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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 9 > Front Page

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

The Time Has Come For the Witching Hour

Edna the Witch and Halloween go together like broomsticks and black cats, but Edna and the Battledome? Sources close to the witch say she's had it up to here with Neopians not helping her find her ingredients. But, since she's doing most of her own work these days, she'll only leave her tower to fight during the witching hour. Hopefully she won't turn your pet into a Greeble.

Don't Go in the Water

Forty thousand Jetsams have been released in Neopia. All those that are vacationing at both Mystery and Krawk island should keep an eye out when in the water. For the rest of you, well, why not adopt one today?

The Neo-Market Report

Joining Neil and Maria today will be Halibert the Chia, National SpokesChia for The Confederation of Fish Lovers. Halibert will be here to discuss the ecological effects of Maraqua

Mummy, I Stepped in a Puddle!

PetPets all across Neopia have been plunging into little puddles all over Neopia and getting wet for no reason, but what they don't know is that there's only one puddle that counts--The PetPet Puddle. This special puddle is right next to the Rainbow Pool and only works on PetPets.

Guild Spotlight
For entries into guild spotlight:

Underdogs Of Neopia - Not winning any games? Low on Neopoints? Battledome got you down? Healing Springs not healing your pets? Feel like an underdog? Join up and fight for your Neopian rights. Never give up hope.

Guild of Neopian Wonders - Neopia is filled with countless wonders waiting to be discovered. And what a way to discover them--with your friends! The Guild of Neopian Wonders is close-knit, small, and very active. They are waiting for you to join up today.

The Plushie Paradise - If you collect, sell, or just simply love Plushies, then this guild is the place to be. If your Skeith eats Plushies... erm, that's okay too. You just have to say Plushie with a smile. We bet you can't say it without doing so. Try it!

Good-looking Pets Only
This week's issue is brought to you by: The Beauty Contest

Submit your stories, articles, and comics using the new submission form.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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Great stories!

Random Events - Increasing Your Chances
The only thing you need to know is where you can get random events.

by tempus2000

When Sloth Attacks!
There, in the chair by the controls, sat Dr. Sloth himself.

by kewlgrrl2001

Eight Things Your NeoPet Will Never Do
Your NeoPet will never say, "Maybe I should read you a few books to help you get smart."

by krazcat47

Meeting Mr. Lupe
So it was final, they were staying, and I would have the family I've always wanted.

by daddysgirl200636

Elemental Distortions II: Part Two
Outside, Viator took a quick look around, for anyone she might know...

by selphie_tilmitt

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