegetables, occasionally sweets and candy but I always brush their teeth afterwards.

Count up you're answers and read the section that relates to you. (Cheat and you cheat yourself only.)

Mostly a
Although it seems you pamper your pets well you may need to think about their long term future. The NP you may have earned from random events and items will not always hold out and you need to start saving soon or you will be forced to sell all your pets toys and grooming items. Budgeting is a good way to save NP and there are plenty of previous articles in The Neopian Times about it.

Mostly b
I wonder if you would even notice if your pets snuck off to the adoption centre. I'll bet they are in need of some serious attention and care. You seem to be letting your bank account rule your Neopian life and you are just ignoring your pets. Maybe you should rethink how you treat them.

Mostly c
Even though you spend quite a lot of time making NP you also care about your pets and try to do what's best for them. Buying them a treat every so often is nice and doesn't break the bank account. Keep up the good work and perhaps spend a bit more time with your pets.

Mostly d
If I was a NeoPet I'd like to be yours; you look after them carefully; you mange your NP sensibly and you buy them treats every so often. You are about as perfect as an owner can get and you're even more perfect if you spend your spare time on NeoPets helping others and donating things you don't need. If not why not try it? Others could benefit lots from your help.

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