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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 22nd day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 10 > Articles > Gotta Make a Big Impression

Gotta Make a Big Impression

by krazcat47

Everyone wants to make a good impression on other people, and first impressions mean a lot. In NeoPets, your profile is your way to make that first impression on other Neopians and their pets. But how do you make a good impression on people?

First, brainstorm a topic that expresses your mood or an interest of yours. This could be anything, but this is going to be the theme you carry through your profile. For instance, you could pick faeries, fire, snow, Terror Mountain, skateboarding, or Poogles.

Now, go to your Edit My Profile Page. This is where you change your name, interests, everything. Work on the name first. If your topic was snow, your name could be “Icy Blizzard”. This should relate to your topic, and just pick something that fits you. If you’re not a very hostile person, or you’re very low key, your name could be “Snow Flurry”. Just be yourself. That’s the point, isn’t it?

Now, your country. Pick a country that has something to do with your theme and is, frankly, cool. Or just pick a country with a cool-sounding name. If you have a thing for Yemen, like me, then put “Yemen”. If you want to stick to your topic of snow, then pick Antarctica or Russia, or someplace that gets a LOT of snow.

Then, turn to the name of your NeoDeck. This should stick to your theme, even if the cards don’t. There are two ways to do this, a “The NeoDeck” title, or a “Contents” title. With a “The NeoDeck” title, you just give it a name, like “The Roaring Blizzard NeoDeck”. You could chop off the “the” and the “NeoDeck” if you wanted. Or, you can pick a “Contents” title. This, I think, is more fun. For a snow theme, still, you could put, “Contents: 1 roaring blizzard, freezing temperatures”. Just have fun with it.

Pick a gender, since with a name that isn’t yours, things get very confusing, and my mind sometimes can’t handle it. Its annoying calling everybody “hey, you!”.

Now, interests. Just pick something. You could pick 0, 1, 2, or 3. I suggest 2 or 3 different things you are interested in or like. Your favourite music, your favourite subject, you favourite sport, or just something random. Here is where you give people a quick glimpse of you.

Finally, the About Me. This goes at the top, right under your name, and this is perhaps THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF ALL. This gives people important information about you. Not your phone number, but things that matter, things you hate, things you love, and things that rock your world. Things like: I LOVE MISTER SHANKLY. YOU SHOULD TOO.

Sometimes people write what they look like, but online, your appearance doesn’t matter. Tell people what you are involved in, like, if you’re in school, after school activities. All of them. Saying your age or grade is good, but not necessary, and if you’re a minor, your parental units should know. Just be you, and dump it in to one paragraph. Short, sweet, simple, and don’t try putting things on to the next line. It doesn’t work.

That was long. Oh well, go and start updating!

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