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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 30th day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 10 > Articles > The Importance of Proper Grooming

The Importance of Proper Grooming

by un1c0rn_luvr

Yes, you see your pet everyday, feed it, play with it, and take it for granted that it's happy. But what about grooming?

What about grooming?! If you notice when you come to play with it that its fur is a little ragtag, or that its teeth practically scream: "SCUMMY!" Then this guide is for you.

Tooth Care: This is a subject that people often overlook. My pets each have their own toothbrush (Yellow for my Buzz, Pink for my Zafara, Blue for my Kiko, and Green for my Moehog). Everyday, I start with some Dental Floss, followed by Toothpaste, and then the toothbrushes, followed by the last, but not least, item: Mouthwash!

Sound a bit much? Yes, but when I look at my Quickref screen, and find my pets have happiness levels of: extremely happy, joyful, delighted!, extremely happy, well... that makes me feel happy!

Regular Grooming (the brushes): First, I'd like to classify which pets need the short or longhair brush.

Short-haired Pets
Nimmo (these pets have amphibian-like skin, so I am guessing they'd prefer the soft bristles of the Blue Short Hair Brush), Scorchio, Grarrl (same as Nimmo), Skeith (same as Nimmo), Korbat, Bruce, Kiko (same as Nimmo), Kau, Aisha, Chia (even though they have that bushy hair, they mostly have short hair), Tuskaninny, Flotsam (same as Nimmo), Jetsam (same as Nimmo), Kacheek, Buzz, Lupe, Elephante, Gelert, Mynci, Peophin (same as Nimmo), Quiggle (same as Nimmo), Shoyru, Acara, Blumaroo, Techo (same as Nimmo), Poogle, Grundo, Koi (same as Nimmo), Meerca, Chomby (same as Nimmo), Pteri.

Long-haired Pets
Jubjub, Lenny, Wocky, Usul, Eyrie, Uni, Kyrii, Zafara, Moehog (just look at that hairdo), Cybunny, Kougra

Amount of Brushing: Try to brush your pets at least once a day.

Mirrors: Which pet doesn't like to preen in front of the mirror? The Glamour Negg, I believe, when used, lowers your pet's intelligence, but gives you a special mirror.

Eyeshadow: Eyeshadow works perfect for your slightly vain pet, I would not recommend its use on boys. Even my girls bare there teeth at it (sometimes).

Lipstick: Same as the Eyeshadow, it's not for everyone.

Hair Gel: It's not hair, and it's not gel. Hmmm... maybe Mister Shankly knows more about this.

Hand Soap: Good NeoPets should always wash their hands before they eat.

Towel: Dries off hair quite well. Useful after a long visit to the Healing Springs.

Specialty Items: This is the stuff that is classified for a species, like the Peophin Mane Brush.

Well, that's about the extent of my knowledge on grooming. I hope you like this guide and go out and buy some Grooming products for that pet of yours that has Raspberry Milkshake stains all down its front. Bye!

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