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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 20th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 10 > Short Stories > The Shoyru Heroes

The Shoyru Heroes

by Skull_kid2000

One bright sunny day a small desert Shoyru awoke. His name was Neowinger. He got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. There was his little brother Cjorio, the fire Shoyru on the ground, in fear staring at the mirror. When Neowinger took a look he almost screamed! There in the mirror instead of his reflection he saw the mystical Dragon that was rumoured to live around Mystery Island.

"Hello young Shoyru," said the dragon. "I am the Eternal Dragon. I come with a message for you two."

"Well them what is it?" asked Neowinger with the sound of fear in his voice.

"Don't be afraid," said the dragon, "Neopia needs your help."

"What do you mean?" asked Cjorio.

"Sloth is here," said the dragon, "You two are the only ones who can stop him. Because you saw me at Mystery Island you have become Neopia's Destine Heroes."

"Cool, I guess," said Neowinger, "But we don't have the strength to beat Sloth! Cjorio here hasn't even competed in the Battledome!"

"You do now," said the dragon. Suddenly Neowinger and Cjorio felt energy flooding in them.

"This is my gift to you. I have created these abilities to suit you perfectly. Neowinger your attack is Magical Staff. Cjorio your attack is Dragon Fire. With this... I leave you. You must save Neopia, and the universe!" With that the dragon disappeared.

Neowinger looked at Cjorio and said, "Let's try our new attacks!" Neowinger took the staff that had come with his paint job and shouted, "MAGICAL STAFF!" Suddenly a lightning bolt shot from the staff and flew out the window.

"Cool," said Cjorio, "But now it's my turn. DRAGON FIRE!" Suddenly a cloud of flames appeared and shot past Neowinger. "Now let's go save Neopia!"


A week later Neowinger and Cjorio where looking for Sloth when they found a sign. It read, "Moca is missing! Please find her!" It had a picture of a Aisha on the front.

"Maybe we can look for her after we beat Sloth!" said Cjorio.

"Ya," said Neowinger.

They continued on their journey but didn't find a single thing that would lead them to Sloth. Until one afternoon Neowinger came across a a small piece of metal that had Sloth's logo all over it.

"He's quite the egomaniac, isn't he?" Neowinger asked.

"You're right, he is," said Cjorio leaning on a rock.

Suddenly the rock he was leaning on disappeared and Cjorio fell into a hole. Neowinger followed him in. When they landed they were inside a deep and really dark cave. Suddenly a light came on and they heard a voice.

"I have been waiting for you," it said. It was Sloth. Cjorio yelled at the top of his lungs. Behind Sloth, Neowinger could make out the figure of an Aisha.

"That's Moca!" he yelled.

"Yes," said Sloth, " I was keeping her here to do experiments on and now I have three subjects!

"Think again!" said Neowinger, "MAGICAL STAFF!"

"DRAGON FIRE!" Shouted Cjorio. The 2 attacks went straight at Sloth and hit him in the stomach. He went flying to the other side of the room. Then he pulled out an ice gun and pointed it right at Moca.

"Say good-bye small fry!" He yelled and he shot the gun right at her.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Yelled Neowinger as he jumped right in front of the blast. ZZZZAAAAPPPP!!!!! Neowinger fell to the ground.

"Neowinger!" shouted Cjorio, as he rushed to his brother's side. Moca also came down to see if Neowinger was all right. Moca started to cry but Cjorio just wouldn't give up.

"Come on big bro get up!" he said. Sloth was coming closer and closer and soon would destroy them all!

"Where am I?" said Neowinger as he woke up. He could not see Cjorio or Moca anywhere. He was in a dark and black dimension.

"Neowinger," said a voice. Neowinger spun around and there was the Eternal Dragon.

"Your friends need you," he said, "take this mystical stone, and use it well!" he said before disappearing.

Neowinger awoke. Cjorio and Moca were at his side. He jumped up into the air and said to Sloth, "You may destroy the world, you may destroy the universe, but there is one thing you can never destroy! You will never destroy courage!"

"MYSTICAL STONE POWER-UP!" he yelled. Suddenly his body began to grow and change. He had turned into a Tyrannian Shoyru! He felt more powerful than ever!

"Sloth, I will stop your reign of terror!" he shouted. Neowinger's head had turned into a dragon's head.

"ELEMENTAL FLAME!" he shouted. Suddenly purple flames shot out of the dragon's head and went right to Sloth.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!" he shouted and then he was destroyed. Then a bright light surrounded all of the fighters and they were taken outside. There Neowinger changed back to a desert Shoyru and told them what had happened. After they took Moca home Neowinger and Cjorio were walking when they heard a voice.

"You may keep those attacks. And Neowinger, whenever you must, use the stone to morph again." When they looked up they saw the Eternal Dragon. The dragon smiled, and then disappeared.

When they got home they told their owner all about their adventure.

"Now we'll kick butt in the Battledome!" said Neowinger.

The End

Author's note: Neowinger's real name is Neowinger37, Moca's real name is Moca1233, and Cjorio doesn't really exist.

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